SAP Tables | Personnel Management SAP PA

SAP PA Tables - Personnel Management

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SAP Personnel Management Tables PA

HREXPPI_EXPORT_VALUES - Qualification Export for Expert Finder - Transfer Values
HREXPPI_QEXPORT - Qualification Export - Structure for Expert Finder
HRI5032 - Qualification Export for Expert Finder
HRP5032 - Database Table for Infotype 5032
ODFIN_MAP_BUKRS - Key Mapping Company - Company Code
ODFIN_MAP_KOSTL - Key Mapping Cost Center - Cost Center
P0562 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0562
P0563 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0563
P0564 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0564
P0575 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0575

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SAP HR Administrative Services Tables PA-AS

ASRCHKF03 - Administrative Services: File Name of Last Check Out
ASRCHKO03 - ASR: Check-Out Data for Physical Information Object
ASRCONT03 - HR - ASR: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
ASRIDXST03 - ASR: Status Table for Indexing Documents
ASRLOIOT03 - Container HR Admin: Inbound Relations of Logical InfoObjects
ASRLOPR03 - Container HR Admin: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects
ASRLORE03 - Container HR Admin: Attribute Values of Logical Info.Objects
ASRLORI03 - Container HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info. Objects
ASRPHF03 - ASR: Files of Physical Information Objects
ASRPHHR03 - ASR: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects
View all SAP HR Administrative Services PA Tables

SAP Benefits Tables PA-BN

BAPIBENCRQ - Benefits - Simultaneous Plans
BAPIBENDBF - Benefits Beneficiaries (for Display)
BAPIBENDDP - Benefits Dependents (for Display)
BAPIBENDIV - Benefits Investments (for Display)
BAPIBENEVT - Benefits: Adjustment Reasons
BAPIBENOBF - Benefits Beneficiaries (for Offer)
BAPIBENODP - Benefits Dependents (for Offer)
BAPIBENOIV - Benefits Investments (for Offer)
BAPIBENPAR - Parameter Structure for Benefits BAPIs
BAPIBENSBF - Benefits Beneficiaries (for Selection)

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SAP Concurrent Employment Tables PA-CE

PCCES_DATAREF_DATAREF - Data Reference (REF TO DATA) & Data Reference
PCCES_DATAREF_PERIOD - Data Reference (REF TO DATA) to Sorted Periods
PCCES_DATAREF_PERIOD_DATAREF - Data Reference (REF TO DATA) & Periods & Data Reference
PCCES_GPASSIGNMENT_TEXT - Assignment of Grouping Rule to Reason (With Text)
PCCES_GPRSN_ASSIGN - Assignment of Grouping Rule to Grouping Reason
PCCES_GPRSN_MOLGA - Grouping Reason and Country Grouping
PCCES_GPRSN_MOLGA_TEXT - Grouping Reason, Country Grouping and Text
PCCES_GPVAL_PERNR - Grouping Value and Its Personnel Assignments
PCCES_PERIOD_DATAREF - Period & Data Reference (REF TO DATA)
PCCES_PERIOD_DATAREF_DATAREF - Period & Data Reference (REF TO DATA) & Data Reference
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SAP Compensation Management Tables PA-CM

HCMT_BSP_PA_F4_T50X1 - Structure for F4 Help Based on Foreign Key Table T50X1
HCMT_BSP_PA_F4_T71CA - Structure for F4 help based on foreign key table T71CA
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0380 - Single Screen Infotype 0380
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0380_LIN_A - Adjustment Values
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0381 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0382 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0383 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0384 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0395 - IT 0395 (External Org. Assignment)

HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0396 - Detail Screen
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SAP Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation Tables PA-CP

HCP01 - Parameters of Feature "Org. Grouping Cost Object Employee"
HCP02 - Parameters of Feature "Org. Grouping Organizational Objects"
HCP03 - Parameters of Feature "Grouping for Account Determination"
HCP_S_CITEM_BEGDA_ENDDA - Cost Item and Period
HCP_S_DC_CITEMS - Cost Items from Data Collection
HCP_S_DC_CITEMSLOG - Log of Cost Items from Data Collection
HCP_S_DC_ORGINFO - Organizational Data of an Employee (Period-Based)
HCP_S_DC_PAYROLL_DATES - Cluster: Payroll Information: Payroll Periods for Pers. No.
HCP_S_DC_PAYROLL_ITEM - Cluster: Payroll Information: Cost Items for Pers. No.
View all SAP Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation PA Tables

SAP Enterprise Compensation Management Tables PA-EC

ECM_ECA_EMPL_QU - EmployeeCompensationAgreementERPByEmployeeQuery
ECM_ECA_EMPL_RP - EmployeeCompensationAgreementERPByEmployeeResponse
ECM_ECMACMSGRADEA_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementCompensationStructu
ECM_ECMACMSGRADEA_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementCompensationStruct
ECM_ECMADJUSTMNTPLANERP_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAdjustmentPlanERPByEmployee
ECM_ECMADJUSTMNTPLANERP_EE_RSP - Response message for EmployeeCompensationAdjustmentPlanERP
ECM_ECMAEANSALARY_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementEstimatedAnnualSala
ECM_ECMAEANSALARY_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementEstimatedAnnualS
ECM_ECMALTIPLAN_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementLongTermIncentivePl
ECM_ECMALTIPLAN_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementLongTermIncenti
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SAP Employee Interaction Center Tables PA-EIC

