SAP Tables | Logistics Execution | Task & Resource Management SAP LE

SAP LE Task & Resource Management Tables (LE-TRM)

SAP Task & Resource Management Tables LE-TRM

LACTY - Activity catalog
LACTYT - Activity catalog - description
LAGAC - Assign Activity to Activity Groups
LAGDF - Activity Group Definition
LAGDFT - Activity Group - Description
LAGP_TRM - Storage bin data relevant for TRM
LALRT - Alert value mapping (threshold)
LATCT - Attribute catalog
LATCTT - Attribute catalog - description
LATPR - Object's attributes to present
LATTM - Attributes' value mapping
LDPRF - Display profile
LDPRFT - Display profile - description
LEGOD - Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition
LEGODT - Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition - description
LEGOR - ECOs' subscriptions at runtime
LEGRS - Resource-ECO subscription
LELMT - Resource element
LELTA - Allowed resource element type
LELTY - Resource element type

LELTYT - Resource element type - description
LENTY_RUT - Entities Catalog table for Route Management package
LENTY_TSK - Entities Catalog table for Task Management package
LETYH - Entity hierarchy in the priority model
LETYM - Entity hierarchy: modes/weighting factor
LEXDT - Execution data (for exception information)
LEXTP - External process - activity mapping
LFCPR - Function code profile per step
LFCTX - Pushbutton text
LGPRI - Priority log
LGRQA - Resource qualifications log
LGTKA - Task actual execution data log
LGTKL - Task pool log
LGTKS - Task status log
LIDEST - New Destination Location (for Storage Bin)
LIHWR - Request Header Interface for request w/o reference
LIIWR - Request Items Interface for request w/o reference
LIRQD - LES-TRM interface request structure (dependencies)
LIRQH - LES-TRM interface requst structure (header)
LIRQI - LES-TRM interface request structure (item)
LISOURCE - Source/destination from LES
LIVPR - Input verification profile
LLGRH - Request log
LLGRH_CUST_APPEND - Append structure for Customer fields in LRQSH
LLGRI - Request item log
LLGRN - Request network log
LLGRS - Resource log
LLGRT - Request - task progress log
LLGST - Resource status log
LLGTK_INFO - Task log information
LLGTK_INFO_SEL - LOG Task information for selection screen selection
LLGTM - Route log
LLMOD - Mode catalog
LLMODT - Mode catalog - description
LLOCT - Site
LLOCTT - Site - description
LLVEL - Level
LLVELT - Level - description
LMBI_DO - Operation

LMBI_DO_CUSTOM - Customer data for presentation
LMBI_LOCALITY - Source/Destination locality
LMBI_MOVE_CUSTOM - Customer data for presentation
LMBI_REASON - External reason definition
LMBI_RSRCE_ELMNT_INFO - Resource element site data
LMBI_SRCDST - Definition of source/destination
LMBI_VERIF_DATA - Verification Values
LMBP_ACTUAL - Task actual work data
LMBP_DO - Operation
LMBP_DO_CUSTOM - Customer data for presentation
LMBP_DST_LOCALITY - Destination locality
LMBP_MOVE_CUST - Customer defined data for presentation
LMBP_PARAM - Parameters
LMBP_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a 2-Character Field
LMBP_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
LMBP_RANGE_N2 - Structure of a Range Table for a two digit number field.
LMBP_REASON - External reason definition
LMBP_RSRCE_ELMNT_INFO - Resource element site data
LMBP_SRCDST - Definition of source/destination
LMBP_SRC_LOCALITY - Source locality
LMBP_S_EXCEPTION - Task exceptions
LMBP_TASK_CUSTOMER - Customer data
LMBP_TASK_PROPERTIES - Task presentation properties
LMBP_VAS_DATA - Value-Added Service data for Task execution
LMBP_VERIF_DATA - Verification Values
LMBP_VERIF_VAL - Task original verification values
LMENU - Menu tree
LMENUT - Menu tree - description
LMNCT - Menu item catalog
LMNCTT - Menu item catalog - description
LMNRT - Mandatory routes
LMOBD - Object class ID
LMOCD - Object class definitions for monitoring
LMOCDT - Object class - description
LMOCH - Objects class hierarchy

