SAP Tables | Basis Components | ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure SAP BC

SAP BC ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure Tables (BC-DWB)

SAP ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure Tables BC-DWB

ADIRACCESS - Table to store keys for TADIR objects
BAPISBDTIN - BO SBOOK - Data for Creating a Booking
BAPISBLIST - BO SBOOK - Key Fields and Additional Information
BAPISBOAGN - BAPI Structure for BO FlightBooking - Agency Data
BAPISBODAT - BAPI Structure for FlightBooking BO - Booking Data
BAPISBOKEY - BAPI Structure for FlightBooking Business Object - Keys
BAPISBONEW - BAPI Structure for FlightBooking BO - New Booking Data
BAPISBOPRI - BAPI Structure for FlightBooking Business Object - Price
BAPISCDTIN - BO SCUSTOMER - Data for Creating a Customer
BAPISCOAVA - BAPI Structure for FlightConn Business Object - Availability
BAPISCODAT - BAPI Structure for FlightConn BO - Connection Data
BAPISCODRA - BAPI Structure for FlightConn Business Object - Date Range
BAPISCODST - BAPI Structure for FlightConn BO - City of Departure/Arrival
BAPISCOHOP - BAPI Structure for FlightConn Business Object - Legs
BAPISCOKEY - BAPI Structure for FlightConn Business Object - Keys
BAPISCOPRI - BAPI Structure for FlightConn Business Object - Prices
BAPISCUADD - BAPI Structure for FlightCustomer BO - Additional Data
BAPISCUAUX - BAPI Structure for FlightCustomer BO - Miscellaneous

BAPISCUCRA - BAPI Structure for BO Flight Customer - Customer Range
BAPISCUDAT - BAPI Structure for FlightCustomer BO -Customer Data
BAPISCUKEY - BAPI Structure for FlightCustomer Business Object - Keys
BAPISCUNEW - BAPI Structure for FlightCustomer BO - New Customer Data
BAPISCUNEX - BAPI Structure for BO FlightCustomer - Change Customer Data
BAPISFLADD - BAPI Structure for Flight Business Object - Additional Data
BAPISFLAUX - BAPI Structure for Flight Business Object - Miscellaneous
BAPISFLAVA - BAPI Structure for Flight Business Object - Availability
BAPISFLDAT - BAPI Structure for Flight Business Object - Flight Data
BAPISFLDRA - BAPI Structure for Flight Business Object - Date Range
BAPISFLDST - BAPI Structure for Flight BO - Departure/Arrival City
BAPISFLIST - BO SFLIGHT - Key Fields and Additional Information
BAPISFLKEY - BAPI Structure for Flight Business Object - Keys
BAPISFLREP - BAPI Structure for Flight BO - Flight Data (Replica)
BAPISTRAUX - BAPI Structure for FlightTrip BO - Miscellaneous
BAPISTRDAT - BAPI Structure for FlightTrip Business Object - Trip Data
BAPISTRKEY - BAPI Structure for FlightTrip Business Object - Keys
BAPISTRNEW - BAPI Structure for FlightTrip BO - New Trip Data
BAPISTRPAS - BAPI Structure for FlightTrip Business Object - Passengers
BAPISTRPRI - BAPI Structure for FlightTrip Business Object - Price
BAPI_AUX - BO BC Courses - Additional Interface Fields
DEVACCESS - Table for development user
E1BPSBOAGN - BAPI Structure for BO FlightBooking - Agency Data
E1BPSBOKEY - BAPI Structure for FlightBooking Business Object - Keys
E1BPSBONEW - BAPI Structure for FlightBooking BO - New Booking Data
E1BPSBOSRE - Header Segment
E1BPSCUNEW - BAPI Structure for FlightCustomer BO - New Customer Data
E1BPSCUNEX - BAPI Structure for BO FlightCustomer - Change Customer Data
E1BPSFLREP - BAPI Structure for Flight BO - Flight Data (Replica)
E1SBOSRE - Header Segment
E1SBO_CANC - Header Segment
E1SBO_CONF - Header Segment
E1SBO_CRE - Header Segment
E1SCU_CHG - Header Segment
E1SCU_CRE - Header Segment
E1SFL_SAVE - Header Segment
FLPRICE_S - Flight Price and Currency (Training Purposes)
PLANES_T - Combining of SCARR and SPLANE_LDB

SAIRPORT - Airports
SBOOK - Single Flight Booking
SBUSPART - Airline Partner
SCARPLAN - Plane-airline assignment
SCARR - Airline
SCITAIRP - City-Airport assignment
SCOUNTER - Sales counter
SCPLANE - Cargo Plane
SCURR - Exchange rates for Workbench training model BC_Travel
SCURX - Currency for Workbench training data model BC_Travel
SCUSTOM - Flight customers
SDESSERT - Inflight meal/Dessert
SDYN_BOOK - Screen structure - Flight booking
SDYN_COMP - Screen structure - Airline carrier
SDYN_CONN - Screen Structure - Connection
SFLCONN - Flight connection offered by travel agency
SFLCONNPOS - Stage of a Flight Connection
SFLC_PRICE - Internal Structure for FlightConn Business Object - Prices
SFLIGHT - Flight
SFLIMEAL - Flight-Meal assignment
SFLTRIP - Flight trip
SFLTRIPBOK - Individual Flight Bookings for a Flight Trip
SFLTRIPPOS - Passenger
SFL_AUX - Internal Help Structure for Flight Booking
SFL_C_PLIS - Transfer Structure for Trip Connection Price Computation
SFL_DEST - Departure/Arrival City (Internal for Flight BO BAPIs)
SFL_F_PRCE - Transfer Structure for Trip Price Computation
SFL_INFO - Flight details
SFL_PRICE - Flight Price (Internal for Flight BAPIs)
SFL_RECEIV - Airline: ALE Recipient (Internal BAPI Flight Data)
SGEOCITY - Geographical position of a city
SMACOURSE - Inflight meal/Main course
SMEAL - Inflight Meal
SMEALT - Inflight meal/Description
SMENU - Menu

SNVOICE - Invoice
SPFLI - Flight schedule
SPFLI_T - Combining SCARR and SPFLI
SPPLANE - Passenger Plane
SSCRUSER - Transfer Structure for Registered SSCR Users
SSTARTER - Inflight meal/Appetizer
STICKET - Flight Ticket
STRAVELAG - Travel agency
TRAVELAG - Include for Example Enhancement in Travel Agency
WBCHKLST - Visualization for syntax errors
WBCHLIREQ - Stucture check list error
WBOBJLINE - Output Line for a Repository Object
WBOBJSTATE - State of a Workbench Object
WBOBJ_OLN - Output Structure for an Object
WBWL_TAB - User-Specific Worklist
WBWORKITEM - Line in Worklist

SAP Installation and Infrastructure for ABAP Tools in Eclipse Tables BC-DWB-AIE

ADT_EXCEPTIONLOG - URI mapping exceptions protocoll
SADT_CT_DEVEL - For development only
SADT_CT_EDGE - Edge definition
SADT_CT_EDGET - Edge definition text table
SADT_CT_GRAPH - Compatibility graph
SADT_CT_GRAPH_EDGE - Directed edge of compatibility graph
SADT_CT_GRAPH_NODE - Node of compatibility graph
SADT_CT_NODE - Node definition
SADT_CT_NODET - Node definition text table
SADT_EVENT_PROP - Generic property for the events sent to eclipse
SADT_EXCEPTION_PROPERTY - Exception property
SADT_MAIN_OBJECT - Main object
SADT_OBJECT - Development object
SADT_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT - return structure for lock method (lockhandle and corrnr)
SADT_OBJECT_REFERENCE - Repository object reference
SADT_PACKAGE_REFERENCE - Representation of a package reference
SADT_REST_REQUEST - REST Request Structure
SADT_REST_REQUEST_LINE - REST request line with http method, uri and version
SADT_REST_RESPONSE - REST response structure
SADT_RSLINLMSG_WITH_URI - syntax check result structure including URI
SADT_SRL_CONTENT_HANDLER - Content Handler + Content Type
SADT_SRL_DATA - External data names <-> internal data types mappings
SADT_SYNTAX_CHECK_RESULT - Result if syntax-ckeck
SADT_TEST_OBJECT_REFERENCE - Test structure for object reference extension
TLDOC_ICONS - ITF->HTML Conversions for SAPGUI icons to Mime Rep. .gifs
TLDOC_ITFCHARCON - Conversion Rules for ITF Character Formats
TLDOC_ITFPARACON - Conversion rules for ITF paragraph formats
TOOLSDOCU_HTML_LINE - SAPscript: Text Lines in HTML Format

SAP ABAP Connectivity and Integration Tools Tables BC-DWB-AIE-ACI

DTRULES - Rules for DT editor
ESR_SCV - Structure for name and guiid
ESR_SEARCH_DETAILS - esrsearchdetailscontains-scvname,guiid,namespace etc
MTS_ADT_S_MESSAGE - Activate structre
PROXY_DELETABLE_OBJ_INTERFACE - structure type for deletable object
SCON_ENQUEUE_STRU - lock for proxy semantic contract
TABL_ENQUEUE_STRU - lock for proxy semantic contract

SAP Tools for ABAP and HANA Integration Tables BC-DWB-AIE-AHI

SNHI_ADT_OBJECT_VALIDATION - Validity check for delivery unit proxy
SNHI_DUP_PREWORK - Prework for Hana Transport Container activation
SNHI_DUP_PW_OVER - Prework Override for Hana Transport Container activation
SNHI_DU_IMPORT_RESPONSE - Delivery Unit Import Response
SNHI_DU_LANGUAGE - HANA Integration: Proxy for HANA languages
SNHI_DU_PROXY - HANA Integration: Proxy for a HANA Delivery Unit
SNHI_DU_PUSHDOWN - Hana Transport Containers to be pushed down on activation
SNHI_STRUC_FOR_ENQUEUE - Structure for enqueue object to get key w/o version
SNHI_VENDOR_MAPP - HANA Integration: Name of a HANA Delivery Unit Vendor
SQSC_RIS_INDEX - SQSC Index Table for Repository Information System

SAP Message Class Editor for ABAP in Eclipse Tables BC-DWB-AIE-MSG

SMC_ADT_OBJECT_VALIDATION - Validity check for message class name

SAP Quality and Test Tools: ABAP Unit Test, ABAP Test Cockpit Tables BC-DWB-AIE-QTT

SAUNIT_RESULT - ABAP Unit Result Entry
SAUNIT_TASK - Tasks to be executed by ABAP Unit
SAUNIT_TEST - One unit test method

SAP Tools for Refactoring ABAP Artifacts Tables BC-DWB-AIE-REF

RFAC_TEST_TABL_USE_CLAS - Refactoring Test: TABL verwendet CLAS.
RFAC_TEST_TABL_USE_INTF - Refactoring Test: TABL verwendet INTF.

SAP ABAP Source Code editors in ABAP in Eclipse Tables BC-DWB-AIE-SRC

SADT_LIFECYCLE_PROPERTIES - Structure for lifecycle properties
SADT_TRANSPORT_OBJECT_INFO - Info about a transport object
SADT_WB_OBJECT_INFO - Workbench object information
SEDI_ADT_OBJECT_VALIDATION - Validity check for program name
SEDI_ADT_TYPE_HIERARCHY_ENTRY - Type hierarchy entry
SEDI_ADT_TYPE_HIERARCHY_ORIGIN - Origin of type hierarchy request
SEDI_ADT_TYPE_HIERARCHY_RESULT - Type hierarchy result
SEO_CHECK_CLIF - Validity check for class/interface name
SEO_CLASS_DATA - Data of classes
SEO_INTF_DATA - Data of interfaces

SAP Transport Organizer UI for ABAP in Eclipse Tables BC-DWB-AIE-TRP

SADT_CREATE_CORR_REQUEST - Communication data for transport creation
TRANSPORT_CHECK - Communication data for transport check service

SAP Customer Enhancements Tables BC-DWB-CEX

ACT_IMP - Implementation name and corresponding filter value
BADIIMPLENHCUST - Implementation Active/Inactive Runtime Table
BADIIMPL_ENH - Implementation Active/Inactive Runtime Table
BADIIMPL_MENU - Runtime Table BAdI Menu Enhancements
BADIIMPL_SCREEN - Runtime Table BAdI Screen Enhancements
BADIIMPL_SORT - Table with Sorting Data
BADIIMPL_SORT_LINE - Line of a BAdI Sort Table
BADIISIMPLED - Runtime table BAdI is implemented.
BADI_FILTER_TYPE_ALV - ALV for BAdI Definition Plug-In
BADI_MENU_ELEM - Runtime Table BAdI Menu Enhancements
BADI_SCREEN_DEF - Runtime Table BAdI Screen Enhancements
BADI_SPOT - Cross-Reference Table BAdI for Enhancement Spot
BADI_SPOT_FILTER - Runtime Table BAdI Menu Enhancements
CHECK_EXIT_DEF - Structure for Cache with Results of BAdI Checks
CLMCUS - Modification assistant settings
CUATEXTS - Modifications of GUI Interface: Menu Texts Changed by Cust.
DOKID - Table Field-Screen Index
EENHANCE - Primary Table for Lock Object for Enhancements
ENH4DELTAB - Table for Cleanup After Import Object Deletion
ENHANCEMENTS - Enhancements
ENHBADI_SORTER_IMPL - BADI_SORTER Implementations: Screen Fields for Subscreens
ENHCHILD - Child of Enhancement Object
ENHCOMPCHILDCOMP - Children of an Enhancement Composite
ENHCOMPCHILDENH - Children of an Enhancement Composite
ENHCOMPEDITORC_ALV - Composite Editor: ALV Displayt Composites
ENHCOMPEDITOR_ALV - Field Catalog ALV in Composite Editor
ENHCOMPGUI - Composites
ENHCOMPHEADER - Enhancement Composite Header Data
ENHCOMPOSITECREATE - Create Enhancement Composite
ENHCOMPPARENTREASSIGN - Change Composite Assignment
ENHCOMPVERSIONCOMPARE - Compare Versions of an Enhanacement Composite
ENHCOMPVERSIONGUI - Display Version of an Enhancement Composite
ENHCONTRACTCONT - Contract Data: Content of Complete Main Source Object
ENHCONTRACTDATA - Enhancement Contract
ENHCONTRACTTOOL - Table of Contract Tools
ENHCONTRACTTYP - Enhancement Contract Type
ENHCONTRACT_ALV - ALV Structure for Displaying CONTRACT Contents
ENHCROSS - Cross Reference for ENH Object
ENHCROSSINXSPOT - Cross-Reference Table Hooks for Points
ENHDEPENDENT - Table of Dependent Enhancements
ENHDEPUI - Dependent Enhancements
ENHELEMUI - Enhancement Element UI
ENHHEADER - Enhancement Header Table
ENHHEADER_VERS - Special Version of ENHHEADER for Version Management
ENHHEADER_VERSDATA - Special Version of ENHHEADER for Version Management
ENHINCINX_VERS - Special Structure for Version Management
ENHINCINX_VERSDATA - Special Structure for Version Management
ENHINCLUDE - Access to Program Include
ENHKNOWNENHS - Other enhancement objects already named
ENHLOADINVAL - Programs whose load is invalidated at import
ENHLOG - Enhancement Log
ENHLOGIDX - Enh.Log Index
ENHLOGUI - Structure for Log ALV
ENHLOG_VERS - Special Version of ENHLOG for Version Management
ENHLOG_VERSDATA - Special Version of ENHLOG for Version Management
ENHNAME_STRUC - Structure with enhanc. name for 'select for all entries'
ENHNAME_TYPE - Enhancement Header Table
ENHOBJ - Enhancement Objects
ENHOBJCONTRACT - Enhancement Objects
ENHOBJCONTRACT_VERS - Special Version of ENHOBJCONTRACT for Version Management
ENHOBJCONTRACT_VERSDATA - Special Version of ENHOBJCONTRACT for Version Management
ENHOBJECT - Object Equivalent to E071 Object Structure
ENHOBJSEARCH - Enhancement Element SAP Object Search Structure
ENHPARENTREASSIGN - Change Assignment of an Enhancement
ENHPROGTAB_ADJUST - Enhancement Program Tab for Enhanced Objects
ENHREASSIGNCOMPOSITE - Reassigning an Enhancement Implementation
ENHSPOTCHILDEDITOR_ALV - Point Composite Child Enhancement
ENHSPOTCOMPCOMP - Enhancement Spot Composite Children Composites
ENHSPOTCOMPCREATE - Create Enhancement Spot Composite
ENHSPOTCOMPGUI - Spot Composites
ENHSPOTCOMPHEAD - Enhancement Composite Header Data
ENHSPOTCOMPPARENTREASSIGN - Enhancement Point Composite: Change Assignment
ENHSPOTCOMPSPOT - Enhancement Spot Composite Children Spots
ENHSPOTCONTRACT - Enhancement Objects
ENHSPOTCONTRACTDATA - Version Management for Enhancement Spots: Contract Data
ENHSPOTCONTRDATA - Version Management for Enhancement Spots: Contract Data
ENHSPOTCONT_VERS - Version Management for Points: Reduced ENHPOINTCONTRACT
ENHSPOTHEADDATA - Version Management Enhancement Spots: DATA
ENHSPOTHEADER - Enhancement Spot Header Data
ENHSPOTHEADERDATA - Version Management Enhancement Spots: DATA
ENHSPOTHEAD_VERS - Version Management Spot Header Data: Reduced ENHSPOTHEADER
ENHSPOTNAME_STRUC - Structure for Use in 'For All Entries'
ENHSPOTNAME_STRUC2 - Structure for Use in 'For All Entries'
ENHSPOTNAME_TYPE - Enhancement Spot Header Data
ENHSPOTOBJ - Enhancement Spot Objects
ENHSPOTPARENTREASSIGN - Change Enhancement Spot Assignment
ENHSPOTTOOLS - Registry for Enhancement - Tools
ENHSPOTTOOLST - Registry for Enhancement - Tools
ENHSPOTTOOLSWB - Transfer Structure for SE80
ENHSPOTVERSIONCOMPARE - Adjustment of Enhancement Versions, Composite Spots
ENHTAB - Enhancements for Tables
ENHTABSEARCH - Enhancemnet Element SAP Table Entry Substructure
ENHTEXT - Text Table for Enhancements
ENHTOOLS - Registry for Enhancement - Tools
ENHTOOLST - Registry for Enhancement - Tools
ENHVERSIONSPOTCOMPGUI - Version Management Point Composites
ENH_AU_TEST1 - Structure for ABAP Unit Test
ENH_AU_TEST1_A - Structure for ABAP Unit Test
ENH_AU_TEST1_B - Structure for ABAP Unit Test
ENH_AU_TEST1_C - Structure for ABAP Unit Test
ENH_AU_TEST3 - Structure for ABAP Unit Test
ENH_BADIIMPL - Badi Implementation
ENH_BADIIMPL_FILTER_FILTERNAME - Enhancement View of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_BADIIMPL_FILTER_ROOT - Enhancement View of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_BADIIMPL_FILTER_TREE - Enhancement View of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_BADIIMPL_FILTER_VALUE - Enhancement View of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_BADI_CREATE - Create New BAdI Definition
ENH_BADI_DATA - Enhancement View of BAdI Data
ENH_BADI_DEF_ALV - ALV for BAdI Definition Editor
ENH_BADI_DEF_EXT - Communication Plug-In <-> Tool
ENH_BADI_DEF_FCODE_CREATE - Create FCode Enhancements in BAdI Definition
ENH_BADI_DEF_INT_NAVIGATION - Structure for Internal Navigation
ENH_BADI_DEF_METHODS_ALV - BAdI Definition: Methods
ENH_BADI_DEF_MY_BADI - Display BAdI in BAdI Definition
ENH_BADI_DEF_SAMPLE_IMP_CREATE - Create Example Implementation
ENH_BADI_DEF_SCREEN_CREATE - Create Screen Enhancement
ENH_BADI_DEF_TREE - Structure for BAdI Tree Editor
ENH_BADI_DEF_TREE_FC - Field Catalog for ALV Tree
ENH_BADI_FILTER - Enhancement View of BAdI Filter
ENH_BADI_FILTER_IMPL - Enhancement View of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_BADI_FILTER_MAINTAIN - Filter Maintenance in BAdI Implementation
ENH_BADI_FILTER_RESTRICTION - Enhancement BAdI Filter Limitation
ENH_BADI_FILTER_TREE - Layout Filter Tree
ENH_BADI_GUI - Enhancement View of BAdI: FCodes for BAdI
ENH_BADI_IMPL_ADMIN_DATA - Management Data BAdI Implementation
ENH_BADI_IMPL_ALV - Detailed Display for BAdI Implementation
ENH_BADI_IMPL_CLASS - BAdI Implementation: Interface and Implementing Classes
ENH_BADI_IMPL_CREATE - Creating a BAdI Implementation
ENH_BADI_IMPL_DATA - Spot View of BAdI Implementation Data
ENH_BADI_IMPL_FCODE - Details of BAdI Menu Enhancement
ENH_BADI_IMPL_HEAD - Spot View of BAdI Implementation Data
ENH_BADI_IMPL_ID - BAdI Implementation
ENH_BADI_IMPL_IF_ALV - BAdI Implementation: ALV for Methods
ENH_BADI_IMPL_INT_NAVIGATION - Structure for Internal Navigation
ENH_BADI_IMPL_PER_FILTER - Enhancement View of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_BADI_IMPL_SCREEN - BAdI Implementation Screen Enhancement
ENH_BADI_IMPL_TREE_ITEMS - Tree for BAdI Implementations: Item Table
ENH_BADI_MAIN - BAdI Main Data in Enhancement
ENH_BADI_OVERVIEW - Enhancement View of BAdI Data
ENH_BADI_SAMPLE_IMPL - Example Implementation BAdI
ENH_BADI_SAMPLE_IMPLS_ALV - ALV for Example Implementations
ENH_BADI_SAMPLE_IMPL_CLASS - Implementation Example Classes (with Origin)
ENH_BADI_SCREEN_DEF - Enhancement View of BAdI: Screen Enhancements in BAdI Def.
ENH_BADI_SHOW_IMPLS_ALV - ALV for Display of Implementations for BAdI Definition
ENH_CONTAINER_BADI_DEF - Enhancement Container BAdI Definitions
ENH_CONTAINER_BADI_IMPL - Structure for BAdI Container
ENH_CONTRACT_CLASS_SOURCES - Contract Data for Class Sources
ENH_CONTRACT_DIFF - Diff. Structure for ENH Contracts
ENH_CONTRACT_DIFF_DETAIL - Diff. Structure for ENH Contracts
ENH_CONTRACT_DIFF_FLAGS - Flags for showing compare status of contract compare
ENH_CONTRACT_DIFF_STRU - Structure for All Types of Contract Differences
ENH_CONTRACT_ENHO_NESTED - Structure for Nested Enhancement Contracts
ENH_CONTRACT_GENERAL_DIFF - Enhancement Contract, General DIFF Structure
ENH_CONTRACT_TOOL_CMP_CATTR - Diff Table Function Module Parameter
ENH_CONTRACT_TOOL_CMP_CPARA - Diff Table Function Module Parameter
ENH_CONTRACT_TOOL_CMP_FPARA - Diff Table Function Module Parameter
ENH_CONTRACT_TOOL_CMP_HOOK - Contract Compare: Hook_impls
ENH_CONTRACT_TOOL_CMP_PROG - Total Table for Changes to Object of Type PROG
ENH_CONTRACT_TOOL_CMP_PROG_GES - Total Structure of Diff.Object of Type PROG
ENH_CONTR_SCAN_KW - Enhancement Contract SCAN Keyword Structure
ENH_CONTR_SCAN_REF_STRU - SCAN Reference Structure
ENH_CWB_DELTA_ENHO_GENERAL - Delta Table for SNOTE for Class Enhancements
ENH_DYN_DATA_STRU_EXP - Structure for Dynamic Type Generation
ENH_DYN_DATA_STRU_TAB - Structure for Dynamic Type Generation
ENH_DYN_TABSTRIP_NAME - Enhancement Screen Processing Tabstrip Names
ENH_DY_FCODES - Enhancement Screen Processing FCODE Control
ENH_DY_GROUP - Enhancement Screen Group
ENH_DY_SPOT - Enhancement Spot Screen Data
ENH_DY_STACK - Stack of Screen Processing
ENH_DY_SUBS - Enhancement Screen Processing SUBSCREENs
ENH_EDT_LAYOUT - Enhancement Editor Layout
ENH_EVENT_STRU - Enhancement Event Structure
ENH_F4_COMP - Enhancement Composite F4 Search Help Structure
ENH_F4_ENH - Enhancement Composite F4 Search Help Structure
ENH_F4_ENH_SPOT - Enhancement Composite F4 Search Help Structure
ENH_F4_SPOT - Enhancement Composite F4 Search Help Structure
ENH_POP_UP_LAYOUT - Enhancement Dialog Box Layout Description
ENH_POP_UP_OUTLAY - Enhancement Dialog Box Layout Description
ENH_PROGRAM - Program + Object
ENH_SENHMT - Enhanced SENHMT Table
ENH_SPOT_BADI_ADMIN - BAdI Data in Enhancement Spot
ENH_TOOL_CONTRACT_D020S - Structure for D020S
ENH_TOOL_CONTRACT_D021S - D021S Structure for Contracts
ENH_TOOL_CONTRACT_D022S - D022S Structure for Contracts
ENH_TOOL_CONTRACT_D023S - D023A Structures
ENH_TOOL_CONTRACT_DATA - Content of All Contract Data (Int. Tables) for Contract
ENH_TOOL_CONTRACT_STRU - Total Structure of Contract XStrings
ENH_UTIL_DD_STRU - DDIC Structure for Dynamic Table Breakdown
FLTCOLALV - Generic Structure for Filter Type Columns in ALV Grid
FLTSTRALV - Generic Structure for Displaying Filter Types in ALV Grid
MOD0 - Dynpro Fields of Projects/Extensions
MODACT - Modifications
MODATTR - Attributes of Extension Projects
MODD - Dynpro Fields CMOD Text Modifications
MODF - Function Codes SMOD/CMOD
MODK - Components SAP Modification
MODO - Customers' own objects (includes, screens...) in extension
MODOBJECT - Modified Object
MODSAP - SAP Enhancements
MODSAPA - Attributes SAP Extensions
MODSAPT - SAP Enhancements - Short Texts
MODTEXT - Enhancement Projects - Short Texts
MODUSER - Modification User
MODWRD - Key words of changed DE
MOD_AC_FCO - Function codes for active customer exits
OBJDESC - Structure of Description of Total Object
RSEMM - Modification Browser Utilities: Initial Screen
RSEXSCRN - Business Add-Ins: Screen fields
RSEX_NAVI - Customer enhancements: Navigation
SEEF_ADJ_CONFL_BADI - Enhancement Conflict for Function Group Enhancements
SMEXSCRN - Exits: Screen fields
SMODCOMP_S - Statistics of Customer Modifications
SMODILOG - Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects
SMODILOGI - Log for Inactive Customer Modifications to WB Objects
SMODILOG_D - Modifications: Screens (extended log)
SMODILOG_P - Log of customer modifications made to EU objects Text info.
SMODINAVI - Data transfer for navigation call of object list
SMODIPROJ - Customer Modifications to WB Objects in Several Projects
SMODISCRN - Enhancements: I/O fields
SMODISRC - Customer Modification Log: Object Data (Active)
SMODISRCI - Customer Modification Log: Object Data (Inactive)
SMODITRAN - Cross-Transported Objects
SMODTABSTR - Structure smodi_mod_tab_struc
SMODUPGRAD - Structure for upgrade
SMOD_NAMES - SMOD: Function group includes
SRESETLOG - Modifications and Notes Reset to Original
SRESETLOGS - Include: Modifications and Notes Reset to Original
SSCREENS - Screen Areas
STR_COCO - Strcuture for BAdI Components: Control Composites
STR_TABLE - Strcuture for BAdI Components: CI Includes
SXCC_ACT - IMG Activation of Business Add-In Implementations
SXCC_FLT - IMG Activation of Business Add-In Implementations
SXC_ATTR - Exit: Implementation side: Attributes
SXC_ATTRT - Exit: Implementation side: Text table
SXC_CLASS - Exit, implementation side: Class assignment (multiple)
SXC_COCO - BAdI Implementations: Control Composites
SXC_EXIT - Exit: Implementation side: Assignment: Exit - Implementation
SXC_FCODE - Exit: Implementation Page: Function Codes
SXC_FCODET - Exit: Implementation Page: Function Codes, Text Table
SXC_IMPL_INT - Structure for BAdI Implementation
SXC_IMPSWH - Business Add-In Implementations: Type of Implementation
SXC_SCRN - Exit: Implementation side: Subscreens
SXC_TABLE - Exit: Implementation Page: Tables
SXC_TABLET - Exit: Definition Page: Tables; Text Tables
SXS_ATTR - Exit: Definition side: Attributes for an enhancement
SXS_ATTRT - Exit: Definition side: Attributes, Text table
SXS_COCO - BAdI Definitions: Control Composites, Language Independent
SXS_FCODE - Exit: Definition side: Component function codes
SXS_FCODET - Exit, definition side: component function codes, text table
SXS_INTER - Exit: Definition side: Interfaces
SXS_MLCO - Conflicts of Multiple Active Implementations of Single BAdIs
SXS_SCRN - Exit: Definition side: Component subscreens
SXS_SCRNT - Exit: Definition side: Component subscreens, Text table
SXS_STAT - Exit: Definition side: UUID assignment for statistics
SXS_TABLE - Exit: Definition side: Tables
SXS_TABLET - Exit: Definition side: Tables, Text table
TDDIR - Active field exits for data elements
TDDIRS - Field exits on particular screens
TSDIRT - Short Texts for Screen Areas (CALL CUSTOMER SUBSCREEN)