CRM_SESSION_DATA - CRM Session Info for Callback
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0816 - Screen Structure for Infotype 0816
HREIC_SSC_S_PROCESS_GROUP - EIC: Process Group Structure
HREIC_S_0001_TEXTS - Texts for Selected Infotype 0001 Fields
HREIC_S_0105_INFO - Employee Fax, E-mail, and Work Phone
HREIC_S_ACTIVITY_ADDED_ATTR - EIC Activity: Additional Attributes
HREIC_S_ACTIVITY_ANALYTIC_ATTR - EIC: Attributes for Cross Analytics
View all SAP Employee Interaction Center PA Tables

SAP E-Recruiting Tables PA-ER

BAPI_ERC_CANDIDATE_DUPLI - Candidate Duplicates
BAPI_ERC_GENERAL - Fields for BAPI Structures
BAPI_ERC_MD_ATT - Attachments for Application (AE)
BAPI_ERC_MD_EXT - External Candidate's Application Data (AE)
BAPI_ERC_MD_INT - Internal Candidate's Application Data (AE)
ERC_SE_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION - AdditionalInformationText_V2
ERC_SE_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
ERC_SE_AMOUNT_INTERVAL - Proxy Structure (generated)
ERC_SE_BINARY_OBJECT - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char
ERC_SE_BSCBSNSDCMT_MSGHDR - Proxy Structure (generated)
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SAP Employee Self-Service Tables PA-ESS

HRCCE_SKL_QUALI_POSITION - QualIfication Position
PMCEQ - Determine the criteria for position visibility on enh skl
HCMT_BSP_PA_DE_R0263 - Single Screen
HRXSS_DE_ATZS - ESS Communication Structure: ATZS Node
HRXSS_DE_ATZS_VC - Total ESS Communication Structure for ESS Scenario ATZS
HRXSS_DE_ATZS_VC_VCDATA - ESS Communication Structure: VCDATA Subnode of ATZS
HRXSS_DE_AWS - ESS Communication Structure: AWS Node
HRXSS_DE_AWS_VC - Total ESS Communication Structure for ESS Scenario AWS
HRXSS_DE_AWS_VC_VCDATA - ESS Communication Structure: VCDATA Subnode of AWS
View all SAP Germany PA Tables

SAP Management of Global Employees Tables PA-GE

HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0702 - UI structure for infotype 0702
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0703 - UI structure for infotype 0703
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0704 - UI structure for infotype 0704
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0705 - UI structure for infotype 0705
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0706 - UI structure for infotype 0706
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0706_LIN_A1 - Table structure for Compensation Package
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0707 - UI structure for infotype 0707
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0707_LIN_A1 - Table strucutre for infotype 0707
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0708 - UI structure for infotype 0708
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0710 - UI structure for infotype 0710
View all SAP Management of Global Employees PA Tables

SAP HR Information Systems Tables PA-IS

CODELINE - Coding Line
HRAHQFIELDSPECIFICATION - Ad Hoc Query: Field Specification
HRAHQTREECONTENT - Ad Hoc Query: Field in Selection Tree
HRAHQ_PERNR_ENAME - Personnel Number and Formatted Name
HRAQ_S_FA_INFTY_SELECTION - IT Selection in HR Functional Area Maintenance (Structure)
HRCCE_HRMS_BIW_PY1 - BW: InfoSource for Payroll Data
HRCCE_HRMS_BW_IO_ORGUNIT - BW: Organizational Unit InfoObject
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SAP HR Manager's Desktop Tables PA-MA

BAPI_HRAQFIELDDESCRIPTION - Description of Fields in HRFIELDDATA ("Field Catalog")
BAPI_HRFIELDDATA - Structure of Returned Data (Query)
BAPI_ORGCHART - Structure with Input Data for Org. Chart BAPI
BAPI_STRUC - Structure Evaluation Information (Org. Chart Data)
BAPI_SWHACTOR - Role Resolution Result
CUST_CONTENTS - Customer Fields (Number/Content) for OrgPublisher Cust. Exit
HRHEADCNTBUDGET - Structure for Headcount Budget
HRHEADCOUNTMATRIXCOLUMN - Headcount Matrix Column Description Manager's Desktop
HRI1019 - Include Structure for Infotype 1019
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SAP Organizational Structure Tables PA-OS

BAPIHR0000 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0000 (Actions)
BAPIHR0001 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
BAPIHR0002 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
BAPIHR0002A - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
BAPIHR0003 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status)
BAPIHR0006 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
BAPIHR0009 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
BAPIHR0017 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges)
BAPIHR0050 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0050 (Time Recording Info.)
BAPIHR0105 - HR: HR Master Record Infotype 0105 (Communication)
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SAP Personnel Administration Tables PA-PA