LMOCM - Object class permitted movements
LMON_RANGE - General range definition
LMON_RANGE_C12 - Structure of a Range Table for a (12) Character Field
LMON_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a (2) Character Field
LMON_RANGE_C22 - Structure of a Range Table for a (22) Character Field ld
LMON_RANGE_C3 - Structure of a Range Table for a (3) Character Field
LMON_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a Range Table for a (4) Character Field
LMON_SLCT_CRTRN - Selection criterion
LMON_WHERE - Where condition
LMTHD - Methods
LMTHDT - Methods - description
LMVRT - Variant for TRM Monitoring
LNODE - Node
LNODET - Node - description
LOBGR - Object grouping
LOBSL - Obstacle
LOBSLT - Obstacle - description
LOCMD - Object class methods
LORGNZ - Document/Grouping Organization levels
LPAPS - Application parameters
LPDVC - Presentation device
LPLTM - Planned time for task creation lags
LPRSN - Personalization
LPRSNT - Personalization - description
LPRVL_TSK - Entities value table for task management package
LRITK - Request - task progress
LRMSG - Resources messages
LROUT - Routing
LRQNT - Request network
LRQSH - Request
LRQSI - Request item
LRSNC - External vs Internal reason code
LRSNCT - External vs Internal reason code - description
LRSQA - Resource qualifications
LRSRC - Resource
LRSTC - Resource type components
LRSTY - Resource type
LRSTYT - Resource type - description
LRSWD - Workers of deactivated resources
LRTCP - Capacity assignment for resource types
LRTEX - Route exceptions
LRTQA - Resource type and resource element qualifications
LSECC - Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC)
LSRZN - Serving zone
LSTLN - Logical transaction step flow
LSTMP - Mapping Step Type to Step
LSTSC - Physical screen variant per logical step
LTBNM_HU - TRM Monitor. Handling unit
LTBNM_LLVEL - Level structure for TRM monitoring
LTBNM_LNODEX - Node structure for monitoring
LTBNM_LZNDF - Zone definition for TRM Monitor
LTCTW - Crit. time window & dynamic due date priority estimation
LTIF_ACTIVITY - Activity list for presentation
LTIF_ACTUAL_DATA - Actual Data for LES Confirmation
LTIF_ATTR_PRSNT - Presentation attributes
LTIF_ATTR_VALUE - Allowed values
LTIF_EXEC_DATA - LES interface staructure for execution data
LTIF_EXTERNAL_CONFIRM - Structure for external task confirmation
LTIF_HUTYP - Structure for retrieving hu types for site
LTIF_INRSN - Structure for retrieving internal reasons for site
LTIF_LOCAT - Structure for transfer of locations to W.M.
LTIF_NEW_DESTINATION - Interface structure for new desination validation
LTIF_STEWHS - Structure for retrieving warehouses per site
LTIF_TASK_ATTR_PRSNT - Presentation attributes of the task data
LTIF_TASK_ATTR_VALUE - Presentation attribute values for task
LTIF_VAS_DATA - Value-Added Service data for Task execution
LTIF_VERIF_DATA - Verification Data
LTIF_XRFN - Reference Structure for Host Confirmation
LTKEG - Tasks-Execution Group Objects (EGO) mapping
LTKPL - Task pool
LTKRT - Task - resource type
LTRCT - Logical transaction catalog
LTRCTT - Logical transaction catalog - description
LTRME_TASK_DETAILS - Task details for exception handling
LTRMM_LLOCT - Site structure for monitoring
LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK - Actual data of Task Confirmation
LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK_CUST - Customer data in Actual work
LTRM_ADMIN - Administration for TRM
LTRM_BASE_QTY - Quantity Information to report back to host (in base UOM)