SAP Customer Enhancements: BAdIs Tables BC-DWB-CEX-BAD

GBADI_IMPL - Global Table for BAdI Implementations
GBADI_IMPL_GTADIR - Transfer Structure for GBADI_IMPL Function Modules

SAP ABAP Dictionary Tables BC-DWB-DIC

BUILTIN_PROPERTIES - Domain Information
DCBOASSCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a BO Structure
DCBOCHK - DD: Check Bar for BO Structure Checks
DCBODBTBCHK - DD: Checks for database tables for a BO node
DCBOGET - DD: Result when reading a DDIC BO
DCBOHDCHK - DD: Checks for header of a BO structure
DCBONDCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a BO Structure
DCBONDLISTCHK - DD: Checks for node list of a BO structure
DCDDLCHK - DD: DDL checks - for example, used names
DCDDLSACTCTRL - DD: Controls the activation of a DDIC BO
DCSOBJACTCTRL - DD: Controls the activation of a DDIC BO
DCSOBJASSCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a BO Structure
DCSOBJCHK - DD: Checklist for Checks of a Structured Object
DCSOBJDBTBCHK - DD: Checks for Database Tables of a SOBJ Node
DCSOBJGET - DD: Result when reading a DDIC BO
DCSOBJGOTSTATE - DD: Result of Read of a Structured Object
DCSOBJHDCHK - DD: Checks for Header of a Structured Object
DCSOBJNDCHK - DD: Checks for Nodes of a Structured Object
DCSOBJNDLISTCHK - DD: Checks for Node List of a Structured Object
DD01VE - Domain Information
DD02B - DD: BO Header
DD02BND - DD: List of Nodes for a Structured Object
DD02BNDT - DD: Text Table for Nodes of Structured Objects
DD02BNDV - DD: List of Nodes of a Structured Object, Incl. Texts
DD02BT - Texts for Structured Objects
DD02BV - Header of a Structured Object
DD03ND - DD: Attributes of a Node of a Structured Object
DD03NDV - Structure for Node Attributes (External View)
DD03NE - DD: Like DD03NP with AS4LOCAL for Intrerfaces
DD03NP - Structure of Fields
DD03NT - DD: Texts for fields (Language-Dependent) (Struct.Object)
DD03PE - DD: DD03P Including as4local and Structure Name
DD05B - DD: Associations for Structured Objects: Fields
DD05BV - DD: Associations for Structured Objects: Fields
DD05F - DD: Associations Filter Info for Structured Objects
DD05FV - DD: Associations Filter Info for Structured Objects
DD08B - DD: Associations (Headers) for Structured Objects
DD08BT - DD: Texts for Association Headers, Structured Objects
DD08BV - DD: Associations for Structured Objects (with Short Text)
DD12B - DD: Secondary Index Headers for Structured Objects
DD12BT - Text Table for DD12B (Texts for Nodes Indexes)
DD12BV - DD: Secondary Keys Structured Objects, Header + Text
DD17B - DD: Secondary Indexes Fields for Structured Objects
DD17BV - DD: Secondary Index Structured Object (Fields)
DDADDBOINFO - DD: Additional BO Information
DDADDBOINFOTRANSIENT - DD: Additional BO Structure Information (not stored on DB)
DDADDSTOBJINFO - DD: Additional BO Information
DDADDSTOBJTRANSIENT - DD: Additional BO Struct. Information (not persisted as of
DDAMOUNT - DD: Amount for BO Tests
DDAPPTBNAME - DD: Append or Table Name
DDDDLSRCV - DD: DDL Source Information
DDDDLSSTATE - Status of Objects
DDL2DDICERR - DD: Error Transfer Structure DDL -> Dictionary Object
DDLDEPENDENCY - DD: Objects in a DDL Source
DDREPLICATOR - DD: Information on Metadata Transfer
DDREPLICATORVI - DD: Information on Metadata Transfer
DDREPLICLNTMAP - DD: Mapping between HPA client and original client
DDREPLICNVDATA - DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: Fields - Data Convers.
DDREPLICOMPONENTS - DD: Administrative Components for Replication
DDREPLICREF - DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: Fields
DDREPLINDATA - DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: New Fields
DDREPLINTABFD - DD: Nametab Field Structure
DDREPLINTABHD - DD: Nametab Header Structure (for Temporary Storage)
DDREPLITST1 - DD: Test for Replication
DDSCHEMAMAP - DD: Schema Mapping for Replication Applications
DDSQLSCCAT - Index of Database Procedure Proxies
DDSQLSCDDIC - DDIC Dependencies of Database Procedure Proxies
DDSQLSCSRC - Source Code Buffer for Database Procedure Proxies
DDTESTSTRU - DD: Test Structure for BO set/get
DDVIEWDEFINFO - DD: Additional View Information

SAP Activation Program, Conversion Program, DB Utility, MC, SPDD Tables BC-DWB-DIC-AC