ARCH_PA_S_AOBJ_CONFIG - Configuration of Archiving Object
ARCH_PA_S_AO_SUBGROUP - Structure for Archiving Object and AO Subgroups
ARCH_PA_S_CONFIG - Archiving Configuration
ARCH_PA_S_DATA - Data Records for Archiving Subobjects
ARCH_PA_S_DATA_OBJ - Data for Archiving/Destruction
ARCH_PA_S_GRP_SO - Selection Conditions for Archiving Subobjects
ARCH_PA_S_GRVST_ARCH_GRP - Destruction Log for Personnel Numbers
ARCH_PA_S_INFTY_DATA - Infotype Data in Generic PRELP Format
ARCH_PA_S_INFTY_GRP - Infotype Grouping for Archiving in PA
ARCH_PA_S_MOD_DATA - Data Record of Archiving Subobjects
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SAP Personnel & Organization Tables PA-PAO

HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0185 - Single screen for infotype 0185 ID nos.
HRPAO_S_BACKEND_INVOLVEMENT - Backend involvement in PAI and PBO phases
HRPAO_S_BUSINESS_CONTEXT - PAO Gateway Entity: Streamwork Business Context
HRPAO_S_MANAGER - Manager details
HRPAO_S_NAV_REF_FIELDS_DYN - Refrence fields for Navigation Object Information
HRPAO_S_NAV_REF_FIELDS_OTYPE - Refrence fields for Navigation Object Information
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SAP Personnel Development Tables PA-PD

CRM_AGENTS - Structure for CRM Agents
CRM_QUALI_PROFILE - Structure for CRM Qualification profile
HRP1070 - DB table for infotype 1070
MANAGERPORTAL_HR_TRAINING - Manager's Portal: ALV Structure for Employee Training Data
P1070 - Infotype 1070: XXXX text
RHPE_SKILLS_TREE - ESS Skills: Table Structure for Tree
RHPE_WWW_FRAME_CONTROL - Advanced HR: Profile Maintenance -> Frame Control
RHPE_WWW_MAIN_CONTROL - Advanced HR: Profile Maintenance -> Object Parameters
RHPE_WWW_PART_CONTROL - Advanced HR: Profile Maintenance -> Subprofile Parameters
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SAP Pension Fund Switzerland Tables PA-PF

HRPFD02_KSLINE - HR-PF: Output Structure for Universal Evaluation
P02F_DTA_EMZ_BANK_TRANSACTION - NrP: Payment Run Information for Non-Recurring Payment
P02F_EMZ_SELECTION - Selection
P02F_MELAP_565_INSURANCE - PF: Insurance Data for 565 (MELAP)
P02F_MELAP_565_MESSAGE - PF: Capital Payment Notification 565 (MELAP)
P02F_MELAP_565_PAYMENT - PF: Payment Data 565 (MELAP)
P02F_MELAP_565_ROW - PF: Row Data for Capital Payment Notification 565 (MELAP)
P02F_MELAP_MESSAGE - PF: Capital Payments Reporting (MELAP)
P02F_MELAP_ROW - PF: Row Data of Capital Payment Report (MELAP)
P02F_OUTPUT_MELAP - HR-CH: Output Extension for Universal Eval. List (MELAP)
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SAP Budget Management Tables PA-PM

ADTINFO - Job Title and Description
ADTKEY_BADI_RETURN - Return Values for BAdI
BUTREESNODE - Node Structure of a Simple Tree (HR-FPM)
E1P1500 - Infotype 1500
E1P1504 - Info type 1504
E1P1520 - Infotype 1520
FIN_OBJECTS - Transfer Structure for Objects Financed (RHB7_3)
FPM_FISTL - Transfer Structure for Funds Center
HRF4BUDGET1 - HR: F4 - Structure for Output List
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SAP Recruitment Tables PA-RC

ADVERT - Advertisements According to Region
APPLICANT - Applicant Master Data
BAPIAPLADR - Applicant's Address
BAPIAPLORG - Applicant's Organizational Assignment
BAPIAPLPER - Personal Data on Applicant
BAPIAPPL - Structure for business object applicants
BAPIAPPLIC - Application
BAPIAPSTA - Applicant Status
BAPIEDUC - Education and Training
BAPIEMPLOY - Previous Employers
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SAP Talent Management Tables PA-TM

HRI7431 - Basic Data of Talent Review Meeting
HRI7434 - Agenda Topic of Talent Review Meeting
HRI7438 - Follow-Up Processing
HRP7431 - Basic Data of Talent Review Meeting
HRP7432 - Assigned Objects
HRP7433 - Participants
HRP7434 - Agenda Topic of Talent Review Meeting
HRP7435 - Documents
HRP7436 - Talent Review Meeting Dates
HRP7437 - Person Responsible
View all SAP Talent Management PA Tables