LTRM_EXCEPTION - Structure for exception during task execution
LTRM_HOST_ACTUAL_DATA - Actual data of Task Confirmation
LTRM_HU - HU - Source/Destination not detailed
LTRM_RANGE_C10 - Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C12 - Structure of a Range Table for a Ten Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a 2-Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C20 - Structure of a Range Table for a Character (20) Field
LTRM_RANGE_C22 - Structure of a Range Table for a 22 Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
LTRM_SRCDST - Definition of source/dest node
LTRM_TASK_RSTYP - Resource type for task creation
LTRQM_LRQSH - LRQSH structure for monitoring
LTRQM_LRQSI - LRQSI structure for monitoring
LTRQ_GLOB_SCHDL_ENQUEUE - Structure for global scheduler lock per site
LTRQ_RQSTH - Request Header
LTRQ_RQSTI - Request Item
LTRQ_WORK_UNIT - Request Work Unit for Task Processing
LTRSM_HUTYP - TRM Monitor. Handling unit type
LTRSM_LELMTX - Resource element structure for TRM monitoring
LTRSM_LLGRS - Resource structure for TRM log monitoring selection screen
LTRSM_LRSRCX - Resource structure for TRM monitoring
LTRSM_LRSRCX_ALERTS - Resource structure for TRM monitoring
LTRSM_LRSTYX - Resource type structure for TRM monitoring
LTRS_RSLOC - Resource location
LTRTM_LWRKA - Working area structure for TRM monitoring
LTRTM_WALOAD_ALERTS - Working area work load structure for alert monitor
LTSKM_ACC_S_LMODE_TREE - ACC Mode Maintenance - Data structure for table control
LTSKM_ACC_S_LTRMS_WEIGHT - ACC Mode Maintenance - Screen structure for weight
LTSKM_ACC_S_MODE_TEXTS - ACC mode maintenance - Screen structure for text
LTSKM_LTKPL - Task pool structure for monitoring
LTSKM_LTKPL_ALERT - Task pool structure for alerts
LTSKM_LTKPL_PROB_ALERT - Task pool structure for alerts - problematic tasks
LTSKM_SLOPT_LTKPL - Task pool structure for monitoring
LWKCN - Work center operations
LWMSM_LIKP - SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LWMSM_LTAK - Transfer order structure for TRM monitor
LWMSM_LTAK_ALERT - Transfer order structure for TRM monitor
LWMSM_LTAP - Transfer order item: structure for TRM Monitor
LWMSM_T311 - Definition of WM Groups for TRM Monitor
LWMSM_VBSK - Wave header
LWRKA - Working Area
LWRKAT - Working Area - description
LXRFN - Request cross-reference
LZGDF - Zone group definition
LZGDFT - Zone group - description
LZGZN - Zone Group - Zone Relationship
LZNDF - Zone
LZNDFT - Zone - description
LZNNX - Zone Entry-Exit
RLMBP - Additional fields in Mobile Presentation
RLMBP_CUSTOM - Additional customer fields for presentation
RLMBP_SCBOX - Screen elements: boxes
RLMBP_SCPBT - Screen elements: pushbuttons
RLMBP_TXFLD - Text fields for presentation
RLMBT - Screen Conversion Tool: presentation fields
RLMBT_FIELD - Screen Conversion - Field of the screen
RLMBT_SCREEN - Screen Manager - Screen identification
RLMON - Addititional fields of Monitoring
RLMON_RBT - Radio buttons of the 'Change priority' screen
RLTRM - Addititional fields of Monitoring
RLTRME_DISPLAY - TRM exceptions screen texts
RLTRSTXT - Texts structure for resource screens
RLTSK_DISPLAY - Task monitor screen texts
T343XYZ - Storage Bin Structure for X, Y, Z assignment to Storage bins
T347A - Control of link WM - TRM for Transfer Orders
TRM_COORD - TRM coordinates
TRM_LGTKA_CUST - Customer data in Task actual exec. data log table
TRM_LRQSH_CUST - Customer data in Request Header
TRM_LRQSI_CUST - Customer data in Request Item
TRM_LTKPL_CUST - Customer data in Task pool