ABFIELD - DD: DDIC Type and Corresponding ABAP Type
ABORT_TREE - Structure for Nodes of Conversion Tree
APPCHK - DD: Control string for APPEND checks
AUTHCLASS - ABAP/4 Dict.: Control String for Checking Activation Type
BGPROT - DB utility log
CD0BAS1ENQ - Base Table for Lock Objects
CD0BAS1VI - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Basis table for view definitions
CD0BAS2VI - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Basis table for view definitions
CD0BAS3VI - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Basis table for view definitions
CD0BAS4VI - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Basis table for view definitions
CD0BAS5VI - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Basis table for view definitions
CD0BAS6VI - DD Veri: Table without data elements
CD0BAS6VI - DD Veri: Table without data elements
CD0BAS6VI - DD Veri: Table without data elements
CD0BASUNI1 - DD Veri: Base table for a union view
CD0BASUNI2 - DD Veri: Base table for a union view
CD0BASUNI3 - DD Veri: Base table for a union view
CD0BIGTB - DD Veri: Model for construction of a giant table
CD0ENT1TAB - Value tables as basis for foreign key
CD0ENT2TAB - Value tables as basis for foreign key
CD0ENT3TAB - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Value tables as basis for foreign key
CD0ENT4TAB - Value tables as basis for foreign key
CD0ENT5TAB - Value tables as basis for foreign key
CD0ENT5TAB - Value tables as basis for foreign key
CD0FRK1TAB - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Table with many foreign keys
CD0INC1BAS - ABAP/4 Dict. Veri: Table to INCLUDE with many FRKs
CD0MC1 - Base table for MCOB definitions
CD0MC2 - Base table for MCOB definitions
CD0MC3 - Base table for MCOB definitions
CD0MC4 - Base table for MCOB definitions
CD0MC5 - Base table for MCOB definitions
CD0MC5 - Base table for MCOB definitions
CD0MC5 - Base table for MCOB definitions
CD0T000 - AD Veri: Check table for veri copy of client field
CD0T120TAB - Table which was previously value table of a domain
CD0T130TAB - Existed previously with other primary keys
CD0T140TAB - Table with five primary keys
CD0T200TAB - Value table for domain CD0D200DOM
CD0T210TAB - Dead end
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0T500TAB - b
CD0VB1PFRK - Value table for domain CD0DO1CFRK
CD2APP0 - Table to which client appends APP1 to 9 are appended
CD2HV1PTAB - Check table for testing a help view
CD2HV2FTAB - Foreign key table as base table for a help view
CD3VMATRIX - DD Veris Process Control Matrix
CD3VMATRIX - DD Veris Process Control Matrix
CD9VRSVERI - AD Veri: Table referring to non-active CHECKTABLE
CHKAC - Check Table for Distributor: Generated Code
CHKDC - Check Table for Compare Program
CHK_DECIDE - Verification table for decider in DD_DECIDE
CONTROL - Control structure for controlling the DD09L activator
D010INC - Where-Used Table for ABAP INCLUDEs
D010TAB - Table for Use Report<->Tables
DARTT - DD: Data Class in Technical Settings: Texts
DATASETNMB - Number of Data Records per DB Area (non-database-specific)
DB2INDSTOR - Index parameter for DB2/MVS
DB2TABSTOR - Table parameters for DB2/MVS
DB4IS - DB2/400: Index Parameters
DB4TS - DB2/400 Table Parameters
DB6INDSTOR - Index Parameters for DB2 Universal Database Version 2
DB6TABSTOR - Table Parameters for DB2 Version 2
DBCHKCNTRL - Control string for DB-DD table checks
DBCHKPAR - DB check (HELP structure)
DBDCDEPTB - DD: Persisting of Dependencies Between DD Objects
DBDCGENTB - DD: Persisting Activating Ojects in Mass Activation
DBDIFF - Definition of (Intended) Differences Between DD and DB
DBDIFFINDX - DD: Additional Info on DBDIFF-KEY and INDX Entries
DBDIFFINFO - Further Info on DBDIFF (Differences between DD and DB)
DBDOMAIN - Definition of a database domain
DBFIELD - Field description for database tables
DBFIELDL - Field description for database tables
DBFLDNAM - Only name of a DB table field
DBFTYPE - DB fields with type and type string
DBIFCHKRES - Structure for results of DB check for indexes (fields)
DBIHCHKRES - Structure for results of DB check for indexes (header)
DBINDEX - DB index name and unique flag
DBINDFLD - Fields of a DB index
DBINDXINFO - Header information on indexes read from the DB
DBINDXLIM - DB-specific limits for creating indexes
DBNTAB - Table Containing Data about Nametab Database Differences
DBOBJECT - Name of a Database Object (Table, Index, View)
DBPROPERTIES - Database Installation Properties
DBSPFLGS - Storage, Maintenance Tree: Flags
DBSPHCOND - Storage: Help Structure for Condition
DBSPHFLGS - Storage: Help Structure for Flags
DBSPHTREE - Storage: Help Structure for Maintenance Tree
DBSPTREE - Storage, maintenance tree
DBSTPCNTRL - Control String for Storage Parameters
DBTABCHK - Control string for DB-DD table checks
DBTFCHKRES - Structure for results of DB check for table fields
DBTHCHKRES - Structure for Results of DB Check for Table Fields
DCACTSTRUC - DD: General reference structure in ABAP/4 DD (activation)
DCADD_RESULT - DD: Additional Information for Structure Change
DCAPPENDS - Appends for a table
DCASTATMSG - DD: Message about curr. statistics for DOMA/DTEL/TTYP
DCCHECKRES - ABAP Dict.: Check result for element of an indexed set
DCCHKAUTH - DD: Control structure for authority check
DCDATATYPE - DD: Check string for a data type
DCDDOBJ - DD: DD objects and their type
DCDELDEPTB - DD: For dependencies during mass-deletion
DCDELTB - DD: Objects to be deleted in the mass activation program
DCDEPSHORT - DD: Names of Dependent Objects
DCDEPTAB - Table of dep. objects incl. addtl. info. (DOMA,DTEL,TTYP)
DCDEPTB - DD: Dependencies between DD objects
DCDEPTYPES - Dependent types (table types and structures)
DCDODTRMSG - ABAP Dict.: Result message for the act. of a domain/data el.
DCDODTSMSG - ABAP Dict.: Start message for activating a domain/data elem.
DCDOHDATTR - Header Attributes of DOMA Changed by Input Checks
DCDOMAACT - DD: Control String for Domain Activation Program
DCDOMAACTP - DD: Control Parameter String for Domain Activation Program
DCDOMACHK - DD: Check string for domain activation program
DCDOMACHKI - DD: Check string for domain activ. prog. (inner consistency)
DCDOMACHKR - DD: Check string for dom.act.prog. (referential correctness)
DCDOMAFVAL - DD: Check string for the checks regarding the values
DCDOMAGET - Reference Structure for Function Module DD_DOMA_GET
DCDOMAMNT - DD: Fields in the domain maintenance screen
DCDOMAPUT - Control string for DD_DOMA_PUT
DCDOMAVTAB - DD: Check string for the checks regarding a value table
DCDOOUTPUT - DD: Checks for Output Attributes of Domains
DCDOVTGET - ABAP/4 Dic: Read status of data for the domain value tables
DCDTDOATTR - Attributes of DTEL with DOMA Changed by the Input Checks
DCDTEDATTR - Attributes of DTEL Changed by the Input Checks
DCDTEDCHK - Check String for Input Checks in Data Element Maintenance
DCDTELACT - Control String for DTEL Activation Program
DCDTELACTP - DD: Control parameter string for data element activator
DCDTELCHK - DD: Control String for Data Element Header Tests
DCDTELCTRL - DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator
DCDTELFLAG - DD: Checks for Flags in Data Element
DCDTELGET - DD: Control String for DD_DTEL_GET
DCDTELPUT - Control String for DD_DTEL_PUT
DCDTELTXT - DD: Status of the Data Element Text in a Language
DCDTGET - DD: Control string for reading data element information
DCDTHDATTR - Header Attribute for DTEL Changed by Input Checks
DCDTREFOBJ - DD: Checks for Objects Referenced in Data Element
DCDTSHCHK - DD: Search help checks in the data element activator
DCDTSHGET - DD: Control string for reading a search help
DCDTTXATTR - Texts for DTEL Changed by Input Checks
DCDTTXCHK - DD: Control String for Data Element Text Tests
DCDTX030L - DD: Text for Nametab Representation (Header) for DTEL
DCDTX031L - DD: Nametab Fields with Expanded Flags for DTEL
DCENACTCHK - Control string for checking the lock object activation prog.
DCENACTDET - Control string for the actions of the lock object act. prog.
DCENACTRES - Contains results of lock object activation
DCENBTCHK - Control String for Checks of Base Tables of a Lock Object
DCENFDCHK - Control String for the Field Checks of Lock Objects
DCENFDNAM - Control String for Name Checks of Lock Parameters
DCENFKCHK - Control String for Foreign Key Checks of Lock Objects
DCENFKFOF - Control String for Foreign Key Field Checks for Lock Objects
DCENGPCHK - Control string for Granularity Check of Lock Objects
DCENHDCHK - Control String for Header Checks for Lock Objects
DCENQGRBEG - Prefix of a lock granularity
DCENQUGET - Control structure for DD_ENQU_GET.
DCENQUPUT - Control string for function module DD_ENQU_PUT
DCENQUPUT - Control string for function module DD_ENQU_PUT
DCENQUPUT - Control string for function module DD_ENQU_PUT
DCEXIXGET - Control Structure for DD_EXIX_GET
DCFIELDDAT - Structure for Describing a Field with Contents
DCFIELDINL - Description of a field in a field list
DCFLDCHG - Possible Changes to Fields
DCFUNSTRUC - Function module structure
DCGENTAB - DD: Mass activation and deletion
DCGENTB - DD: Objects to be activated in the mass activation program
DCIMPDD - DD: Handle actions following DD import
DCINSPCHK - Control Structure for Code Inspector
DCINVDEPTB - DD: Dependencies between DD objects (inverse)
DCIX030L - Nametab header, database structure DDNTT & exp. flag byte
DCIX031L - Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF
DCLCHANGE - Information on last changer
DCMATCHCTR - Field description for proposal for matching
DCMATCHRES - Match between two fields
DCMCIDGET - Control structure for DD_MCID_GET
DCMCIDPUT - Control string for function module DD_MCID_PUT
DCMCOBGET - Control structure for DD_MCOB_GET
DCMCOBPUT - Control string for function module DD_MCOB_PUT
DCMESSAGE - Structure for Storing a Message
DCMSGPARAM - DD: Parameter string for messages
DCMXACTION - DB: result of TNMAP analysis (multiplexing)
DCMXACTRES - DB: return structure for multiplex activation
DCMXVIEWS - DD: Relationship multiplex table <-> global view
DCNAME - DD: Checks for Object Name (TTYP, DTEL, DOMA)
DCNAMEDINC - DD: Control Checks for Named Includes
DCNTABGEN - DD: Control string for nametab generation
DCNTDELTB - DD: Information about Nametab to be Deleted
DCOBACTDET - Control string for actions of search help activator
DCOBJBEZ - Name of a DDIC object
DCOBJDEF - Name of a DDIC object with status
DCOBJDEP - Structure for describing a dependency in DDIC
DCOBJDUPTR - DD: For DD Objects with Occurrence in Several Trs (MrgAct)
DCOBJIF - Interface for DDIC objects
DCOBJINDX - DD: Object with Index from E071
DCOBJNAPA - Reference Structure for Dict. Objects with Package
DCOPCONTRL - Interface Structure for RADBTDDO
DCOUTPUT - DD: Checks for Output Attributes of Data Element
DCPOTRCHK - ABAP/4 Dict.: check list for checks pool -> transparent
DCRANGETT - Check String of Special Attributes of a RANGES Table Type
DCROWTYPE - DD: Control Bar for Tests of Type Definition by Row Type
DCRTYPCHK - DD: Checks of line type of a table type
DCSACTCTRL - DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator
DCSQCLFDCK - Tests Special Attributes of a Table Cluster
DCSQLTCHK - Dictionary: Checks for Table Pools or Table Clusters
DCSQLTCTRL - Control of a Table Pool/Cluster Activation/Check
DCSQLTGET - Reference structure for DD_SQLT_GET
DCSQLTPUT - DD: Control string for DD_SQLT_PUT
DCSQLTSTRU - Dictionary: Contains Types for SQLT Checks/Activation
DCSQPOFDCK - Dictionary: Special Checks for a Table Pool
DCSTRTYPNW - DD: Checks for newly added structured types
DCTABDGET - Control Structure for DD_TABD_GET
DCTABDPUT - Control String for Function Module DD_TABD_PUT
DCTABLACT - ABAP/4 Dictionary: Control Structure for Activation Program
DCTABLACTE - Contains target values for DCTABLACT
DCTABLCMP - Reference Structure for Function Module DD_TABL_WA_CMP
DCTABLCTRL - DD: Contains Additional Info for Activator (Input Structure)
DCTABLGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_TABL
DCTABLMRS - DD: Return Structure for Table Mass Activation
DCTABLPART - Control string for treating the components of a table
DCTABLPUT - Control Structure for Function Module
DCTABLRES - ABAP/4 Dictionary: Additional Info for Table Activation
DCTABLTEXT - Control string for treating the text components of a table
DCTABTACT - Check list for activating program for technical settings
DCTABTCHK - Control String for Checks on Technical Settings
DCTABTGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_TABT
DCTBACTRES - DD: Contains results of table activation
DCTBACTSEN - Structure to be locked for target/actual adjustment
DCTBACTSIT - Describes a call situation of the table activation program
DCTBDDCHK - Control Structure for Table Checks (User-Specific)
DCTBEXPCHK - Control string for expanding substructures
DCTBFDCHG - DD: Changes in Table Fields
DCTBFDCHK - Control Structure for Table Checks (Fields)
DCTBFDCHKE - Contains target entries of DCTBFDCHK
DCTBFDGET - Control structure for DD_TBFD_GET
DCTBFDRES - DD: Structure for Table Restrictions
DCTBFKCHK - Control Structure: Foreign Key Checks in Tabl. Activ. Progr.
DCTBFKCHKE - Contains target values of DCTBFKCHK
DCTBFKGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_FORK
DCTBHDCHG - DD: Changes in table header
DCTBHDCHK - Control String for Table Checks (Header)
DCTBHDCHKE - Contains target entries of DCTBFDCHK
DCTBHDGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_TABL_HEADER
DCTBIXACT - Control Structure for Controlling the Index Activ. Program
DCTBIXACTE - Contains target entries of DCTBIXACT
DCTBIXCHK - Control String for the Index Checks
DCTBIXGET - Control Structure for Function Module DD_TBIX_GET
DCTBSAPCHK - Check structure for table checks (system-dependent)
DCTBSHCHK - Control structure: search help checks in table activator
DCTBTTCHG - DD: Changes to Technical Settings
DCTBVICHK - DD: Control String for View Checks for Table Changes
DCTBVIDEP - DD: For views dependent on changed tables
DCTEXTLEN - DD: Checks for Texts for Data Element
DCTRTB - DD: Assignment of Tr Number to Transport (Mrg. Act.)
DCTTACTRS - ABAP/4 Dict.: return status for technical settings
DCTTDIRTYP - DD: Activator checks for direct type entry
DCTTEDCHK - Check String for Input Checks in Table Type Maintenance
DCTTKFIELD - DD: Checks of key fields
DCTTSVSUM - DD: Overall result of act. technical settings
DCTTTRCNV - DD: Overall result for conversion via TRANSPFLAG
DCTTX030L - DD: Text for Nametab Representation (Header) for TTYP
DCTTX031L1 - DD: Nametab Fields with Expanded Flags for TTYP
DCTTX031L2 - DD: Nametab Fields with Expand. Flags for TTYP with Dir. Key
DCTTYPACT - Control String for Table Type Activator
DCTTYPACTP - DD: Control Parameter String for Table Type Activator
DCTTYPCHK - DD: Check String for Table Type Activator
DCTTYPCTRL - DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator
DCTTYPFLAG - DD: Check string for flags in table types
DCTTYPGET - Control structure for DD_TTYP_GET
DCTTYPPUT - Control structure for function module DD_TTYP_PUT
DCTX030L - DD: Nametab header with expanded flag byte
DCTX031L - DD: Nametab fields with expanded flags
DCTXTDESCR - Structure of a Table with General Texts
DCUSEDTYPE - DD: Control Bar for Tests of Type Definition for Data Elem.
DCVALTAB - DD: Checks for Value Table
DCVIBTCHG - DD: Changes in Table Fields
DCVIBTCHK - Control String for Base Table Checks
DCVIDEP - Structure for describing a dependency in DDIC
DCVIDEPTAB - DD: Handing of view dependencies
DCVIEWACT - Control String for Execution of View Activation Program
DCVIEWACTM - Control (Mode) for View Activation
DCVIEWGET - Control Structure for DD_GET_VIEW
DCVIEWPUT - Control String for Function Module DD_VIEW_PUT
DCVIFDCHG - DD: Changes in View Fields
DCVIFDCHK - Control String for View Activator Field Checks
DCVIGENCTR - Control String for View Activator Generation
DCVIHDCHG - DD: Changes in View Header
DCVIHDCHK - Control String for View Header Checks
DCVIJNCHK - Control String for Join Condition Checks
DCVISCCHK - Control String for Selection Condition Checks
DCVISHCHK - DD: Control String for View Checks for Table Changes
DCVIVICHK - DD: Control String for View Checks for Table Changes
DD01L - Domains
DD01T - R/3 DD: domain texts
DD01TV - Versioning: foreign languages for domains
DD01VD - Version display: Domain
DD02L - SAP Tables
DD02ORA - Test
DD02T - SAP DD: SAP Table Texts
DD02TV - Versioning: foreign languages for tables
DD02VD - Version display: table header
DD03L - Table Fields
DD03MI - Index structure for view DD03M
DD03P - Structure
DD03T - DD: Texts for fields (language dependent)
DD03TV - Versioning: foreign languages for fields
DD03V - Table fields view
DD04L - Data elements
DD04T - R/3 DD: Data element texts
DD04TV - Versioning: foreign languages for data elements
DD04VD - Version display: Data element
DD05M - Interface Structure for DD_TBFK_GET
DD05S - Foreign key fields
DD05V - View on foreign key fields
DD05VD - Version display: Foreign key fields
DD06L - Pool/cluster structures
DD06T - R/3 DD: texts on SQL tables
DD06TV - Versioning: foreign languages for SQL tables
DD06VD - Version display: SQL table
DD07E - DD: For Domain Expand
DD07L - R/3 DD: values for the domains
DD07T - DD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent)
DD07TV - Versioning: foreign languages for domain fixed values
DD07VD - Version display: Domain fixed values
DD07VT - DD: Temp. Replacement Structure for VIEW DD07TV
DD08L - R/3 DD: relationship definitions
DD08T - Texts on the relationship definitions
DD08TV - Texts on the relationship definitions
DD08VD - Version display: foreign key
DD09C - ABAP/4: Sytem-dependent attributes of tech. settings
DD09L - DD: Technical settings of tables
DD09V - Interface: Technical Settings Table/View
DD09VD - Version display: Technical settings
DD10L - Lock table for DD activation
DD12INF - Index parameter for INFORMIX
DD12L - R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header;
DD12ORA - Test
DD12T - Text Table for DD12L (Short Descriptions of Sec. Indexes)
DD12TV - Versioning: foreign languages for secondary indexes
DD12VD - Version display: index
DD14S - R/3 DD: components of SAP objects
DD14V - R/3 DD: view on SAP object structure
DD15L - R/3 DD: SAP objects
DD15T - R/3 DD: texts on SAP objects
DD15V - R/3 DD: view on SAP objects
DD16S - R/3 DD: SQL table fields
DD16VD - Version display: Fields of SQL tables
DD17S - R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, fields
DD17V - Secondary index fields with language key
DD20L - Matchcode objects
DD20T - AS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts
DD20TV - AS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts
DD20VD - Version display: matchcode objects
DD21S - S-MCIDTABLE: Tables for a MC ID
DD21V - V-MCIDTABLE: View of Tables for a MC ID
DD21V_VAR1 - Special View on DD21V Tailored to Matchcode ID Generation
DD22VD - Version display: Lock object header
DD23L - Matchcode ID
DD23T - AS400_L-MCID: Matchcode ID Texts
DD23TV - Versioning: foreign languages for matchcode IDs
DD23VD - Matchcode ID
DD24H - Help System View on Fields of a MC ID
DD24S - Fields of a matchcode ID
DD24V - S-MCIDFIELD: View of MC ID Fields
DD25L - Aggregate Header (Views, MC Objects, Lock Objects)
DD25T - Short Texts for Views and Lock Objects
DD25TV - Versioning: foreign languages for views and lock objects
DD25VD - Version display: View header
DD25VR - DD: Views with Texts - Restricted View
DD25Z - Assignment of superview to subview - no longer required -
DD26E - Interface Structure for Base Tables of a Lock Object
DD26EVD - Version display: base tables of a lock object
DD26S - Base tables and foreign key relationships for a view
DD26V - V-VIEWTABLE: View of Base Tables of a View
DD26VD - Version display: Base tables
DD27P - View of Fields in an SAP Table View
DD27PR - DD: View Fields with Texts - Restricted View
DD27S - Fields in an Aggregate (View, MC Object, Lock Object)
DD27V - V-VIEWFIELD: View of Fields in an SAP View
DD27VD - Version display: View fields, lock arguments, matchcode fld.
DD28J - Internal structure for joins of views
DD28JVD - Version display: Joins of views
DD28S - Lines of a selection condition
DD28V - View on a Selection Condition
DD28VD - Version display: Selection conditions
DD29J - Join Conditions for Views (INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, ...)
DD29L - Selection Condition for Views and MC IDs
DD29T - AS400_L-SELCOND: Selection Condition Texts
DD29V - V-SELCOND: View on Header for a Selection Condition
DD30TV - Versioning: foreign languages for search helps
DD30VD - Version Display: General Attributes of Search Helps
DD32VD - Search help fields
DD35VD - Version display: search help attachm. to structures: header
DD36VD - Version display: parameter-field assignm. for s.h. attachm.
DD40L - Table types (internal tables defined in DD)
DD40T - Text on table types
DD40TV - Versioning: foreign languages for table types
DD40V - DD: Interface structure for table types
DD40VD - Version display: table types
DD42S - Key fields for table types (internal tab. defined in DD)
DD42V - DD: Interface structure for table type key fields (TTKF)
DD42VD - Version display: table type key fields (TTKF)
DD42VDS - Version Display: Table Type Sec. Key Field (TTKF)
DD42V_EXT - DD: Key Field of a Table Incl. Further Information
DD43L - Secondary Key for Table Types
DD43T - Text Table for DD43L (Secondary Key for Table Types)
DD43V - Structure for DD43L and DD43T
DD43VD - Version Display: Secondary Keys for Table Types
DDACL - Exclusion times for ABAP/4 Dictionary actions
DDACTIONS - DD: Structure for display ACTION -> text
DDACTRES - DD: Activation result incl. dependent propagation
DDALTER - Information about Reasons for ALTER TABLE
DDAPPENDINFO - DD: Information on Appends
DDAPPSRC - SE11: Append origin of for. keys and src. help attachments
DDART - DD: Data Class in Technical Settings
DDATCHK - Field structure for screen 100 RUTATCHK
DDAUTHCTRL - Control structure for authorization checks
DDAUTHTAB - ABAP/4: database actions and flag if this is permitted
DDBOOK - Output control table manual
DDBOOL - Reference Structure for Interfaces
DDBTCMPTIT - Column information for comparison of repeat groups
DDBT_CFLD - Description of a non-elementary component of a structure
DDBT_DATA - Information about a component of a complex data object
DDBT_DATD - Type for packing complex data
DDBT_FDDES - Type and position of contents of a field
DDBT_FLD - Information about an elementary component
DDBT_STDEF - Description of a structured type
DDBUF - DD: For transferring the new buffering parameters
DDBYTE - DD: X-fields for each bit of a byte
DDCACHE - DD: Control String for Read Routines
DDCHECKINFO - DD: Check Information Table
DDCHKMESS - ABAP/4 Dict.: contains messages for NA checks
DDCHK_CNT - DD: Mass Check Statistics Counter
DDCHK_CTRL - DD: Parameter for (Parallel) Mass Check Program
DDCIAPINFO - Contains char tables with non-char Appends/CI-/SI-Incl.
DDCLASSES - DD: Structure for mapping CLASS -> text
DDCLIENT - Structure for Clients
DDCNV - Information why Conversion
DDCNVCHKCTRL - DD: Control the steps and abort, if required
DDCNVOPT - Stsructure for Conversion Options
DDCNV_INDX - Line Type for Index Table at Conversion
DDCOMPAREC - Changed Components. Return of RS_VERS_COMPARE_TAB
DDCOMTOTAB - Comment on the Table Rows
DDCON - Condition for IN operator
DDCONH - Storage Parameter (condition)
DDCSTAT_I - DD: Statistics Data for Conversions
DDCSTAT_K - DD: Statistics Data for Conversions - Key Part
DDCSTAT_T - DD: Statistics Data for Conversions
DDCT_TYPE - Type Information for LOW and High of a Range Type
DDDBFEATURES - DD: Contains DB-spec.features & re. who has implemented it
DDDBFEATUREST - DD: Contains DB-spec.features & re. who has implemented it
DDDBOPS - Virtual table of outstanding DB operations
DDDBSPACE - Structure for DBSpaces/Tablespaces
DDDBUTMREQ - Interface for mass processing requests
DDDBUTREFS - DD: Database utility reference fields
DDDECIDE - Information about Structure Changes to DB Objects
DDDEPDESCR - Internal Description of a Dependent Object
DDDEPRES - DD: result of handling of dependent objects
DDDEPTAB - DD: Dependencies Sorted By Dependent Objects
DDDOACTRES - DD: Status of domains (activation result)
DDDOMSTATE - DD: Status of domains
DDDOSTATE - Status of Objects
DDDTSTATE - DD: Status of Data Elements
DDENA - Lock argument fields
DDENQ_LIKE - Ref. Fields for Parameters of the ENQUEUE Function Module
DDENQ_TABNAME - DD: Name of a lock table for use in lock module
DDERR - R/3 DDIC: Error Code From Modules
DDERR_O - Return code structure in consistency layer of the DD
DDEXCLASS - DD: Contains Possible Classes for Include/Subtype Extension
DDFIELD - DB-relevant description of DD table fields
DDFIELDVARS - DB-Relevant Description of DD Table Fields (with Variants)
DDFIXVALUE - Description of a Fixed Value
DDFKEYRC - DD: Message numbers for foreign key violations
DDFKSHDBUF - Shared Buffer for Foreign Key Definitions
DDFLDINFO - Return Structure for Field Information
DDFLDNAM - Name of a DD table field
DDFLDSPATH - DD: field information and field name with entire path
DDFLG1 - Flag byte 1 of nametab for field attributes
DDFLG2 - Flag byte 2 in nametab for field attributes
DDFLG3 - Flag Byte 3 of Nametab for Field Attributes
DDFLG4 - Flag byte 4 of nametab for field attributes?
DDFLGBYTE - Table attributes in nametab header
DDFTX - Run-time object with Screen Painter texts
DDFTYP - DD: Structure to test fields without data elements
DDGENTAB - DD: Structure of Gentab (Mass Activation Program)
DDGR_NAME - DD: Names of DD objects for graphic algorithms
DDGR_OBJ - DD: Object lists for graphic algorithms
DDGR_REL - DD: Relations list for graphic algorithms
DDGR_RELIX - DD: Relation over object index for graphic algorithms
DDHDFLG3 - DD: Header flag 3 expanded
DDHDFLG4 - DD: Header flag 4 expanded
DDHDFLG5 - DD: Header flag 5 expanded
DDHDFLG6 - DD: Header flag 6 expanded
DDHEADER - DD: DB/DD-Relevant Additional Information for Distribution
DDHELPSTRT - Table Fields for Reference
DDIDELCHK - Control String for Check Whether Fields May Be Deleted
DDIKEYCHK - Control String for Checking the Key
DDILTYCHK - Control String for Checking Long Fields
DDINDEX - Information for indexes
DDINDXACT - Information what kind of Index is Required in DB
DDINDXWIDTHWA - DD: Width of an Index
DDINDX_DBSPEC - DD: DB-Specific Properties for Indexes
DDINNUCHK - Control String for Checking NOT NULL Flags
DDIPCLCHK - Control String for Table Type Test with Pool/Cluster
DDIPOOCHK - Control String for Additional Tests for Pooled Table
DDIREFCHK - Control String for Checking Reference Fields
DDISAACHK - Control String for Checking Fields for SAA Standard
DDISAHCHK - Control String for Checking Header for SAA Standard
DDITANCHK - Control String for Table Name Tests (Except SAA)
DDITEHCHK - Control String for Checking DD02L <-> DD09L/Header Checks
DDITESCHK - Control String for Checking DD02L <-> DD09L/Field Checks
DDIVAHCHK - Control String for Checking the Fixed Values (Header)
DDIVALCHK - Control String for Checking the Fixed Values (Fields)
DDKONTEXT - Context of DD Maintenance
DDLANGUFLAG - Control Structure for Lang. Flag
DDLANGUFLAGWA - Control Structure for Lang. Flag
DDLCH - Logical Channel Info from the R/3 Repos. - Standard Version
DDLINE - DD: A line of a statement
DDLOAD - DD: Reference structure for loading/unloading tables
DDLOGDEF - DD: Formal definition of log and trace output
DDLOGEXPAND - DD: Expanding a Log into Components
DDLREF - Log Reference in Dictionary - Standard Output
DDMASS - DD: Structure for mass activator parameters
DDMASSAC - DD: Control operations for DD objects during mass activation
DDMASSTST - DD: Control Structure for Test Mode Mass Activation Program
DDMATASKCT - DD: Control Parameter for Mass Act. for Each Task
DDMESS - Message in non-expanded form
DDMESSWS - Message in Non-Expanded Form with Error Severity
DDMSACTRC - DD: Return Information about Activation
DDMSCHK - Structure for screen variables of mass checks
DDMSG - DD: Structure for Messages
DDMUTEX - DD: Table for implementing reciprocal exclusions
DDNAMECHG - DD. Old and New Name for Name Change
DDNAMECONF - Return structure for function module DD_NAME_CONFLICT_AREA
DDNAMES - Structure for Dictionary Checks
DDNAMETAB - Structure for Display Nametab
DDNMB - DD: Data records per extent (minimum/maximum number)
DDNTDONE - DD: For restart in nametab generation with Include
DDNTFLAG - Structure for Explaining Nametab Flags
DDNTHEADER - Structure for Nametab Header
DDNTHIST - DD: history nametabs in time interval
DDNTSACT - DD: Possible actions on nametab byte
DDNTTHISTS - Nametab history: table information on DB table DDNTT_HIST
DDNUMFVAL - DD: Structure for numeric fixed values
DDOBJ - DD: Name of an ABAP Dictionary object
DDOBJCLASS - Classification of ABAP Dictionary objects
DDOBJCOST - DD: Relative costs per DD object type
DDOBJDIR - DD: Structure for Objects in Mass Checks
DDOBJKEY - DD: Key of DD Objects (Type Name)
DDOBJPOS - DD: Position of an object
DDOCC - Occurrence of Table/Field in Aggregates or as Reference
DDOP - DD: Specification of DDL Operations
DDOPADMIN - DD: Management Information on an DD/DB Operation
DDOPER - Lock arguments for DD processes
DDOPER_STRUC - DD: Structure for Operations - for example, Distributor
DDOPKEY - DD: Key of a DD/DB Operation
DDOPOBJ - DD: Object on which a DD/DB Operation is Performed
DDOPTIME - DD: Time of a DD/DB Operation
DDPAMSCTRL - DD: Controls Parallel Handling during Mass Activation
DDPAR - R/3 Dict: table of internal parameters
DDPARLIST - Control structure for outputting parameter values
DDPART - DD: Partitioned form of TBATG
DDPARTKEY - DD: Global attributes of table DDPART
DDPATH - DD: Definition of access paths
DDPCH - Physical Channel Info from the R3/Repos. - Standard Version
DDPOPUPT2F - DD: Description of a dialog box with 2 columns and 1 flag
DDPRH - R/3 DD: Log header
DDPRH_ALV - Structure for DDPRH for Display with ALV Grid
DDPRID - DD: Representation of a list of log IDs
DDPRLOCK - DD: Lock granularity for standard output
DDPRMASQUE - DD: Mask for overlaying a log line
DDPROF - DD: Settings for DDIC programs
DDPROPVAL - DD: Attribute value pairs
DDPROTOBJ - DD: Object Table for Log Entries in DDPRH, DDPRS
DDPRS - R/3 DD: log lines
DDPRT - Structure of ABAP/4 Dictionary logs
DDPRTENQ - Control string: print lock objects
DDPRTGEN - Interface: general print options
DDPRTLIST - Input list for printing DD objects
DDPRTMC - Control string: print option for matchcodes
DDPRTPARA - Parameter for print editing
DDPRTSHLP - Control string: print options for search helps
DDPRTTAB - Control string: print options for tables
DDPRTUVAR - User settings for printing DD objects
DDPRTVIEW - Control string: print options for views
DDPRTXT - R/3 DD: Log texts
DDPRT_FRM - Format Definitions for Printing Dictionary Objects
DDPRT_I - Interface for ABAP/4 Dictionary logger
DDQCM8BUF - Shared Buffer for QCM8 Names and Timestamps
DDRANGE - Reference structure for ranges in the ABAP Dictionary
DDREF - Table/Field and Associated Reference Table/Field
DDREFSTRUC - DD: General Reference Structure in ABAP Dictionary
DDREFTAB - ABAP/4 D: Dependencies Sorted by Referenced Objects
DDRELSTRUC - DD: Relationships between DD objects
DDRELTAB - DD Dict.: structure for relations
DDSCR - DD Interface: View of Field Attributes in the Nametab
DDSERVERIF - DD: Info for Application Server for Parallel Processing
DDSERVPERF - DD: Performance Key Figures of Server for Par. Execution
DDSETSTATE - Status of Objects
DDSEVMAP - DD: Map severity for level/STDO
DDSPAR - Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSPAR1 - Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSPAR2 - Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSQFDCHK - Dictionary: Checks on Fields of a Table Pool or Cluster
DDSQHDCHK - Dictionary: Header Checks for Table Pools or Clusters
DDSQLSCT - Texts for SQL Scripts
DDSQTTCHK - Dictionary: Tests the Technical Settings of SQLT Tables
DDSTATE - Status of Objects
DDSTORAGE - Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTORAGE1 - Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTORAGE2 - Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSUX030L - Nametab Header, Database Structure DDNTT
DDSUX031L - Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF
DDSYM10TAB - Symbol table (CHAR10)
DDSYMTAB - Symbol table (as reference structure)
DDTABFDS - DD: Structure/table name - field name with lengths
DDTABLE - Structure for Table Information
DDTABNAME - Only table name
DDTABSCHEMA - DD: Schema of a Table
DDTABTVAL - DD: Control string for TABT values checks
DDTBCLASS - DD: Control String for Checking TABCLASS <-> SQLTAB
DDTBFD - DD: Table Name, Field Assignment
DDTBFDCHK - Control String for Table Checks (Fields)
DDTBFKCHK - Control String for Foreign Key Checks in Table Activator
DDTBHDCHK - Control String for Table Checks (Header)
DDTBIXCHK - Control String for the Index Checks
DDTEMPL - DD: Structure for mapping SKIND -> text
DDTEXTDATA - Data cluster as text
DDTIMER - DD: Basic tools, timer structure
DDTPOOLCNV - DD: Names of tablepools to convert
DDTRMERGE - DD: For merging objects with different obj. func. values
DDTTACTRES - DD: Status of Table Types (Activator Results)
DDTTSTATE - DD: Result when reading the TABT activation set
DDTYPEDESC - Description of an ABAP Dictionary Type
DDTYPEGET - Control structure for DD_TYPEINFO_GET
DDTYPES - Table of all Dictionary types and classes
DDUDMPAR - Parameters for attribute maintenance / partial objects
DDUDT - DD: Include for user, date, time
DDVACTION - Structure for Distribution Actions
DDWHERECND - DD: Lines of where condition
DDXTF - Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing
DDXTT - Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DECIDEINFO - INFO string for function module DD_DECIDE
DELFIELD - Control String for Check Whether Fields May Be Deleted
DEL_DEPTAB - DD: Structure for where-used list for deletion functions
DEPCHKS - Control String for Analysis of Checks with Subs. Actions
DEPERROR - DD: Dependent tables with errors
DEPTABG0 - ABAP/4 Dictionary: Dependency Table of RDDMASG0
DFIES - DD Interface: Table Fields for DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET
DGKAT - DD: Size category in technical settings
DIO20 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIO22 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIO23 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIO24 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIO25 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIO26 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIO27 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIP02 - Selection Parameters for SAP Tables
DIP20 - Selection Parameters for DD20V
DIP22 - Selection Parameters for DD22V
DIP23 - Selection Parameters for DD23V
DIP24 - Selection Parameters for DD24A
DIP25 - Selection Parameters for DD25V
DIP26 - Selection Parameters for DD26I
DIP27 - Selection Parameters for DD27I
DIS20 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Sort Statement
DIS22 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Sort Statement
DIS23 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Sort Statement
DIS24 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Sort Statement
DIS25 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Sort Statement
DIS26 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Sort Statement
DIS27 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Sort Statement
DMAGE - Dependent tables for an ABAP/4 Dictionary object
DNTAB - DD interface: nametab definition for GET_NAMETAB
DSTCL - Control Table for Distribution Program Running Parallel
DTELDOKTL - Documentation - text lines
DTELDOKTL1 - Documentation - text lines
DTELINFO - DD: nametab information for data element (elementary type)
DTEXROUT - Flag Byte 2 (EXROUT) in Header of Runtime Object
DTFLAG1 - Flag byte 1 of nametab for data elements and table types
DTFLAG2 - Flag byte 2 in nametab for field attributes
DTFLAG3 - Flag byte 3 of nametab for field attributes?
DTFLG1 - Flag Byte 1 in Nametab Field Entry for DTEL, TTYP
DTFLG2 - Flag Byte 2 in Nametab Field Entry for DTEL, TTYP
DTHEADVAL - DD: Control string for DTEL header tests
DTLIDOKCR - Set of conflicts for renaming the links to data elem. docu.
DTLIDOKI - Docu index for renaming the links to data element docu.
DTYPINFO - DD: data type information (part of nametab information)
EXTDFIES - DD Internal: Information on Table Fields
F4HLPINFO - Transfer Values for the Help Processor
F4MCHLP2 - Interface structure matchcode <-> F4 help system
F4MCHLP3 - Interface structure matchcode <-> F4 help system
FIELDCNT - DD: Control Structure for Field Number Tests
FIELDSTRUC - DB-relevant description of DD table fields
FLDPATH - DD: field information and field name with entire path
FLGEXROUT - DD: Header flag EXROUT expanded
GMESS - Generic message, reference structure
GWFEODE - Test with fields or DE
HDSAANORM - Control String for Checking Header for SAA Standard
HLPNA - Table for messages classes of DDIC (for GETMSGAL)
IAINF - Current INFORMIX Database Spaces
IAORA - Table type -> index storage parameters for ORACLE V6
IDD02N - Only table name
IDD03N - Only field name
IGINF - Assignment of INFORMIX Storage Params to Table Categories
IGORA - Table category -> index storage parameters for ORACLE V6
INFINDSTOR - Index parameter for INFORMIX
INFIS - Index Parameter for INFORMIX
INFTABSTOR - Table Parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6
INFTS - Table Parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6
KEYCHANGEC - Control String for Checking Key Changes
KEYCHECK - Control String for Checking the Key
KEYFDPATH - Path Components of a Key Component for Table Types
LOGVERZ - Structure for the logical directories
LONGTYPES - Control String for Checking Long Fields
MACFD - Matchcode Run-Time Object: Inverted Field String
MACID - Run-time Object "Matchcode ID"
MACOB - Run-Time Object "Matchcode Object"
MAGE - ABAP/4 Dictionary objects for mass generation
MCDEFID - Default matchcode Ids per user
MCIDSEL - Internal table for selection of matchcode IDs
MCMACO - Input Parameters for Matchcode Maintenance Programs
MCOUTFLD - Structure for matchcode output fields
MCOUTFLDS - Interface structure for funct. mod. for matchcode selection
MCTBAT - Internal Structure for Matchcode Handling
MCUSREXITS - User exits in the matchcode area
MESSID - T100 message key without language field
MTST10 - rtyrtyrty
NNULLCHK - Control String for Checking NOT NULL Flags
NTTABCHK - Control string for NT DD table checks
ORAINDSTOR - Index Parameters for ORACLE
ORAIS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATABPAR - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8, Internal Represent.
ORATABSTI - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8, Internal Represent.
ORATABSTOR - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
ORATS - Table Parameters for ORACLE, Version 8
PAK_OBJECT_ENV_ELEMENT - Component or Usage Relationship to Object
PARCONTROL - DD: Control Parameter for Parallel Execution
PARCTRLINT - DD: Internal Check Parameter for Parallel Execution
PARS - Transfer parameters for conversion program
POCL_CLASS - Control String for Table Type Test with Pool/Cluster
POOLCHECK - Control String for Additional Tests for Pooled Table
POPUPTEXT - Texts for general popup
REFERENCE - Control String for Checking Reference Fields
RSD01 - R/3 DD: local fields for AD01
RSD02 - R/3 DD: local fields for tables
RSD03 - R/3 DD: local fields for table fields
RSD08 - R/3 DD: local fields for AD08
RSD09 - DD: maintain technical settings: fields on screen
RSD23 - Local Fields for Module Pool SAPMSD23
RSD25 - Local Fields for SAPMSD25
RSD26 - Local fields for SAPMSD26
RSD27 - Local Fields for SAPMSD27
RSD28 - Local Fields for SAPMSD28 (View Selection Conditions)
RSD33 - R/3 DD: local fields for AD33
RSD99 - Dictionary Test Table with All Data Types (form. FLTP)
RSDAG - Dynpro fields for SAPMSMSG
RSDC8 - R/3 DD: local fields for AD08
RSDD7 - Screen Structure for SE08 - Quantity Statistics
RSDEO - Lock object structure for ABAP/4 Dictionary objects
RSDFS - Description of the structure of the field DD05S-FORSTRING
RSDJVERI - DD: Test Structure for Java Veris
RSDJVERI_RSD99 - DD: Test Structure for Jave Veris with All Data Types
RSDMG - Internal structure of RDDMASG0
RSDOC - R/3 DD: local fields for AD01
RSDOV - R/3 DD: local fields for AD01
RSDSG - Internal table for source generation of RDDSRCG0
RSDTB - Help fields for tables manual
RSGTB - Work fields for table utility screen
RSGTB1 - Status Texts
RSMBL - Link List for Matchcode Selection Criteria
RSMDY - Interface Between Screen and MC Selection Report
RSMDY2 - Interface between screen and matchcode selection report
RSMFL - Field Parameter List in Matchcode Selection Condition
RSMIF - Matchcode ID Fields (MCTAB Generation)
RSMIH - Matchcode ID Header (MCTAB Generation)
RSMIT - Matchcode ID Tables (MCTAB Generation)
RSMOF - Matchcode Object Fields (MCTAB Generation)
RSMOH - Matchcode Object Header (MCTAB Generation)
RSMOT - Matchcode Object Tables (MCTAB Generation)
RSMRL - (Partial) Fields in Matchcode Restriction (MCTAB Generation)
RSMVA - Interface Between Matchcode and Classification System
RSMVL - Value List in Matchcode Selection Condition
RSRD1 - Local structure for SAPMSRD1
RSRD2 - Local structure for SAPMSRD2
RSRDD - R/3 DD: local fields for data elements
RSTAZ - Dynpro Fields for General Table Display
RSVRSHEAD - Header line for version display and comparison (DE objects)
RSX02DB - Non-DB-specific part of all DD02 tables
RSX12DB - Non-DB-specific part of all DD12 tables
SAANORM - Control String for Checking Fields for SAA Standard
SCCONTROL - DD: Internal Control Structure for Schema Instatiator
SCDELIM - DD: structure for delimiter in schemata
SCGPARSED - DD: Structure for Parsed Schemas of a Program
SCINSTLINE - DD: Long Row for Instantiating Schemas
SCMDELIM - DD: structure for delimiter in schemata
SCMDELIMA - Schema: Basic Delimiter (Redefinable)
SCMDELIMD - Schema: Derived Delimiter
SCPARSED - DD: Structure for Parsed Schemas
SCPREINST - DD: Intermediate Form of Schema Instantiation
SCTMPLINE - DD: Temporary, Short Line for Instantiating Schemas
SDPK_S_DEF_ENV - Definition Environment
SDPK_S_USAGES - Structure for Inclusion of All Usages
SEQAREA - Structure for controlling locks
SHSELOPT - Fields of the search help selection options
SPRWR - Reference fields for logger PR_...
STORAGEPAR - Fields for storage parameters in storage clauses
STORAGESRC - Source hierarchy for storage structure
STRUCINFO - DD: nametab field inform. and field name with entire path
SYSTABSTMT - Contains SQL Statements for Change of Nametab
T100 - Messages
T100A - Message IDs for T100
T100I - Screen fields for message transaction
T100U - Last person to change messages
T100X - Error Messages: Supplements
TABLENAME - Control Structure for Testing the Table Name (Apart fr. SAA)
TABS0_VER - DD Verification: Includes
TABS11_VER - DD Verification: Includes
TABS1_VER - DD Verification: Includes
TABS2_VER - DD Verification: Includes
TACO1 - Table for activating DD objects
TACOB - Table for activating DD objects
TADBM - Table Activation Program: Allowed Database Modifications
TAORA - Current ORACLE tablespaces
TAPPL - R/3-DDIC: Application classes
TASKSIZE - DD: Size for Tasks
TATAF - Program for implementing ADD FIELDS
TBATG - Control table for batch table conversion
TBATGKEY - DD: Key of table TBATG
TBATG_BODY - DD: Local attributes of table TBATG
TBINTCHK1 - ABAP/4 Dict.: Online Activ. Progr.: Analyzing Int. Checks
TBREFCHK - ABAP/4 Dict.: String with Checks of Referenced Objects
TCNV - Conversion Table for Logging the Conversion Steps
TCNVDATA - Additional Information about Conversion
TCNVRESET - DD: Control Table for Resetting a Conversion
TDATS - R/3 DD: Control for Generating Data Interfaces
TDDAT - Maintenance Areas for Tables
TDUMY - Dummy table for READ VERSION
TECHNPROP - Control String with Check of DD02L <-> DD09L
TESETTFD - Control String for Checking DD02L <-> DD09L/Field Checks
TESETTHD - Control String for Checking DD02L <-> DD09L/Header Checks
TESTRUC - DD: Fields for the technical settings transaction
TFKT - Formulas
TGORA - Assigning ORACLE Storage Parameters to Table Categories
TGTB - Control table for table converter
TMAGE - Table for mass activator
TMCDF - Assignment Table for Default Matchcodes
TMCIR - Table Contains Run-Time Values for MC IDs Processed Asynchr.
TMCOG - Selection of MC Object IDs for Setting Up Again
TMCOL - Root Table Keys for Asynchronous MC Set-Up
TNMAPACT - DD: Contains necessary actions during TNMAP maintainance
TPIND - Index parameters for DB2
TPOTB - Table parameters for ORACLE
TPROT - Table contains all DD tables to be logged
TPTAB - Table parameters for DB2
TPTSP - Tablespace parameters for DB2
TRESE - Reserved Names
TRJOB - Job ID for Coordinating Batch-ABAP/UNIX for Transports
TSORA - Table of valid ORACLE tablespaces
TSPDD - Table, Old SAP Version
TSPDD2 - Table, Old SAP Version
TSRCG - List of tables from which source coding is generated
TSYNC - Synchronization table for Dictionary - Processes
TTEXROUT - Flag Byte 2 (EXROUT) in Header of Runtime Object for TTYP
TTKFINFO - DD: nametab information on table type key fields
TTRANS - Control String for Checks for Changing POOL/CLUSTER->TRANSP
TTYPINFO - DD: nametab information on table type
TTYPINFO - DD: nametab information on table type
TXBUF - DDTMP: Tables with Authorization, but without Buffering
TYPEHDINFO - DD: header information for types (nametab information)
UBEKL - Salary Classes for Non-Academic Employees
UBURO - Office Workplaces for Non-Academic Employees
UFACH - Faculties
UKRSB - Course Descriptions
UKRST - Course Enrollment (Results)
UKRTB - Course Participation (Results)
UKURS - Courses
UNAMA - Non-academic employees
UPERS - People at the university
UPROF - Professors
USTUD - Students
UTCMP - Verification Table for Decider in DD_DECIDE
VALFDCHECK - Control String for Checking the Fixed Values (Fields)
VALHDCHECK - Control String for Checking the Fixed Values (Header)
VALUECHECK - Control String for Checking the Fixed Values
VSYNC - Control Table for Distribution Program Running Parallel
X030L - Nametab Header, Database Structure DDNTT
X031L - Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF

SAP Dictionary Maintenance Tables BC-DWB-DIC-ED

APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
APP_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for Append List
COMPL_TYPE - Structure for displaying complex types
CURSORPOS - Position of Cursor in the DDIC Maintenance
DD01D - Dynpro fields for domain
DD02D - Screen Fields for Table and Structure
DD03D - Dynpro fields for table fields
DD03P_D - Dict.Maintenance: Attrib. of Structure Fields (like DD03P)
DD04D - Dynpro fields for Data Element
DD06D - Screen fields for SQL table
DD07D - Screen fields for domain values
DD08D - Screen Fields for Foreign Keys
DD12D - Screen fields for index maintenance
DD16D - Screen fields for SQL table fields
DD25D - Screen fields for view
DD26D - Screen fields for lock object maintenance
DD27D - Screen fields for view fields
DD40D - Screen Fields for Table Types
DD50D - Screen Fields for Type Groups
DD51D - Screen Fields for Lock Objects (Same Fields: DD25D Views)
DD52D - Interface Structure for Base Tables of a Lock Object
DD53D - Screen Fields for Lock Object Fields
DDENQS - Lock object structure for Dictionary objects (inc. index)
DDIC_STRUCTURE_BROWSER_LINE - Line of the structure browser
DDIC_STRUCTURE_LINE - Line of the structure browser
DDINFO - DD: Info Part of the Navigation Table for DD Objects
DDTEST_DBTAB1 - Test Object
DDTEST_DBTAB2 - Test Object
DDTEST_STRU_CHAR - Structure with character fields
DDTEST_STRU_INCLUDE - Structure with includes
DDTEST_STRU_TTYP - Structure with a table type
DDTYPET - Texts on Type Groups
DESED7 - Screen Fields for FUGR SED7
DEXDD03P - DD03P Structure with Selection Field
GSUBTYPES - Central Table for TYPE-POOL Types and BAdIs
GSUBT_CONFLICTS - Log Table for Name Conflicts
GSUBT_EXCEPT - Exception Table for GSUBTYPES
GSUBT_LOCAL - Control Table for GSUBTYPE Registration
MTREEITMMW - Structure for Column Tree (w. INCLUDE:TREEV_ITEM and TEXT)
RSD12 - Local Fields for SAPMSD12 (Sec.Indexes)
RSD2X - Local Fields for all Aggregate Transactions 1
RSDDCLSOUT - Results Structure for Mass Classification in DDIC
RSDXX - DD system table: Dynpro fields for DD transactions
RSEDD0 - DD system table: Dynpro fields for popup window in DD
SDDIC_ADT_DOMA_APPEND - Append reference of a DDIC Domain
SDDIC_ADT_DOMA_BUILTIN_TYPE - Domain built-in type (for usage in ADT XML)
SDDIC_ADT_DOMA_DATA - Domain data structure used for ADT XML (main element)
SDDIC_ADT_DOMA_FIXED_VALUE - A fixed value for DDIC Domains
SDDIC_ADT_DOMA_INTERVAL - An interval value for DDIC Domains
SDDIC_ADT_DOMA_OUTPUT_CHARAC - Domain output characteristics (for usage in ADT XML)
SDDIC_ADT_DOMA_REF - Domain reference
SDDIC_ADT_LIFECYCLE_PROPERTIES - Structure for lifecycle properties
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_BOOL_DESC - Predefined Type: Boolean Property Descriptor
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_CATEGORY - Category of predefined type
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_DATA - Predefined Type Info: main structure for usage in ADT XML
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_DESCRIPTOR - Predefined Type Descriptor
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_INT_DESC - Predefined Type: Integer Property Descriptor
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_OUTPUTSTYLE - Output style of predefined type
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_OUTPUT_DESC - Predefined Type: Outputstyle Property Descriptor
SDDIC_ADT_TYPEINFO_STRING_DESC - Predefined Type: String Property Descriptor
SDDIC_DDLS_MOCK_TEXT_KEY - DDLS Mock Data: Key for Short Texts
SDDIC_DDLS_M_TXT - DDLS Mock Data: Short Texts
SDDIC_XVIEW_MOCK_COL_KEY - Key of XView Mock Column Data
SDDIC_XVIEW_MOCK_COL_MAIN - Column Data for XView Mock
SDDIC_XVIEW_MOCK_KEY - Main XView Mock data
SDDIC_XVIEW_MOCK_MAIN - Main XView Mock data
SEDDD_LOBH_CLASS - Classes for LOB Handle Components
SEDDS_FIELD - DD: Reference Structure for Field Selection
SEDDS_LOBHS_ENTRY - DD: Reference Structure for LOB Handle Structures
STR_TYPENAME - Structure for TABLE Parameter
STYPEICON - Structure for Type Icons
SUBT_LOCAL_CHECK - Control Table for Consistency Check
SXVIEW_MOCK_COL - XView Mock Data: Columns
SXVIEW_MOCK_MAIN - Main Data for XView Mock

SAP F4 Help Tables BC-DWB-DIC-F4

CDTBSHCHK - DD: search help checks for table changes
DCEIACTCHK - Control String for Checks of an External Index
DCEIACTDET - Control String for Activation Program Actions for Ext. Index
DCEIACTRES - Contains Results of Activation of an Ext. Index
DCEIACTSTP - Computed Steps for Activating an External Index
DCEIDATCHK - Control String for External Index: Definition Data Selection
DCEIPHYCHK - Control String for External Index: Physical Definition
DCEISYNCHK - Control String for External Index: Synchronization
DCEXIXPUT - Control Structure for Function Module DD_EXIX_PUT
DCSHACTCHK - Control string for checks of search help object
DCSHACTDET - Control string for actions of search help activator
DCSHACTRES - Contains results of a search help activation
DCSHATCHG - DD: changes to search help header
DCSHATCHK - Control string for param. assignments for s.h. inclusions
DCSHATDIR - Control string for checks of direct par. assignm.
DCSHCOCHG - DD: changes to search help header
DCSHCOCHK - Control string for checks of search help inclusions
DCSHFDCHG - DD: Changes to Search Help Parameters
DCSHFDCHK - Control string for checks of fields of search help
DCSHFDDEF - Check default value for search help parameters
DCSHFDSEL - Checks of assignments search help field - selection field
DCSHFDSIN - Control string for checks of a search help field
DCSHHDCHG - DD: changes to search help header
DCSHHDCHK - Control string for header checks of search helps
DCSHLPGET - Control structure for DD_SHLP_GET
DCSHLPPUT - Control structure for function module DD_SHLP_PUT
DCSHSHCHK - DD: search help checks for search help changes
DD30L - Search helps
DD30T - Search help texts
DD31D - Search help inclusions with texts of included
DD31S - Assignment of search helps to collective search helps
DD31V - Assignment of search helps to collective search helps
DD32P - Interface structure for search help parameters
DD32S - Search Help Parameter
DD32V - Search help fields
DD33S - Assignment of search help fields
DD33V - Assignment of search help parameters for srch help inclusion
DD35L - Search help attachments to structures: Headers
DD35V - Assignment of structure fields and search helps: Headers
DD36M - Interface structure for field assignments table-search help
DD36S - Parameter-field assignments for search help attachment
DD36V - Assignment of structure fields and search helps: Fields
DD90L - Header Information for External Index
DD90T - R/3-DD: Text for External Index
DD91S - DocID Key Definition of External Index
DD91V - DocID Key Definition of External Index
DD92S - Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index
DD92V - Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index
DD93S - Attributes of an External Index
DD93V - Attributes of an External Index
DD94S - Languages of an Index Category
DD94V - Languages of an Index Category
DD96S - Synchronization Tables
DD96V - Synchronization Tables of an External Index
DD97S - Statements for Trigger and Stored Procedures
DDEXTIDXS2 - DocID Key Definition of External Index
DDEXTIDXS3 - Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index
DDEXTIDXS4 - Attributes of an External Index
DDEXTIDXS5 - Synchronization Tables with Stored Proc. for External Index
DDF4ATTRVA - Document Attribute with Value for Indexing/De-indexing
DDF4DBTRIG - Tables and Triggers
DDF4EXIXS3 - Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index
DDF4GP - Management data, generated programs for F4 help
DDF4IDCTRL - Control Structure for Data Selection for an External Index
DDF4IDPROT - Structure for Log Table for Updating External Indexes
DDF4IDXCON - Document Contents for External Index
DDF4KEYTAB - Key for Selection Module / Search Engines
DDF4LBBUF1 - List Box Buffer: GUID and Time Stamp for a Table
DDF4PSALLS - Structure for General Personalization of Search Helps
DDF4PSINDX - Contains Information for Personalizing the F4 Help
DDF4SEKEYS - Structure for Document Key of Log Table
DDF4SERFC - RFC Destinations of a Search Server Relation
DDF4SYNCIV - Synchronization Interval for External Index
DDF4TRACE - INDX Structure for Holding F4 Trace (List Box)
DDF4TRADAT - Data to be Stored in DDF4TRACE
DDF4TRIGTR - Structure for Tree Representation of DB Trigger
DDLBBUFTST - Test: Recognize Access to Buffered Tables
DDSECHKKEY - Structure for Comparing Definition of Log Table
DDSECHKPRT - Log Display Admin. Search Index
DDSESELOPT - Selopt Structure for the F4 Help with Search Engines
DDSETYPTAB - Search Type Search Engine
DDSHBUTTON - Buttons on the Hit List
DDSHCUMAR - Information on Cursor Position and Markings
DDSHDEFLT - Description of a default value for search help fields
DDSHDEFSH - Default value - search help per user and collective s.h.
DDSHDESCR - Interface: elementary search helps of a search help
DDSHENTITY - Table of data elements which need the value table help
DDSHEXMPL1 - Structure for F4 help example RUTSHEXP
DDSHF4CTRL - Control Structure for F4 Process with Search Help Exit
DDSHF4ENV - Program Environment for F4 Field
DDSHFPROP - Characteristics of search help parameters
DDSHHVALUE - Historic Help Values
DDSHICON - Management of Icon Information
DDSHIFACE - Interface description of a F4 help method
DDSHLCCONT - Description of Cell on F4 Hit List
DDSHLCINFO - Information on Constant Info for F4 Hit List
DDSHLCOLIN - Description of Column in F4 Hit List
DDSHLCOMM - User Input on F4 Hit List
DDSHLCOROW - Description of Constant Column on F4 Hit List
DDSHLDB1 - Interface structure search help <-> logical DBs
DDSHLNEXT - Next Action on F4 Hit List
DDSHLPACK - Package of Display for F4 Hit List
DDSHLPOPUP - Description of Dialog Box on F4 Hit List to Be Sent
DDSHLPVERS - Current Version of Search Help Activator
DDSHLSCTRL - Control Structure for Display of F4 Hit List
DDSHLTABI - Description of Table Section of F4 Help
DDSHLUNDOB - Reset Buffer in F4 Hit List
DDSHOCXINT - Communications between F4 process and search help OCX
DDSHOFFLD - Shared buffer for search help for a DDIC field
DDSHOUTFLD - Interface structure for FM to search help selection
DDSHPVAL50 - Personal Help Values from Release 5.0
DDSHPVALUE - Personal Help Values
DDSHRETVAL - Interface Structure Search Help <-> Help System
DDSHSELOPT - Selection options for value selection with search help
DDSHTECINF - Technical information about a search help
DDSHTEXTSEARCH - Dictionary Search Help: Parameter for Text (Fuzzy) Search
DDSHWROBJ - Description of Cell on Hit List to Output
DDSTEXTIDX - Header Information of External Index
DSHCONFIG - Search Help Configuration Parameter
DSH_MEAL - Meal Table for Dictionary Search Helps
DSH_MEALT - Dictionary Search Helps: Text Table for Meals
F4EXTSPRSS - Assignment of Client to Languages of an Index
F4MCHLP - View of F4 processor on the matchcode search help
F4SHLP4 - Search help structure: offset of field x
SDSH_S_ADDRESS - Address Structure for Testing
SDSH_S_CUSTOMER - Dictionary Search Helps: Test Structure for Customer
SDSH_S_CUSTOMER_TYPEAHEAD - Structure for Customers with type-ahead
SDSH_S_ENHCOMPOSITE - Test Structure: Enhancement Composite
SDSH_S_NO_SELECTION_METHOD - Test Structure for search help without selection method
SDSH_S_SPFLI - SPFLI Test structure
SEAHLPRES - Search help result structure
SENG_UPDAT - Data Components for Trigger Table of External Indexes
SENG_UPKEY - Key Include for Update Table of External Indexes
SHL3_TIME - Structure for Dynpro 99
SHLPEXTIDX - Structure for External Index
SHLP_DESCR - Description of Search Help
SHLP_INTDS - Internal Information on a Search Help
VRMMD5MAP - List Box: Mapping of VRM ID on the MD5 Signature
WDR_DDICF4_PERS_VALUES - Web Dynpro DDIC Value Help Personalization
WDR_DDICF4_POBJ - Web Dynpro DDIC Input Help
WDR_DDICF4_VALLIST_DESCR_LINE - Web Dynpro DDIC Input Help: Personalization Hit List

SAP Business Object, Design Time and Process Integration Tools Tables BC-DWB-MTS-TOO

EPM_CONFIRM_SOREQUEST - Confirm sales order request
EPM_CONFIRM_SOREQUEST1 - Confirm sales order request
EPM_CONFIRM_SORESPONSE - confirm sales order response
EPM_CONFIRM_SORESPONSE1 - Confirm sales order response
EPM_CREATE_SALES_ORDER_HEADER - Create sales order header
EPM_CREATE_SALES_ORDER_HEADER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EPM_CREATE_SALES_ORDER_ITEM_A1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EPM_CREATE_SALES_ORDER_ITEM_AB - Create sales order Item
EPM_CREATE_SALES_ORDER_REQUES1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EPM_CREATE_SALES_ORDER_REQUEST - Create Sales order Request
EPM_CREATE_SOREQUEST_ABS - Create Abstract Sales Order Request
EPM_CREATE_SOREQUEST_ABS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EPM_CREATE_SORESPONSE_ABS - Create Abstract Sales Order response
EPM_CREATE_SORESPONSE_ABS1 - Create abstract Sales Order response
EPM_CREATE_SORESPONSE_ABS2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EPM_CREATE_SORESPONSE_ABS3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EPM_CREATE_SOSCHEDULE_LINE_AB1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EPM_CREATE_SOSCHEDULE_LINE_ABS - Abstract sales order schedule line
EPM_DISPLAY_SOREQUEST - Display sales order request
EPM_DISPLAY_SOREQUEST1 - Display sales order request
EPM_DISPLAY_SORESPONSE - Display sales order response
EPM_DISPLAY_SORESPONSE1 - Display sales order response
EPM_SNWDADMIN_DATA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

SAP Proxy Generation Tables BC-DWB-PRX

APPLMSG - Return Structure for Messages
PRXCTRL - Control Flags for Fields of a Structure
PRXCTRLA - Control Flags and Actions Codes for Fields of a Structure
PRXCTRLD - Control Flags and Actions Codes for Fields of a Structure
PRX_ACK_APP_FAULT - Proxies: Application Error Ack Data
PRX_ACK_REQUEST_DETAILS - Details for Acknowledgment Request
PRX_ACK_STATUS - Acknowledgment Status
PRX_ACK_STATUS_DETAIL - Description of All Acks for a Request Message in Branch Tree
PRX_ACK_STATUS_TREE - Description of Ack Status for a Request Msg in Branch Tree
PRX_FURTHER_DATA - Proxy Generation: Additional Proxy Data
PRX_GDT_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)
PRX_GDT_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application
PRX_GDT_LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
PRX_HDR_FURTHER_DATA - Emergency Structure for sproxhdr Enhancements
PRX_HOP - XI: Description of an XI Peer in the Hop List
PRX_ID_HASHID - Map Id/Hash Id
PRX_METHOD_PROP - Method Properties
PRX_PRPS_METHOD - Default Name (Method)
PRX_PRPS_OBJECT - Default Name (Object)
PRX_PRPS_PROXY - Default Namespace (Proxy)
PRX_QNAME_F4 - Qname for F4 help
PRX_R_R3OBJ - Range for PRX_R3OBJ
PRX_STRING_DIV - Structure to divide a string into char
PRX_S_BCKG_SEQUENCE - ESR-Key with Ref to Repository Object
PRX_S_BO_QUERY_REF - BO Query Reference
PRX_S_CHECK_INFO - Info from remote proxy check
PRX_S_CHECK_ITEM - Item for remote Pproxy check
PRX_S_CORE_TYPE - Core Data Type
PRX_S_DETAIL_VIEW - Detailed Information in SPROXY Structure Tree
PRX_S_EUMOD - Proxy generation: WB Settings
PRX_S_EXTKEY - External Proxy Object Identification
PRX_S_FIELD_TEXT - Field Name and Text
PRX_S_IFR - Proxy Generation: Object Identification ES Builder
PRX_S_IF_QUERY - Proxy Generation: Inquiry Results Row
PRX_S_LOG - Proxy Generation: Context for Log Entries
PRX_S_LOGIN_DATA - Proxy Generation: Data for Logging On to IFR
PRX_S_MAIN - Groups Everything Required for Proxy Generation
PRX_S_NAME - Proxy Generation: ESR and R3 Name
PRX_S_NAMESPACE_OBJECT - namespace object
PRX_S_NAMESPACE_PACKAGE - Proxy Generation: Package/Prefix for Namespaces
PRX_S_NAVIGATION_STATUS - Identify Node in Proxy Navigation Tree
PRX_S_NSPC - Proxy Generation: Query Data: Namespaces
PRX_S_OBJ - Proxy Generation: Identification of an Object
PRX_S_OPERATION - Proxy Generation: Operations on a Port Type
PRX_S_OP_NAME - Proxy Generation: ESR and R3 Name
PRX_S_PARAM - Proxy Parameters
PRX_S_POP - Proxy Generation: Package and Prefix Popup
PRX_S_PORTTYPE - Proxy Generation: Port Type Information
PRX_S_PROXY_HDR - Header Data
PRX_S_PROXY_QUERY - Proxy Generation: Inquiry Results Row
PRX_S_PROXY_QUERY_HDR - Header Query Results
PRX_S_QUERY - Proxy Generation: IFR Inquiry Results Row
PRX_S_QUERY_CONTRACT_ACT - Query Result for Contract Actor
PRX_S_REP_OBJ - Proxy Generation: Repository Object
PRX_S_SCRG - Proxy Generation: Data for 'Generation' Subscreen
PRX_S_SCRM - Proxy Generation: Data for Subscreen
PRX_S_SCRN - Proxy Generation: Data for 'Problem' Subscreen
PRX_S_SCRP - Proxy Generation: Data from 'Properties' Subscreen
PRX_S_SCRS - Proxy Generation: Generation List Columns
PRX_S_SCRT - Proxy Generation: Detailed Data of Subscreen 'Structure'
PRX_S_SCRTADIR - Proxy Generation: Display/Change TADIR
PRX_S_SCR_IFMETHOD - Interface Method
PRX_S_SWCV - XI: Software Component Versions and IFR Objects
PRX_S_TDEVC - small proxy version of tdevc
PRX_S_TRANSPORTOBJECT - Transport objects
PRX_S_TXT - Structure for Texts
PRX_S_TXT_OBJ - Text Object
PRX_S_USER_SETTINGS - proxy generation user settings
PRX_S_WSDL - Proxy Generation: WSDL + More Information
PRX_S_WSDL_IMPORT - Proxy Generation: Import
PRX_S_WSDL_INDEX - Proxy Generation: Index for Content in WSDL
PRX_S_WSDL_REFERENCES - Proxy Generation: Object References in WSDL
PRX_TADIR_CHECK - ESR-MDR Migration Object
PRX_UI_ENTRY_SCREEN - Entry Screen Attributes
PRX_UI_ENUMERATION - Structure to display enumeration value
PRX_UI_RELATED_INTERFACES - Related interfaces
PRX_UI_SERVICE_VARIANT - Structure for Service Variant Search Help
PRX_UI_TYPE_DESCR - Type description
PRX_WB_KEY - Workbench Key
PRX_WHERE_USED_S - Structure of where used list
PRX_XSTRING_DIV - Structure to divide a rawstring into char
PXI_S_SWCV - XI: Software Component Versions
SPLIT_UTSTDETAILTYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTDETAILTYPE_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_DATATYPE_HDR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_DATATYPE_HDR_A - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_DATATYPE_HEAD1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_DATATYPE_ITEM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_DATATYPE_ITEM2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_MESSAGE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPLIT_UTSTTABLE_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPROXCAT - Proxy Generation: Category and relevant Generation Sources
SPROXCATT - Proxy Generation: Texttable for Category
SPROXCLASS_STRG - Structure to divide STRING fields of SPROXCLASS into CHAR
SPROXCLASS_STRG_DISP_V - Key fields of SPROXCLA + string content field (scwb display)
SPROXCLASS_V - UDDI Classifications for versioning (without STRING field)
SPROXDAT - Proxy Metadata (Substitution Table)
SPROXDAT_STRG - Structure to divide STRING fields of SPROXDAT into CHAR
SPROXDAT_STRG_DISP_V - Structure to divide STRING fields of SPROXDAT into CHARs
SPROXDAT_V - Proxy Metadata for versioning (without STRING fields).
SPROXDEL - Deleted entries; only filled in snote target systems
SPROXDEL_V - Deleted entries; only filled in snote target systems.
SPROXHDR - Proxy Header Data (substitution table)
SPROXHDR_STRG - Structure to divide STRING fields of SPROXHDR into CHAR
SPROXHDR_STRG_DISP_V - Key fields of SPROXHDR + string content field (scwb display)
SPROXHDR_V - Proxy Header Data for versioning (without STRING fields).
SPROXHDR_XSTRG - Structure to divide RAWSTRING fields of SPROXHDR into CHAR
SPROXHDR_XSTRG_DISP_V - Key fields of SPROXHDR + string content field (scwb display)
SPROXKEY - Proxy Generation: Proxy Object Key
SPROXLOG - Proxy Generation: Activation Log
SPROXLOG_EXT - XI: Enhanced Protocol Display Proxy Generation
SPROXLPT - Proxy Metadata (Substitution Table)
SPROXLPT_STRG - Structure to divide STRING fields of SPROXLPT into CHAR
SPROXLPT_STRG_DISP_V - Key fields of SPROXHDR + string content field (scwb display)
SPROXLPT_V - Proxy Meta Data for versioning (without STRING fields).
SPROXMATCHINTF - assigned interfaces for configuration
SPROXMATCHINTF_V - assigned interfaces for configuration: for versioning.
SPROXNAME - Proxy Generation: Names of Generated Objects
SPROXNAME_CONFLICT - Proxy Generation: Naming Conflict
SPROXPCK - Proxy Generation: Package Data for an Object
SPROXREG - Proxy Runtime Metadata (Substitution Table)
SPROXSET - Proxy Generation: Properties
SPROXSETX - Proxy Generation: Settings as RAWSTRING
SPROXSIG - Proxy Runtime Metadata (Substitution Table)
SPROXSVARDAT - service variant data
SPROXSVARDAT_STR - Structure to divide STRING fields of SPROXSVARDAT into CHAR
SPROXSVARDAT_V - Proxy Header Data for versioning (without STRING field)
SPROXSVARDAT_XSTR - Structure to divide STRING fields of SPROXSVARDAT into CHAR
SPROXSVAR_STRG_DISP_V - Key fields of SPROXHDR + string content field (scwb display)
SPROXSVAR_XSTRG_DISP_V - Key fields of SPROXHDR + string content field (scwb display)
SPROXT100 - T100-Message
SPROXTST - Proxy Generation: Storage for Test WSDLs
SPROXUITEXTS - Cache for UI Texts
SPROXWSDL - wsdl storage
SPROXXSL - Proxy Runtime: Number for Stylesheet
SPROXXSLC - Proxy Runtime - stylesheet cache
SPROXXSLP - Proxy Generation: Table for locking packages
SPROXXSLQ - Queue with objects needing generation of stylesheets
SPROXXSLT - obsolete
SPROXXSLTN - Proxy Generation: Number Assignment for Style Sheets
SPROXXSLV - Proxy Runtime: Version and Time Stamp for Stylesheet
SPROX_STRING_VERS - Show the changes of strings in SCWB/SNOTE
SPROX_SWITCHES - Switches for Proxy Generation
SPROX_TEST_DATA - Storage for test data
SPROX_WSDL_TEST - Storage for test WSDLs
SPROX_XSTRING_VERS - Show the changes of xstrings in SCWB/SNOTE
SPRXEQ_ANY_TYPE0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_ANY_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_CHOICE0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_CHOICE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_ENUMERATION0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_ESG0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_ESG1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_ESG11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_ESG2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_GLOB_ELEM0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_MIXED0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_MIXED1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_POL0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_POL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_QNAME0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_QNAME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_RECURSION0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_RECURSION1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_RECURSION2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_REF0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_REF1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_SG0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_ANY_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_CHOICE0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_CHOICE0_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_CHOICE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_CHOICE1_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_COMPLEX - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_COMPLEX_XE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_ESG1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_MIXED1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_POL0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_POL0A - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_POL0B - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_POL0C - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_POL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_QNAME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_RECURSION0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_RECURSION1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_RECURSION2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_REF0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_REF1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_SG0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_SG0_E0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_SG0_E1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXEQ_TYPE_SG0_E2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXSWCV - XI: Search Help for Software Component Versions and IF
SPRXTASD_ANY_ANY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_ANY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_ANY2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_LOCAL - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_LOCAL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_LOCAL2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_MESSAGE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_MIXED - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_MIXED1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_MIXED2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_OTHER - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_OTHER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_OTHER2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_PROXYVERI - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_PROXYVERI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_PROXYVERI2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_TAB_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_TNS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_TNS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_ANY_TNS2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_BYTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_DECIMAL - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_INT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_INTEGER - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_LONG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_NEGATIVE_INTEG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_NON_NEGATIVE_I - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_NON_POSITIVE_I - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_POSITIVE_INTEG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_SHORT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_UNSIGNED_BYTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_UNSIGNED_INT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_UNSIGNED_LONG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTASD_FACETS_UNSIGNED_SHORT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTB64MIN_MAX_LENGTH - Using minLength and maxLength
SPRXTB64MIN_MAX_LENGTH_E1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTB64MIN_MAX_LENGTH_E2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTMESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTMESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTMESS1_RAW_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTMIN_MAX_LENGTH - Using minLength and maxLength
SPRXTPROXY_TEXT_MT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_SYNC_FAULT_ELEM2TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_SYNC_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_SYNC_REQUEST_ELEM1TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_SYNC_REQUEST_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_SYNC_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTQW_SYNC_RESPONSE_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS1ASYN_IN_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS1MASYN_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS1MSYN_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS1MSYN_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS1SYN_IN_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS1SYN_OUT_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS2ASYN_IN_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS2MASYN_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS2MSYN_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS2MSYN_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS2SYN_IN_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS2SYN_OUT_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS3ASYN_IN_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS3MASYN_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS3MSYN_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS3MSYN_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS3SYN_IN_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXTS3SYN_OUT_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_C2PFU - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_C2PFU_E2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_C2PFU_M - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH0_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH1_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH2_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH3_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_CH3_SEQUENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_COMPLEX_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_EORDER_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ESG0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ESG11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ESG12 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ESG21 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ESR_TEST_BASE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ESR_TEST_BASE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_CLOSED_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_EXCHANGE_RATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ER10 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP8 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERP9 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERPB - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_CMMT_DOC_ERPC - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_COMMITMENT_D1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_COMMITMENT_D2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_COMMITMENT_D3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_FUNDS_COMMITMENT_D4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_NOSC_BASIC_BUSINESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_NOSC_BUSINESS_TRANS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_NOSC_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_NOSC_LOG_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_NOSC_PROJECT_REFERE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_FMSE_UUID - Identifier
SPRXT_GLOB_ELEM0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_INLINE_TEST_TYPE - Used in unittests
SPRXT_INLINE_TEST_TYPE_EL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_INLINE_TEST_TYPE_EL2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_ANY_TYPE0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_ANY_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_CHOICE0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_CHOICE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_ENUMERATION0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_MIXED0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_MIXED1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_POL0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_POL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_QNAME0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_QNAME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_RECURSION0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_RECURSION1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_RECURSION2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_REF0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_REF1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_SG01 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESSAGE_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_MESS_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_O1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_O2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_O2_E1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_O3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_O3_E1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ORDER_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ORDER_ID_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ORDER_ID_TYPE_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ORDER_TYPE_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_ORDER_TYPE_ORDER_DETAILS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_PROXY_SAMPLES_CHOICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_PROXY_SAMPLES_CHOICE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_PROXY_SAMPLES_E0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_PROXY_SAMPLES_E1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_PROXY_SAMPLES_E2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_PROXY_SAMPLES_XE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_SEQ0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_STRUCT - Test type
SPRXT_TEXT_CLEAR - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TEXT_DOUBLE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TEXT_ECHO - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TEXT_FAULT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TEXT_LENGTH - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TEXT_ONE_WAY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TEXT_RESULT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_ANY_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_CHOICE0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_CHOICE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_COMPLEX - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_ESG11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_MIXED1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_POL0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_POL0A - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_POL0B - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_POL0C - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_POL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_QNAME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_RECURSION0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_RECURSION1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_RECURSION2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_REF0 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_REF1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_TYPE_SG01 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SPRXT_UI_DTYPE_1 - (702)
SPRXT_UI_DTYPE_2 - Data Type 2 (702)
SPRXT_UI_FILTER_STRUCTURE - Filter Structure for UI-Smoketest
SPRXT_UI_MSG_REQUEST_1 - Message Request 1 (702)
SPRXT_UI_MSG_REQUEST_2 - Message Request 2 (702)
SPRXT_UI_MSG_RESPONSE_1 - Message Response 1 (702)
SPRXT_UI_MSG_RESPONSE_2 - Message Response 2 (702)
SPRX_UI_CONTEXT_TYPE - structure for context types
SPRX_UI_MF_DM_CLASS - Mapping Facade -> Direct Mapping Consumer Proxy
SPRX_UI_MF_MAPPING - Mapping Facade -> Mapping
SPRX_UI_MO_TARGET_METHOD - Mapping Object Target Methods
SPXNMIGRATION - Assignment Namespace <-> Metadata Repository
SVAR_DTYPE_1 - Data Type 1
SVAR_DTYPE_2 - Data Type 2
SVAR_MSG_REQUEST_1 - Message Request 1
SVAR_MSG_REQUEST_2 - Message Request 2
SVAR_MSG_RESPONSE_1 - Message Response 1
SVAR_MSG_RESPONSE_2 - Message Response 2
SXISWCV - XI: Search Help for Software Component Version
SXIVERIBOXED_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERIBOXED_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERICOMPLEX - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERICOMPLEX_BOXED - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERICOMPLEX_BOXED_BOXED_DEE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERIEXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SXIVERIEXCHANGE_LOG_DATA1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SXIVERIHEADER - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERIHEADERS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERIHEADER_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERIHEADER_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERIPROTO_PAYLOAD - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERISTRUCTURE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SXIVERI_SPROX_DB_DATA - Generated Proxy Data
TPRX_DEMO_ADDCBE - test table for additional data BO cross eventing
TPRX_DEMO_ADDDPU - test table for additional data: deployment unit
TST_COMPLEX_MESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_COMPLEX_MESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_COPY_OF_COMPLEX_MESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_COPY_OF_COMPLEX_MESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_DTYPE_COMPLEX1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_DTYPE_COMPLEX_ELEM_SC_M1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_DTYPE_COMPLEX_ELEM_SC_O1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_DTYPE_COMPLEX_ELEM_SC_O2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_DTYPE_COMPLEX_ELEM_SC_O21 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_DTYPE_MAND - 2 mandatory elements
TST_DTYPE_MAND1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
TST_DTYPE_MAND2 - 2 mandatory elements
TST_DTYPE_MAND3 - 2 mandatory elements
TST_DTYPE_OPT - 2 mandatory elements
TST_DTYPE_OPT2 - 2 mandatory elements
UTST_ABAP_TYPES - Proxy Structure (generated)
UTST_TYPE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)

SAP Session Manager Tables BC-DWB-SEM

ADMI_BUFFC - Buffer table
ADMI_BUFFI - Buffer table
BIW_IFACE - Interface for the hierarchy description in BIW
BIW_IFACE2 - Interface for the hierarchy description in BIW
BIW_PREFS - Preferences for Business Information Warehouse
BMENCFCT - Application Components with ID and Description
BMENIFACE - Structure for Open Interface to Area Menus
BMENTTREE - Definition Table for Structures
BMENTTREET - Name of a Structure
BMENUENTRY - Entry for Area Menu
BMENUNAME - Area Menu Key and ID
BMENUREF - Area Menu Key and ID for Tree Reference
BMENU_RFC - Structure for Defining RFCs for the Area Menu Migration
CATT_ABLNR - CATT recording numbers
FAVORITES - Favorites for the GUI
FAVOS_HELP - Auxiliary Structure for Favorite Maintenance
HTML_OBJ - for Internet meta tools
HTML_TAB - Structure for Internet meta tools
IDES_LINKS - Table to enter links for the Session Manager
IDES_TEXTS - Table to enter links for the Session Manager
LIST_AMN - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for New Area Menus
MENMIGPROT - Log Structure for Menu Migration
MENTREE1 - Menu Maintenance Table
MENTREE1T - Text Table for Menus
MENTRMIG - Menu Structure for the Menu Migration
MENTRMIGT - Structure for Menu Migration Texts
MENU_TCODE - Transaction Code for Area Menus
REPKEY_BIW - Report key for the Business Information Warehouse
SBJTREEITM - Tree Control Item for Session Manager
SESSTCODE - Transactions
SMENAKTNEW - Nodes of the active company menu Session Manager
SMENAKTT - Text of the active company menu Session Manager
SMENCA - Assign Transaction/Report -> Application Function
SMENCA_DEL - Table for deletions from SMENCA_NEW
SMENCA_NEW - Assign Transaction/Report -> Application Function
SMENCUSNEW - File Structure for Hierarchical Menu - Customer
SMENCUST - Menu Texts - Customer
SMENENTNEW - File Structure for Hierarchical Menu - Customer
SMENENTT - Menu Texts - Customer
SMENFAVDAT - Date of Last Change to Favorites
SMENINTNEW - Internet menu nodes of the Internet Session Manager
SMENINTT - Internet Session Manager Internet menu texts
SMENLONG - File Structure for Hierarchical Menu - SAP
SMENMANUAL - File Structure for Hierarchical Menu - Customer
SMENSAP - File Structure for Hierarchical Menu - SAP
SMENSAPFAV - Logon Screen Favorites
SMENSAPMGT - Menu Texts for the Menu Migration
SMENSAPMIG - Intermediate Structure for Menu Migration - SAP
SMENSAPNEW - File Structure for Hierarchical Menu - SAP
SMENSAPT - Texts for Menu - SAP
SMENSAPV - Release History of Complete SAP Menu
SMENSAPWFL - Display Structure for the GUI Workflow Menu
SMENSAP_LO - Structure for the reporting tree - internal tables
SMENSEL - Save the marked menu entries in the Session Manager
SMENSELAKT - Save the selected menu entries in the Session Manager
SMENSELECT - Save the selected menu entries in the Session Manager
SMENSTRU - Transfer Menu Structure or it's Texts
SMENUSEDAT - Date of Last Menu Generation
SMENUSEFLA - File for the User Menu
SMENUSELNG - File for the User Menu
SMENUSELNT - Text of the Active Company Menu Session Manager
SMENUSENEW - File for the User Menu
SMENUSER - File for the User Menu
SMEN_1 - Session Manager structures, part 1
SMEN_2 - Session Manager structures, part 2
SMEN_BUFF - Buffer table
SMEN_BUFFC - Table for Storing Favorites
SMEN_BUFFI - Links for Favorites
SMEN_CONEW - Menu: country-dependent transactions/reports/...
SMEN_COUNT - Menu: country-dependent transactions/reports/...
SMEN_DATEC - Date of Last Menu Generation
SMEN_DATES - Date of Last Menu Generation
SMEN_DATEU - Date of Last Menu Generation
SMEN_DISP - Display structure for the tree display
SMEN_MIGRA - Migration table for area menu - SAP share
SMEN_OBLIG - Menu: List of obligatory transactions/reports/...
SMEN_OBNEW - Menu: List of obligatory transactions/reports/...
SMEN_UPGR - New nodes that were added to the company menu
SRT2RTTY - Report Types in Area Menu
SRTAPPL - Assignment of Report Tree IDs to Application IDs
SRTAPPLID - Application ID Structure
SRT_QUERY - Structure for Storing Query Data
SRT_REPTCD - Structure for Reports With Transaction Code
SRT_TCPAR - Structure for Parameter Transactions
SRT_TCVAR - Structure for Transaction Variants
SSM_CID - Set Values for the Session Manager / Profile Generator
SSM_CIDT - Set Values for the Session Manager / Profile Generator
SSM_COL - Set Values for Menu Tree Display
SSM_CUST - Set Values for the Session Manager / Profile Generator
SSM_IFACE - Interface: Pass transaction code info to Profile Generator
SSM_LANG - Languages for the Session Manager
SSM_LANGU - Choose Language for the Session Manager / Business Explorer
SSM_LINKS - Table to enter links for the Session Manager
SSM_LOAD - Assignment of roles to users
SSM_RELE - Session Manager status table
SSM_START - Table for specifying the initial menu in the Session Manager
SSM_STAT - Session Manager status table
SSM_STAT_H - Status Table for the Session Manager
SSM_STAT_P - Status table for the HTML Session Manager
SSM_USR - Allowed menus for the Session Manager
START_GUID - Set Values for the Session Manager / Profile Generator
SYS_MENU - Start Area Menu for SAP Initial Navigation
TMENU01 - Node Table for General Structure Storage
TMENU01R - General Structure Storage References
TMENU01T - General Structure Storage Node Names
TMENUBK01 - Node Table for General Structure Storage
TMENUBK01R - General Structure Storage References
TMENUBK01T - General Structure Storage Node Names
TMENUTAB - Table and field assignments for transaction
TSTC_SRT - Assign Transaction Codes to Reports
USR_FLGNT - Personal User Settings / Without Transport

SAP Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers Tables BC-DWB-TOO

ABAP - ABAP/4 language-internal type declarations
ALV_CV - Obsolete
ALV_ECV - Structure for ALV - obsolete
AQFAINFO - General information for function area
AQFGINFO - General information for function groups
AQFGINFO - General information for function groups
AQFGINFO - General information for function groups
AQFGINFO - General information for function groups
BEISPIEL - Repository Infosystem: Sample Table for Template Report
CCCTLGEO - Control Composer: Internal
CCTAB_LINE - Entry in Table of Control Composites
CMP_STR_CHECK_RESULT - Result of a Syntax Check
COCOCTABLN - Control Composite: Control Table Line
COCOENDESC - Control Composite: ENUM Description
COCOMP - Control Composer: Internal Control Composite Data
COCONODLIN - Control Composite: Node Table Line (DOM Node, CTree Node)
COCOPTABLN - Control Composite: Plug-In Table Line
COCOXKEY - Key for Accessing CONTCOMPX
CONTCOMP - Control Composites
CONTCOMPT - Control Composites: Short Texts
CONTCOMPX - Control Composites: XML Strings
CONTCOMPXT - Control Composites: Texts for TEXT Properties
CROSSREF - Structure of Hit List (Find, Where-used List)
CTAB_LINE - Entry in CTABLE: Control of Control Composite
D020VT - View of screens - info system
DD12VVT - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Index work structure
DD27VVTSTR - Repository Infosystem: Structure via DD27VVT: View fields
DELWBCROSS - Find Type Group Deletion
DIAPAR - Parameter Description for Dialog Modules
DIAPARVVT - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: View of TDEVC, DIAPAR
DIAPAR_IN - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Dialog Module Admin.
DVSEQDIR - Test sequence list for dialog module management
ENVI_SC - Repository Infosystem: Length structure for ENVI_TYPES
ENVI_TABLE - Repository Infosystem: Environment result table
ENVI_TYPES - Repository Infosystem: Environment object types
EUDBV - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: GUI status structure
EUDIAL - Test data for dialog module management
EUF4VALUES - Repository Infosystem: Last F4 Help value selected
EUINFO - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Tree Display
EUINFOLI - Repository Infosystem: Save background lists
EUIN_RANGE - Repository Information System: Virtual Range Table
F4IF_TC - Infosystem test cases: Fields read
INFO_ENVI - Repository Infosystem: Environment result table
INFO_REP - Repository Infosystem: Control attributes for infosystem obj
INFO_TREE - Repository Infosystem: Tree structures
IW3ADMX - Include for MiniApp Management
IW3ATTRCX - Customizable Attributes for MiniApps
IW3ATTRX - Include for Attributes
LIST_6B - Repository Info System: List Structure BC Sets
LIST_6F - Repository Info System: List Structure for Business Funct.
LIST_6S - Repository Info System: List Structure for Switch
LIST_6T - Repository Info System: List Structure for Business Sets
LIST_A - Repository Infosystem: List structure for dialog modules
LIST_AD - Repository Info System: List Structure for Activation IDs
LIST_B - Repository Infosystem: List Structure - Authorization Objs
LIST_CC - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Control Composites
LIST_DA - Repository Information System: List structure table type
LIST_DD - Repository Infosystem: List structure for domains
LIST_DE - Repository Infosystem: List structure - data elements
LIST_DG - Repository Infosystem: List structure - type groups
LIST_DH - Repository infosystem: List structure for search help
LIST_DL - Repository Infosystem: List structure - lock objects
LIST_DLF - Repository Infosystem: List structure - lock object fields
LIST_DM - Repository Infosystem: List structure - matchcode object
LIST_DMF - Repository Infosystem: List structure - matchcode fields
LIST_DMI - Repository Infosystem: List structure - matchcode IDs
LIST_DS - Repository Infosystem: List structure - structures
LIST_DSF - Repository Infosystem: List structure - structure fields
LIST_DT - Repository Infosystem: Output structure - table
LIST_DTF - Repository Infosystem: List structure - table fields
LIST_DTI - Repository Infosystem: List structure - table indexes
LIST_DU - RIS: Structure for Database Procedure Proxies
LIST_DV - Repository Infosystem: Output structure - DB views
LIST_DVF - Repository Infosystem: List structure - view fields
LIST_DW - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Document Modeling
LIST_DX - Repository Infosystem: List structure - pool/cluster
LIST_F - Repository infosystem: List structure for function groups
LIST_FF - Repository Infosystem: List structure for function modules
LIST_GB - Repository Info System: List Struct.Type eCATT Test Config.
LIST_GC - Repository Info System: List Struct.Type eCATT Test Config.
LIST_GD - Repos. Info System: List Structure Type eCATT Test Data Cont
LIST_GE - Repository Info System: List Struct.Type: eCATT Test Script
LIST_GJ - Repository Info System: List Struct.Type: Sol. Mgmt.Project
LIST_GK - Repository Info System: List Structure Type eCATT TargSystem
LIST_GO - Repository Info System: List Struct.Type: Sol.Mgmt Solution
LIST_GR - Repository Info System: List Structure Type eCATT TargSystem
LIST_GS - Repos.Info System: List Structure Type: eCATT System Data C.
LIST_GT - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Test Cases
LIST_GY - Repository Info System: List Struct.Type: eCATT StartProfile
LIST_I - Repository Infosystem: List structure for includes
LIST_IT - Repository Infosystem: List structure for interface types
LIST_K - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Packets
LIST_KI - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Package Interfaces
LIST_L - Repository Infosystem: List structure for logical database
LIST_MA - Repository Infosystem: List structure for standard tasks
LIST_MD - Repository Infosystem: List structure for data models
LIST_ME - Repository Infosystem: List structure for entity types
LIST_MEA - Repository Infosystem: List structure - entity type attrs.
LIST_MF - Repository Infosystem: List Structure - Functions
LIST_MI - Repository Infosystem: List Structure Processes
LIST_MK - Repository Infosystem: List Structure Application Components
LIST_MM - Repository Infosystem: List structure for workflow template
LIST_MO - Repository Infosystem: List structure for BOR
LIST_MOA - Repository Infosystem: List structure for BOR attributes
LIST_MOE - Repository Infosystem: List structure for BOR methods
LIST_MOM - Repository Infosystem: List structure for BOR methods
LIST_MP - Repository Infosystem: List Structure Processes
LIST_MV - Repository Infosystem: List Structure Processes
LIST_N - Repository Infosystem: List structure for message IDs
LIST_NN - Repository Infosystem: List structure for messages
LIST_O - Repository Info System: List Structure for Object Type
LIST_OA - Repository Infosystem: List structure for class attributes
LIST_OC - Repository Infosystem: List structure for classes
LIST_OCL - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Local Classes
LIST_OE - Repository Infosystem: List structure for class events
LIST_OI - Repository Infosystem: List structure for interfaces
LIST_OIA - Repository Infosystem: List structure for interface attrs
LIST_OIE - Repository Infosystem: List structure for interface events
LIST_OIM - Repository Infosystem: List structure for interface methods
LIST_OM - Repository Infosystem: List structure for class methods
LIST_OO - Repository Info System: List Structure for Methods
LIST_OT - Repository Infosystem: List structure for class types
LIST_P - Repository Infosystem: List structure for programs
LIST_PC - Repository Infosystem: List structure - status
LIST_PCF - Repository Infosystem: List Structure Interface Function Lis
LIST_PD - Repository Infosystem: List structure - global data
LIST_PE - Repository Infosystem: List structure for events
LIST_PIN - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Packet Interfaces
LIST_PK - Repository Infosystem: List structure - macros
LIST_PL - Repository Infosystem: List structure for local classes
LIST_PM - Repository Infosystem: List structure PAI modules
LIST_PN - Repository Infosystem: List structure for local interfaces
LIST_PO - Repository Infosystem: List structure - PBO modules
LIST_PPA - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Packets
LIST_PS - Repository Infosystem: List structure - Screens
LIST_PT - Repository Infosystem: List structure - global tables
LIST_PU - Repository Infosystem: List structure - form routines
LIST_PV - Repository Infosystem: Output structure - selection variants
LIST_PY - Repository Infosystem: List structure - global types
LIST_PZ - Repository Infosystem: List structure - title menu
LIST_R - Repository Infosystem: List structure for Set/Get params
LIST_RQ - Repository Infosystem: List structure for requests/tasks
LIST_T - Repository Infosystem: List structure for transactions
LIST_U - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for New Area Menus
LIST_VT - Repository Info System: List Structure for XSLT Programs
LIST_WA - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for MiniApps
LIST_WB - Repos.Info System: List Structure for BSP Tag Libraries
LIST_WG - Repository Info System: List Structure for BSP Pages
LIST_WH - Repository Info System: List Structure for Themes
LIST_WM - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for MIME Objects
LIST_WO - Repository Info System: List Structure for BSP Application
LIST_WPP - Repository Infosystem: List Struct.for Resource Parameters
LIST_WS - Repository Info System: List Sructure for Internet Services
LIST_WSI - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Service Parameters
LIST_WSP - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Service Parameters
LIST_WT - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for HTML Templates
LIST_WW - Repository Info System: List Structure Web Dynpro : Window
LIST_WZ - Repository Info System: List Structure Web Dynpro Controller
LIST_X - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Exits
LIST_XC - Repository Info System: List for Kernel-Based BAdIs
LIST_XD - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Exits Definition
LIST_XE - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Enhancements
LIST_XF - Repository Info System: List for Enhancement Composites
LIST_XFR - Repository Infosystem: List Structure Application Components
LIST_XH - Repository Info System: List Structure for Enhancements
LIST_XI - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Exit Implementatn
LIST_XP - Repository Infosystem: List Structure Enhancement Projects
LIST_XS - Repository Info System: List for Enhancement Point Objects
LIST_XT - Repositort Info System: List for Enhancement Point Comp.
LIST_XXX - Repository InfosysteM: Sample List Structure Type XXX
LIST_Y - Repository Infosystem: List Structure for Types
LIST_YA - Repository InfoSystem: Web Dynpro Application Configuration
LIST_YC - Repository Info System: List Web Dynpro:Component/Interface
LIST_YD - Repository Info System: List Web Dynpro:Component/Interface
LIST_YG - Repository Info System: Web Dynpro Component Configurations
LIST_YP - Repository Info System: List Structure Web Dynpro Chip
LIST_YT - Repository Info System: List Structure Web Dynpro Controller
LIST_YY - Repository Info System: List Structure Web Dynpro Applicat.
MAPPARAREF - Parameter for Conversions Between XML and ABAP
MIMEREP - MIME Repository - Definitions for the Model
MIME_LOG - MIME Repository: Logging Table
MODACTV - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Customer Enhancements
MODCUSTV - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Customer Enhancements
MODSAPV - Repository Infosystem: SAP Enhancements Internal Table
O2XSLTATTR - XSLT Program Data (Changed by, ...)
O2XSLTDESC - Storage for XSLT Programs
O2XSLTERR - XSLT Compiler Message
O2XSLTOTR - OTR Texts for XSLT Programs
O2XSLTTEXT - Short Descriptions for XSLT Programs
RANGE_DEV - Repository Infosystem: Range Table for Package
RANGE_OBJ - Repository Infosystem: Range Table for Object
RDOMA - Range Table for Domain
ROBJ_TEXT - Repository Infosystem: General Repository object with text
RPY_DEVC - Repository Infosystem: Texts for objects
RPY_TEXT - Repository Infosystem: Texts for objects
RSBUFFER - Repository Infosystem: Structure for Exchanging Data
RSDEPOS - Where-used list item number of found location in program
RSEUI - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Output Fields
RSEUIC - R/3 Repository Info System: Control Data per Object
RSEUIC_EX - R/3 Repository Info System: Control Data per Object
RSEUIOBJ - Repository Information System: Object classification
RSEUI_F4 - Structure for copying sets in F4 help
RSEUI_NAVI - Information System: Transfer Structure for Navigation Stack
RSEUI_OBJ - Object types and short text
RSEUI_SET - Transfer table (object list) - info system
RSEUPACTRL - EU Infosystem: Control Parameters for Parallel Execution
RSEUV - Fields for DW cross-reference
RSFIND_SC - Screen structure for RSFIND
RSLDBINF - Structure for logical databases - info system
RSPARAM - Parameter Transaction: Values Table
RSPROG - Programs for RFC call - where-used list
RSSTCD - Screen fields for transaction code maintenance
RSTABIX - Repository Infosystem: Tabix
RSTC_DATA - Transaction code maintenance: Known params. from data part
RSTC_NAVI - Transfer structure for navigation in transaction code maint.
RSUSDOBJ - Objects Used in a Program
SASTRA_CHANGE_SOURCECODE - Information about an development object
SASTRA_OBJ - Object info according transport tables
SASTRA_OBJECT_INFORMATION - Information about an development object
SASTRA_OBJECT_LIST - Key of development onjects
SASTRA_OBJECT_NUMBER - Number of objects
SASTRA_PACKAGE_DEV_OBJECTS - Information about an development object
SASTRA_PACKAGE_INFORMATION - Information about a development object
SASTRA_SUB_OBJECT_INFORMATION - Information about an development object
SASTRA_TRKEY - Transport key of an object
SCCD_ASPECT - SCC: Check Aspects
SCCD_ASPECT_T - SCC: Check Aspect Texts
SCCD_ASP_PARAM - SCC: Values of Parameterizable Check Aspects
SCCD_ASP_PARAM_T - SCC: Parameterizable Check Aspect Value Texts
SCCD_ASP_REG_OBJ - SCC: Assignment of Object Types to Check Aspects
SCCD_CFG_ELEM - SCC: Check Configuration Elements
SCCD_CONFIG - SCC: Check Configurations
SCCD_CONFIG_T - SCC: Check Configuration Texts
SCCD_RULE - SCC: Check Rules
SCCD_RULE_ELEM - SCC: Check Elements
SCCD_RULE_T - SCC: Check Rule Texts
SCCS_ENQUEUE_STRU - Lock Object Structure for Check Configurations and Aspects
SCC_ASP_OBJECT_TYPES - SCC: Structure for Search Help by Object Type
SCC_CLASS_DATA - SCC: Data of a (Service) Class
SCC_SCREENELEMENTS - SCC: Data Types to Display in Screen
SCC_WB_ASPECT_DATA - Relevant Check Aspect Data in WB Tool
SCC_WB_ASPECT_VALUE - Check Aspect Value and Description
SCC_WB_ASPVALUE_DATA - Check Aspect Value Data
SCC_WB_CONFIG_DATA - Object Data for Check Configuration
SCC_WB_CONFIG_ELEMENT - Assignment of Check Aspect Check Aspect and Obj. Type
SCC_WB_RULE_DATA - Object Data for Check Configuration
SELCMSG - Message Class and Number
SENVI - SINFO_ENVIRONMENT for Remote Interface (Compatibility)
SEOCOMPOIN - Repository Info System: Structure for Class Components
SEUICTRL - Repository Info System Control Structure
SEU_OBJ_VERSION_TO_VERSION - Source Version and Target Version (active, inactive)
SICOMPO - Repository Infosystem: Selection of Application Components
SMIMCHKF - MIME Repository: File Name of Last Object Checked Out
SMIMCHKO - MIME Archive: Check-Out Data for Physical Info Object
SMIMCONT1 - SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
SMIMIDXSTA - MIME Repository: Status Table for Indexing Documents
SMIMLOIO - MIME Repository: Logical Documents
SMIMLOIOT - MIME Repository: Descriptions of Logical Documents
SMIMLOPR - MIME Repository: Properties of Logical Documents
SMIMLORE - MIME Repository: Outbound Relationships Between Logical IOs
SMIMLOREPR - MIME Folder: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
SMIMLORI - MIME Repository: Inbound Relationships Between Logical IOs
SMIMLORIPR - MIME Folder: Attributes of Incoming Relationships ofn LOIOs
SMIMPHF - MIME Repository: Files for Physical Information Objects
SMIMPHHR - MIME Repository: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
SMIMPHIO - MIME Repository: Physical Documents
SMIMPHNM - MIME Repository: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
SMIMPHPR - MIME Repository: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
SMIMPHRE - MIME Repository: Outbound Relationships Between Physical IOs
SMIMPHRI - MIME Repository: Inbound Relationships Between Physical IOs
SPROGRAMM - Auxiliary Structure for Table Type PROGRAMT for RFC
SRIS - General data structure for R/3 Repository Infosystem object
STRUCXSLTLINE - Strukture for Conversion of Line and Column
SWLT_PARAMS - Parameter for Selection
SWLT_SQLM_D - SWLT: Display data from SQL Monitor test
SWLT_SQLM_H - SWLT: Display data (header) from SQL Monitor
SWLT_STATIC_D - Static findings cache
SWLT_STATIC_H - SWLT: Static data - header
SWLT_S_AGGREGATED_CHECK_LINE - Aggregated Line for Worklist Tool (Static Check Strategy)
SWLT_S_AGGREGATED_COMMONPART - Aggregated Line for Worklist Tool
SWLT_S_AGGREGATED_LINE - Aggregated Line for Worklist Tool
SWLT_S_ATC_CACHE_KEY - ATC key for static cache
SWLT_S_CODE_LINE_CHECK_KEY - Identifier / Key for Code Line & Check ID
SWLT_S_CODE_LINE_KEY - Identifier / Key for Code Line
SWLT_S_INPUT - Input Screen fields
SWLT_S_MERGE_TEST - Vew Structure for Merge Test Results
SWLT_S_NAME_SEARCH_RESULT - swlt_s_name_search_result
SWLT_S_RATING - Rating of a finding
SWLT_S_SNAPSHOT_F4 - Snapshot F4
SWLT_S_SQLM_LINE - Line to display in the SQL Monitor Details View
SWLT_S_STATIC_LINE - Line of static results view
SWLT_TABLE_MD - SWLT: Metadata for tables
SXDBGBREAK - XSLT Debugger Breakpoint
SXSLTOTRSCR - Structure for Texts of XSLT Programs
T100O - Assignment of message to object
T100T - Table T100A text
T100V - Assignment of messages to tables/views
T100VT - View of T00a, T10m, T100t; T100v - info system
T100W - Assign Messages to Workflow
TCMP_DEBUG_TOOL - Help Table for Debugger
TCMP_TEMPLATE_C - Template Rows
TDCT - Dialog Modules
TFORMS - FORM routines - info system
TLDBV - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: View of log. DBs
TOBJVT - Repository Information System: Authorizations
TPARA - Directory of Memory IDs
TPARAAPPL - Application Table for TPARA
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts
TRANSFDESC - Table for Mappings (for ABAP Keyword TRANSFORM)
TRANSFTEXT - Text Table for Mappings (for ABAP Keyword TRANSFORM)
TRANSKINDSTR - Structure for Transformation Type
TSTCC - Additional Attributes for TSTC
TSTCVVT - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Transaction View Struc
W3ADMTX - MinApp Text Table
W3ADMX - MiniApp catalog
W3ATTRCX - Customer Settings for MiniApps
W3ATTRX - MiniApp Attributes
W3DEVAPPX - Relationship Between Application and Device Type
W3DEVTYPTX - Device Types Short Text
W3DEVTYPX - Device Types
W3MINX - Structure for passing MiniApp data to Workplace
W3PARAMX - Parameters
W3PARAMX_O - Old Parameter Structure
W3PARATX - MiniApp Parameter Texts
W3PARX - Structure for passing MiniApp data to Workplace
WBABPR_OBJECT_DATA - Object Data of an ABAP Pragma
WBOBJECT_DATA - Data Table for Workbench Object
WBOBJTYPE_PROPERTIES - Properties of an Object Type in ABAP Workbench
WBOBJTYPE_PROPERTIES - Properties of an Object Type in ABAP Workbench
WBREGISTRY_P - Plug-in Tools for ABAP Workbench (WBREGISTRY)
WBREGISTRY_PT - Text Table for WBREGISTRY_P with the Object Type Names
WBSCREENELEMENTS - Workbench: Elements for Screens
WBS_ENQUEUE_STRU - Lock Object Structure for "Abstract" Workbench Object
WBTOOL_DATA - Administration Data of Generic Workbench Tool
WBTOOL_SCREENDATA - Screen Elements of a Workbench Tool (Flat Structure!)
WBTOOL_SCREENELEMENTS - Screen Elements of a Workbench Tool (Flat Structure!)
WBTREENODE - Node Structure for Plug-In Object Tree in Repository Browser
WDY_ADT_AU_PROP_BINDING - Test Structure for Web Dynpro ADT property binding
WTDEVC - ABAP/4 Repository Information System: View of TDEVC
WTE070 - Repository Information System: View of Transports


BREAKLINE - Breakpoint Lines
EDCONT - Type of Editor Container
EDERROR_POSITION - line, column
EDITCURSOR - Cursor for Editor
EDITORMODE - Editor mode for dynamic editor call
EDITORSTAT - Editor status for callback
EDLINECOMS - Structure for editor line command table
EDLINEINDX - Line index for editor
EDLINENUM - Structure for editor line number table
EDMODTAB - Internal modification log structure for editor
EDSTEP - Structure for editor step index table
EDUSERCOMS - Structure for editor user command table
ENHEDIT_STRUC - Structure for Hook Dialog
NAV_STATUS - Status information for navigation function module
PRK_FOUNDS - List of found occurrences from global search / replace
PRK_SOURCE - Structure for copying PRK source
REPTNAVI - ABAP Text elements: Navigation structure
RPY_PATTR - Attributes of a Program
RSAHD - Screen fields for module SAPDSAHD: program attributes
RSCML - Screen field, left SAPMSCKP split screen editor
RSCMR - Screen fields, right SAPMSCMP split screen editor
RSEDC - Splitscreen editor: General fields
RSEDCCONT - Type for Splitscreen Container
RSEDCCUS - Splitscreen editor settings
RSEDCCUST - EDC Customizing for splitscreen screen fields
RSEDCD400 - Splitscreen Editor: Initial Screen Fields
RSEDCRESUL - SED Results of source code compare
RSEDL - Screen field left SAPMSEDS splitscreen editor
RSEDR - Screen fields right SAPMSEDS splitscreen editor
RSEUDEBUGGER - Settings Debugger
RSFNDS_WA - Global find / replace: Line structure of hit table
RSOBJTB_WA - Structure of the object table for find/replace
RSREPL - Fields for Search and Replace
RSSOURCE - Program source
RSSRCH - Find / replace parameters
RSSRCH_ST - Find / replace: Hit list status
RSTXP - Screen fields SAPMSTXP program editor
RSTXPCHECK - Text Pool: TODO Check
S010T - Dummy structure for lock object ABAP/4 text elements
S38E - ABAP Editor
SABP_LSCA1 - Result: Test on Literals Spanning Several Lines w. Long Text
SABP_LSCAN - Result of Test on Literals Spanning Several Lines
SABP_TABSCAN - Result of Check for Illegal Tabulators
SEDI_NAV_OO_LOCA - Table for Local Classes/Interfaces Navigation
SEDI_NAV_OO_LOCI - Table with includes containing local classes/interfaces
SPRK - ABAP PRK editor
TEXTPOOLT - ABAP text pool definition with language key
TRDIRTI - Title Texts for Programs in PROGDIR (Inactive)
TSE00 - ABAP/4 Editor applications
TSE01 - ABAP/4 Editor application Fcodes
TSE02 - ABAP/4 Editor user commands
TSE03 - ABAP/4 Editor update functions
TSE04 - ABAP/4 Editor Line Command Meanings
TSE05 - ABAP/4 Editor insert commands
TSE06 - ABAP/4 Pretty printer statements
TSE07 - ABAP/4 Editor pretty printer block statements
TSE08 - ABAP/4 Editor pretty printer special tabulator
TSE_CTXT_MENU - ABAP Editor Context Menu Entries
TSE_CTXT_MENUT - ABAP Editor Content Menu Entries Text Table

SAP ABAP Test Frameworks ( ATC, CheckMan, Code Inspector) Tables BC-DWB-TOO-ATF

CONVDOMS - CNV: Domains required by conversion package
CONVMBTDEVCL - Devclasses used for package development
CONV_ALL_FIELDS - Result of the Checkman
CONV_CDOC_INFO - Cdoc Information from SLo
CONV_CHANGE_DATA - Structure with information about object change
CONV_CREATION_DATA - Structure with information about object creation
CONV_CTRLTAB_COMMON - Common part for control tables
CONV_FIELDS_OUTPUT - Information about the fields that were passed by Checkman
CONV_NEW_FIELDS - Structure for the new/existing Fields check by CHEKMAN
CONV_PACKAGE_INFO - Package information
CRMAHR - Data on Persons
CRMAHRA - Personalization and authorizations
CRMAHRROLT - Roles text table
CRMCACHE - Statistics cache
CRMCACHKEY - Check Results Management: Cache Key
CRMCHECK - Check Results Management: Check
CRMCHK - Meta Data: Check rules
CRMCHKCLSS - Check Results Management: FA Prio-Clas. for stat. calc.
CRMCHKCOMP - Short Desc.: Software Component
CRMCHKCSN - Short Desc.: Related Ticket
CRMCHKDLVU - Check Result Management: TCK Component Info
CRMCHKENV - Check Results Management: Check Environment of Check Results
CRMCHKENVE - Extended Environment Information
CRMCHKENVL - Extended Environment Information on Test Machine (Not RefBD)
CRMCHKENVS - Check Results Management: Check Environment (External)
CRMCHKENVX - Check Results Management: Environment Info
CRMCHKEXC - CheckMan - Internal: Storage of Exemptions
CRMCHKEXCE - Check Results Management: Check Exceptions Enqueue Key
CRMCHKHST - Check results history
CRMCHKINFO4IP - TCK: Solution's Environment Info for IP Messages
CRMCHKKRNL - Check Result Management: TCK Environment Kernel Info
CRMCHKMSG - Meta Data: Check rule verdicts
CRMCHKMSGO - Check Results Management: Selection Crit. for Check Messages
CRMCHKMSGP - Meta Data: Check rule verdicts assigment to quality phases
CRMCHKMSGS - Check Results Management: Relevant Check Messages
CRMCHKMSGT - Meta Data: Check rule verdicts - text table
CRMCHKMSG_EDIT - Processing the Priority of Check Messages
CRMCHKMSG_LOCAL - Customizing: system local priorities
CRMCHKMSG_RUNTIME - Runtime Properties of Checkman Messages
CRMCHKOBCO - Object Collectors of Check
CRMCHKOBJ - Object Sets
CRMCHKOBJA - Object Attributes
CRMCHKOBJH - Header of Object Sets
CRMCHKOBJR - Main Object-Subobject Relationship
CRMCHKOBJT - Description of Object Sets
CRMCHKOBJU - Object Owners
CRMCHKOBTY - Meta Data: Check rules object tyep assignment
CRMCHKOUT - Check Results Management: Output Formatting of Results
CRMCHKPRF - Check Profiles
CRMCHKPRFH - Headers for Check Profiles
CRMCHKPRFR - Check Results Management: Check Profile Reference
CRMCHKPRFT - Description of Check Profiles
CRMCHKPRF_EXT - Structure for Replicating CheckMan Check Profiles
CRMCHKPROF - Check Results Management: Check Profile
CRMCHKR - Check Results Management: Check Reference
CRMCHKRENV - Check Results Management: Check Results Environment
CRMCHKRES - Findings (Runtime)
CRMCHKRESA - Result Attributes
CRMCHKRESE - Check Results Management: Check Results Statistics for Email
CRMCHKRESK - Check Results Management: Key of Check Results
CRMCHKRESL - Findings (Display LoaD)
CRMCHKRESN - Check Results Management: Check Results/Statistics Relation
CRMCHKRESS - Check Results Management: Check Results Statistics
CRMCHKRES_IM_TEST - Structure f. Determing the External Display of Check Results
CRMCHKRSLF - Check Results for Comparision
CRMCHKRSLT - Check Results Management: Check Result (Check Interface)
CRMCHKRSTX - Check Results Management: Texts for Check Result
CRMCHKRUNC - Checks used in Check Run
CRMCHKRUNHOOK - Hook classes for a check run
CRMCHKRUNJ - Tasks/Jobs of a Check Run
CRMCHKRUNK - Check Results Management: Check Run Key
CRMCHKRUNM - Check Messages
CRMCHKRUNO - Object Collectors of a Check Run
CRMCHKRUNT - Description of Check Runs
CRMCHKS - Check Results Management: Check Status (Field) per Check
CRMCHKST - Assign Check to Check Status (Fld)
CRMCHKT - Meta Data: Check rules - text table
CRMCHKVAL - Check Results Management: Typed Value
CRMCHKVALI - Check Results Management: Internal Check Result Components
CRMCKFARES - Check Result Management: GRID1 Field Catalog Structure
CRMCKMSG - Check Results Management: Check Messages
CRMCKRSLT - Check Results Management: Check Result W/O Parameter Values
CRMCKRSLTA - Check Result with Parameter Values
CRMDYNFLD1 - Check Results Management: Screen Fields
CRMDYNPRO - Check Results Management: Screen of a Program
CRMENV - Check Results Management: Check Environment
CRMEXCDUR - Check Results Management: Duration of Check Exception
CRMEXCRSN - Reason for Exemptions
CRMEXCRSNT - Text table for on exemption reason
CRMEXPVERS - RefDB: Export Information for Delivery System
CRMFAOBJ - Check Object
CRMFSEL - Check Results Management: Selection Criterion for Field
CRMHOOKCLASS - Hooks classes for a check run
CRMHSTGR - Check Results Management: Histogram
CRMITERA - Test System Information from ITERA
CRMITEREM - ITERA Inspection Remark
CRMJTASK - Check Results Management: Check Task
CRMKRNLINF - Kernel Information
CRMLOGAT - Log areas text table (OSOLETE)
CRMLOGMSG - Check Results Management: Log Entry
CRMMSGGRP - Message groups (OSOLETE)
CRMMSGGRPT - Message groups text table (OSOLETE)
CRMMSGKEY - Message Keyword and Number
CRMMSGPAR - Message Parameters
CRMNCMPMSG - Message Keyword and Number
CRMOBJ - Check Results Management: Object
CRMOBJA - Check Results Management: Objects with Attributes
CRMOBJATTR - Check Results Management: Object Attributes
CRMOBJCOL - Object Collectors
CRMOBJCOLL - Check Results Management: Object Collectors (External)
CRMOBJCOLR - Check Results Management: Object Collector Reference
CRMOBJCOLT - Object Collectors text table
CRMOBJHIST - Object Check Result History
CRMOBJPA - Check Results Management: Objects with Attributes
CRMOBJPAIR - Check Results Management: Object Pair
CRMOBSETH - Check Results Management: Structure of Object Set Header
CRMPOBJ - Check Result Management: Subobject
CRMPRGLINE - Check Results Management: Program Line
CRMQUERYPACKAGE - Auxiliary Table for Resolving Selection Criteria f. Packages
CRMRDBDKIL - Check Results Management: Index for Doc. Table DOKHL
CRMRDBDTL - Check Results Management: Documentation - Text Lines
CRMRDIPMSG - Check Result Management: crm key & IP Message Data
CRMRDT100 - Texts of Messages from T100 (OBSOLETE)
CRMRDT100S - Check Results Management: Texts of Messages from T100
CRMRDTPL - Check Results Management: Text Pool Items
CRMRDTRMS - Check Results Management: Texts of Messages of Syntax Checks
CRMRDTRMSG - Texts of Messages of Syntax Checks (OBSOLETE)
CRMREFSWC - :Check Results Management: Software Component
CRMREFT100 - Text from T100
CRMREF_R4C - Prepare Reference Result for Comparison
CRMREQ - Distribution Requests (OBSOLETE)
CRMREQRUL - Conversion Rules for Distribution (OBSOLETE)
CRMREQSEL - Selection Crit. for Distribution (OBSOLETE)
CRMRES_R4C - Actual Result Ready for Comparison
CRMRFRNC - Reference Structure
CRMRSFACMP - Result of a Comparision with FA Reference DB
CRMSDPCOLLOG - CheckMan Obj. Collector over Tr.Req. Runtime Protocol
CRMSDPOBJCACHE - Obj. Cache for CheckMan Objects.
CRMSEL - Check Results Management: Selection Criterion
CRMSELC4 - For Selection c4
CRMSELCOMP - Check Results Management: Selection Condition
CRMSELOBJ - Check Results Management: Selection Criterion for Objects
CRMSELREL - Check Results Management: Selection Condition
CRMSELSOLUTION - Check Results Management: Selection Condition
CRMSRVINF - Check Results Management: Information on Servers
CRMSTAT - Statistics Definition (OBSOLETE)
CRMSTATFLD - Statistics Definition (OBSOLETE)
CRMSTNODE - Check Results Management: Statistics Node
CRMT100KEY - Check Results Management: T100 Key
CRMT100MSG - Check Results Management: T100 Message with Parameters
CRMTABSEL - Check Results Management: Table Selection Criterion
CRMTMPLP - OSS Message Template Parameter
CRMTNUMID - Error Message Text Number and ID from T100
CRMTXT - Check Results Management: Text for Attribute
CRMTXTK - Check Results Management: Text Key for Attribute
CRMUI01 - Check Results Management: Check Result Selection
CRMUI02 - Check Results Management: Check Results Statistics
CRMUI04 - Check Results Management: Check Run
CRMUI05 - Exemptions in Display
CRMUI06 - Exemptions
CRM_CATJ - CATT - Log Index
CRM_CATL - CATT: Log Process Data
CRM_CATM - CATT: Log for model and function data
CRM_CATT - TCK: CATT State Data for Checkman
CRM_CATT_LOGS - CATT Data, Prepared for Conversion
CRM_CATT_MSG - CATT Messages (prepared for Conversion in CHECKMAN)
CRM_CHECK_CONFIG - Parameter Storage for External Checks
CRM_ECATT - TCK: eCATT State Data for Checkman
CRM_ECATT_LOGS - eCATT Data, Prepared for Conversion
CRM_ECATT_MSG - eCATT Messages (Prepared for Conversion in CHECKMAN)
CRM_ECLOG_DATA - Replicated Runtime Data of the Script
CRM_ECLOG_HEAD - Table for Replicated eCATT Log Header
CRM_ECLOG_SCNT - Replicated Log Additional Lines for a Script Line
CRM_ECLOG_SCR - Replicated Log Entries of a Script Line
CRM_ECLOG_XDAT - Replicated Runtime Data of the Script
CRM_EC_SESSIONS - Session Info for eCATT Conversion
CRM_S_CHECK_CONFIG_ENTRY - Name / Value Pair for Configuration of Checks
CRM_VERI_LOGS - VERI Data, Prepared for Conversion
SAPI_ORG_AC - SAP internal only: Application component data
SAPI_ORG_AC_REL - SAP internal only: Application component data by release
SAPI_ORG_UPD - SAP internal only: Application component data
SATC_AC_ASPERR_B - Movement data: 'Aspect Error Set' data > 510 bytes
SATC_AC_ASPERR_S - Movement data: 'Aspect Error Set' data <= 510 bytes
SATC_AC_CHK - Customizing: - see longtext - SAP extras for check modules
SATC_AC_CHKCFG - Movement data: Check configuration IDs
SATC_AC_CHK_MSG - Customizing: - see longtext - SAP extras to messages
SATC_AC_CHK_MSGG - Customizing: - see longtext - SAP message Aspects
SATC_AC_CONFIG - Configuration: Customizing for ABAP check layer
SATC_AC_CONTACTS - Contact Persons for repository objects
SATC_AC_NAMESPCS - Customer Namespaces
SATC_AC_OBJLOG_B - Movement data: Object / module set
SATC_AC_PLNERR_B - Movement data: 'Plug-in Error Set' data > 510 bytes
SATC_AC_PLNERR_S - Movement data: 'Plug-in Error Set' data <= 510 bytes
SATC_AC_R3TR - Movement data: 'R3TR Set' keys
SATC_AC_R3TR_B - Movement data: 'R3TR Set' basic attribute
SATC_AC_RESULTG - Movement data related to "display load" in general format
SATC_AC_RESULTH - Movement data: 'Buffered Display Load' header
SATC_AC_RESULTHM - Movement data: 'Buffered Display Load' header merged
SATC_AC_RESULTP - Movement data: 'Display Load' plugin failures
SATC_AC_RESULTPG - Movement data: 'Buffered Display Load' packages
SATC_AC_RESULTVP - Movement data: 'Display Load' module processing state
SATC_AC_RESULTVT - Movement data: 'Display Load' module verdicts
SATC_AC_RSLT4MRG - Movement data: List of results for merging
SATC_AC_RSLT_AE - Movement data: 'Display Load' aspect plug-in failure
SATC_AC_RSLT_VP - Movement data: 'Display Load' aspect processing state
SATC_AC_RSLT_VT - Movement data: 'Display Load' aspect verdicts
SATC_AC_STATE - Movement data: ATC state information
SATC_AC_STATE_RF - Movement data: RFC invocations
SATC_AC_STATUSH - Movement data: 'History Series' header
SATC_AC_S_CONFIG - Configuration: Customizing for "ABAP Check Layer" - system
SATC_AC_S_STATE - Movement data: ATC state information - system wide
SATC_AC_USER - Customizing: Personalization of online check
SATC_AC_VERDCT_B - Movement data: 'Check Verdict Set' data > 510 bytes
SATC_AC_VERDCT_S - Movement data: 'Check / Verdict Set' data <= 510 bytes
SATC_AC_VRDCT_B - Movement data: 'Verdict / Aspect Set' data > 510 bytes
SATC_AC_VRDCT_S - Movement data: 'Aspect Verdict Set' data > 510 bytes
SATC_ATTRIB_INFO - Customizing: Attribute Handlers
SATC_CHECK_BROWSER_LINE - Line in the 'Result Browser'
SATC_CI_APPROVER_GRID_ROW - Row in grid for approver maintenance
SATC_CI_CFG_SRIE - Configuration of ATC/CI serie
SATC_CI_CHECK_INFO - Check Info (used for F4-Help)
SATC_CI_CHKCLASS_OPTION - Select Option: Check Class
SATC_CI_CHKCODE_OPTION - Select Option: Check Message Code
SATC_CI_CUSTOM - Customizing
SATC_CI_DATE_OPTION - Select Option: Date
SATC_CI_EXEMPT - Exemptions for Code Inspector mode
SATC_CI_EXEMPTION_APPLICATION - Application for exemption
SATC_CI_EXEMPTION_GRID_ROW - Row in Exemption Browser
SATC_CI_EXEMPTION_LOG_ENTRY - Exemption protocol: Message key
SATC_CI_EXEMPTION_STATE_OPTION - Select Option: Exemption state
SATC_CI_EXEMPT_HISTORY_ROW - Row in exemption changelog grid
SATC_CI_EX_CHLOG - Exemptions for Code Inspector mode
SATC_CI_FINDING_EXTENSION - Extension Information
SATC_CI_OBJECT_SCOPE - Object Scope for Exemptions
SATC_CI_PACKAGE_OPTION - Select Option: Package
SATC_CI_REASONS - Exemption reasons
SATC_CI_REASONST - Reasons for exemptions (text table)
SATC_CI_RESULT - Entry in Result Catalog for RFC Interface
SATC_CI_SOBJ_NAME_OPTION - Select Option: Object Name
SATC_CI_S_BULK_SCAN_CFG_UI_01 - Configuration Dialog
SATC_CI_S_CFG_SERIE_UI_01 - Configuration Dialog
SATC_CI_S_CFG_SERIE_UI_02 - Configuration Dialog
SATC_CI_TROBJTYPE_OPTION - Select Option: Object Type
SATC_CI_USER_OPTION - Select Option: User
SATC_DOMAIN_INFO - Customizing: Domains
SATC_MD_CONF_DEF - Movement data: Configuration parameter definition
SATC_MD_CONF_VAL - Movement data: Configuration parameter values
SATC_MD_DATATYPE - Customizing: Configuration Parameter Data Types - Prototype!
SATC_MD_DIR - Movement data: Directory of (volatile) repository elements
SATC_MD_MAPPING - Movement data: Mapping
SATC_MD_PHS - Movement data: Phase
SATC_MD_PHS_EXT - Movement data: Phase extension
SATC_MD_PHS_UNIT - Movement data: Phase execution unit
SATC_MD_PRI_DEF - Movement data: Primary variable
SATC_MD_PRJ - Movement data: Project
SATC_MD_PRJ_EXT - Movement data: Project extension
SATC_MD_SRLZD - Movement data: Serialized data, e.g. memento
SATC_MD_STEP - Customizing data: Step
SATC_MD_STP_USE - Movement data: Usage of steps
SATC_Q_GRP - Customizing: Data for a Phase or Aspect of the Quality Check
SATC_Q_GRP_TX - Customizing: Text Table for Quality Aspects / Phases
SATC_Q_STD - Customizing: Data for Quality Standards
SATC_Q_STD_TX - Customizing: Text Table for Quality Standards
SATC_RT_RUN - Movement data (runtime repository) - Header
SATC_RT_RUN_EXE - Movement data (runtime repository) - Runs / reruns
SATC_RT_RUN_KEY - Movement data (runtime repository) - Entity keys
SATC_RT_RUN_LOG - Movement data (runtime repository) - Logging
SATC_RT_RUN_PEU - Movement data (runtime repository) - 'Phase Execution Unit'
SATC_RT_RUN_PHS - Movement data (runtime repository) - Phases
SATC_RT_RUN_SET - Movement data (runtime repository) - Used sets
SATC_SAP_MAPPING - Movement data: ATC IDs <> legacy format ID (reporting)
SATC_SET_ATTR - Movement Data: Attribute <=> Set Relation
SATC_SET_HEAD - Movement Data: Basic Set Attributes
SATC_STD_TEST - Movement Data: Test Domain - Key
SATC_STD_TEST_B - Movement Data: Test Domain - Basic Info
SATC_STEP_REGISTRATION - Structure for enque
SATC_S_AC_ASPERR_BASE_INFO - Base info on 'Aspect Error' set
SATC_S_AC_ASPERR_KEY - Aspect Error Set key
SATC_S_AC_ASPERR_SHRT_INFO - Base info on 'Aspect Error' set (short form)
SATC_S_AC_DATAB_ATC_SETTINGS - Settings for ATC Result Browser (Dynpro)
SATC_S_AC_DISPLAY_LOAD_CFG - 'Configuration Parameters' for display load - see longtext
SATC_S_AC_DISPLAY_LOAD_SERIE - 'Configuration Parameters' for display load series
SATC_S_AC_DYNPRO_ONLINE_CHECK - Dynpro definition for attributes of online check
SATC_S_AC_PLNERR_BASE_INFO - Base Info on Plug-in Error
SATC_S_AC_PLNERR_KEY - Key for plug-in failure set
SATC_S_AC_PLNERR_RESULT_KEY - Key for 'Module Plug-in Failure'
SATC_S_AC_PLNERR_SHRT_INFO - Base info on plug-in failure (short form)
SATC_S_AC_PRIORITY - ATC for F4 priority
SATC_S_AC__UI_MESSAGE_DETAIL - Details on 'Module Verdict' message in UI
SATC_S_AC__UI_MSG_DETAIL_INFO - Description of a location
SATC_S_CHECK_INFO - Information on Checkman checks
SATC_S_CI_PRIORITIES - ATC priorities in CI mode
SATC_S_COLLECTOR_CONFIG - Obsolete: Collector Configuration for Checkman
SATC_S_DEVCLASS_KEY - Key for development package - package name as string
SATC_S_EXP_VERDICT - Error Message
SATC_S_EXP__VERDICT - Error Message
SATC_S_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_PAIR - Key & Attribute pair
SATC_S_NAME_ID_MAPPING - Key & raw ID pair
SATC_S_OBJLOG_DATA - 'Object Log' description data
SATC_S_OBJLOG_KEY - 'Object Log' key
SATC_S_R3TR_ATTRIBUTE - Object attributes - combined excerpt from TADIR and TDEVC
SATC_S_R3TR_KEY - Object Key - 'R3TR' - object type - object name
SATC_S_R3TR_MESSAGE_KEY - 'Module Verdict' key
SATC_S_R3TR_OBJ_TYPE - Obsolete: Object type of r3tr key
SATC_S_R3TR_VERDICT_BASE_INFO - Basic infos of a verdict
SATC_S_R3TR_VERDICT_SHRT_INFO - Basic infos of a verdict (short form)
SATC_S_R3TR_VRDCT_BASE_INFO - Basic infos of a verdict
SATC_S_R3TR_VRDCT_SHRT_INFO - Basic infos of a verdict (short form)
SATC_S_RT_KEY_DATA - Data of key bundle
SATC_S_RT_PRIMARY_VARIABLE - Variable to Set relation
SATC_S_RT_RUN_INFO - Project execution info
SATC_S_RT_RUN_UNIT_INFO - Phase excecution unit info
SATC_S_SELOPT - Select Option Structure based on 60 Character Value
SATC_S_SEL_COND - Obsolete: Selection criteria
SATC_S_SERVER_GROUP_INFO - Information on Server Group - Implementation detail for "F4"
SATC_S_SERVER_INFO - Information on Server - Implementation detail for "F4"
SATC_S_STD_TEST_BASIC_INFO - Content of Selftest Domain Record
SATC_S_UI_CI_EXEMPTION_REQUEST - Exemption request data
SATC_S_UI_DETAIL_CONFIG_PAR - Meta Data to describe a formal parameter
SATC_S_UI_DETAIL_PHASE - Project attributes
SATC_S_UI_DETAIL_PRIMARY_PAR - Meta Data to describe a formal parameter
SATC_S_UI_DETAIL_PRIMARY_VAR - Meta Data to describe a variable for sets
SATC_S_UI_DETAIL_PROJECT - Project attributes
SATC_S_UI_DETAIL_STEP_1 - Description of project - UI format
SATC_S_UI_DETAIL_STEP_2 - Description of step - UI format
SATC_S_UI_DYNPRO_ATC_SETTINGS - Settings for ATC Result Browser (Dynpro)
SATC_S_UI_MESSAGE_DETAIL - Details of 'Aspect Verdict' message in grid
SATC_S_UI_MESSAGE_HEADER - Basic information on 'Aspect Verdict' message in grid
SATC_S_UI_MON_LOG - Display: log entries
SATC_S_UI_MON_LOGDIR - Display: log directory
SATC_S_UI_MON_RUN - Monitor/UI: project execution
SATC_S_UI_MON_RUN_PARAMS - Display: runtime parameters for start/restart
SATC_S_UI_MON_RUN_PHS - Display: "Phases" / "Phase Execution Units"
SATC_S_UI_MSG_DETAIL_INFO - Description of a location
SATC_S_UI_PLNERR_NODE_DATA - Complete node data
SATC_S_UI_PLNERR_NODE_HEADER - Basic info on node
SATC_S_UI_PLNERR_NODE_INFO - Details on node
SATC_S_UI_STAT_NODE_DATA - Complete node data
SATC_S_UI_STAT_NODE_HEADER - Basic info on node
SATC_S_UI_STAT_NODE_INFO - Details on node
SATC_S_UI_TEXT - Text information
SATC_S_VERDICT_KEY - 'Aspect Verdict' key
SATC_UI_MD_PROJECT - Project node - UI format
SCIALVINSP - Code Inspector: List of Inspections
SCIALVOBJS - Code Inspector: List of Object Sets
SCIALVRES1 - SCI: Results as ALV List (Tests)
SCIALVRES2 - SCI: Results as ALV List (Objects)
SCICHKV_ALTER - Code Inspector: Mapping Global Check Variant to Alter Ego
SCICHKV_HD - Code Inspector: Check Variant
SCICHKV_PA - Code Inspector: Cluster Table for Check Variant Parameters
SCICHKV_TX - Code Inspector: Explanatory Short Text for Check Variant
SCICOLLS - Code Inspector: List of Collector Classes
SCIERRTY - Code Inspector: Message Types
SCIEXCEPTN - Code Inspector: Exception Table
SCIEXCEPTN_APPL - Code Inspector: Table of Exception Requests
SCIINS_ADD - Code Inspector: General Restrictions for Inspection
SCIINS_FREE - Code Inspector: Free Inspection IDs
SCIINS_INF - Code Inspector: Data from Inspections
SCIINS_IS - Code Inspector: Inspection Data (Short Version)
SCIINS_OBJ - Code Inspector: Object Set At Time of INSP Execution
SCIINS_VAR - Code Inspector: Check Variant at Time of INSP Execution
SCIMESSAGE - Code Inspector: Key Structure of Message Code Prio. Pseudo
SCIOBJ_ADD - Code Inspector: Structure for Additional Information
SCIOBJ_EXTRACT - Code Inspector: Use Relationships of Object Sets
SCIOBJ_INF - Code Inspector: Object Set
SCIOBJ_SEL - Code Inspector: Cluster Table for Object Set
SCIOBJ_TP - Code Inspector: Types of Objects
SCIOBJ_TPT - Code Inspector: Texts for Types of Objects
SCIPRIORITIES - Code Inspector: Customizing for Message Priorities
SCIPRTCL - Code Inspector: Statistical Data for Inspection Runs
SCIREST_AD - Code Inspector: Extension Structure for Results
SCIREST_AGGR - Code Inspector: Aggregated View of Inspection Results
SCIREST_AGGR1 - Code Inspector: Aggregated Results from Static Analysis
SCIREST_AGGRF - Code Inspector: Aggregated Results - Object Level
SCIREST_HD - Code Inspector: Results of Inspection (Header Entries)
SCIREST_KY - Code Inspector: Key Structure for Results
SCIREST_PA - Code Inspector: Parameter Structure for Results
SCIREST_PS - Code Inspector: Results Table
SCIREST_PS_BUF - Code Inspector: Results Table
SCIREST_RT - ode Inspector: Results of Inspection (Header Entries)
SCIREST_RTOBJ - Code Inspector: Results of Inspection (Header Entries)
SCIREST_STR - Code Inspector: Aggregated View of Inspection Results
SCIREST_WA - Code Inspector: Long Parameter for Results
SCIR_40 - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Name in Obj. Directory
SCIR_ALVLIST - SCI: Output Structure for ALV - Result Comparison
SCIR_ALVLISTN - SCI: Output Structure for ALV (new)
SCIR_ANYO - Code Inspector:Selection Options for Gen. Object Dir. Object
SCIR_APPL - Code Inspector: Selection Options for SOFTWARE Components
SCIR_AUTH - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Program's Creator
SCIR_BUFF - Code Inspector: Buffering Attributes of a Table
SCIR_BY - Code_Inspector: appearance of bypassing buffer statements
SCIR_CHKSUM - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Check Sum
SCIR_CLAS - Code Inspector: Selection Option for Classes/Interfaces
SCIR_CLMN - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Line Number
SCIR_CNT - Code Inspector: Counter for Statistics
SCIR_CODE_STAT - SCI: Output Structure for ALV - Result Comparison
SCIR_COMP - Code Inspector: Selection Options for APPLICATION Components
SCIR_DATE - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Date
SCIR_DEVC - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Package
SCIR_DEVCS - Code Inspector: Packages (Development Classes)
SCIR_ERRC - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Message Code
SCIR_ERROR - Code Inspector: Message for Inspection Statistics
SCIR_EXPLN - Code Inspector: Structure for Result of a Database Explain
SCIR_FT - Code Inspector: From-To Structure Parser
SCIR_FUGR - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Function Group
SCIR_IDX - Code Inspector: Structure for Indexes
SCIR_IDXUQE - Code Inspector: Unique Flag of an Index
SCIR_IDXUS - Code Inspector: Use of an Index
SCIR_INTF - Code Inspector: Selection Option for Interfaces
SCIR_IOLST - Code Inspector: List of Selections
SCIR_KIND - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Error Type
SCIR_LINE - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Line Number
SCIR_METH - Code Inspector: Selection Option for Methods
SCIR_NAME - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Object Name
SCIR_OBJN - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Object Name
SCIR_OBJS - Code Inspector: Structure for Objects
SCIR_OBJS_S - Code Inspector: Structure for Objects
SCIR_OBJT - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Object Types
SCIR_OBJ_PAR - Code Inspector: Structure for Objects
SCIR_ON - Code Inspector: Structure for ON Clause of a Join
SCIR_ORD - Code Inspector: Order by Fields and Positions
SCIR_OSTAT - Code Inspector: Structure for Object Status of Processing
SCIR_OSYS - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Original System
SCIR_PARA - Code Inspector: Structure for Parallel Processing
SCIR_PDEVC - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Transport Layer
SCIR_PRGNM - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Program Name
SCIR_RESP - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Responsible User
SCIR_REST - Code Inspector: Results Structure
SCIR_SELCT - Code Inspector: Split SELECT by Tab Name and WHERE Condition
SCIR_SQL - Code Inspector: Line from Cursor Cache
SCIR_STAT - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Program Status
SCIR_STCS - Code Inspector: Server Statistics for Executed Inspection
SCIR_SUPPRESS - CI: Checks to Be Surpressed for Result Comparison
SCIR_TABL - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Table Restriction
SCIR_TABNM - Code Inspector: Position and Name of Table in Code
SCIR_TIDX - Code Inspector: Table and Structure for Indexes
SCIR_TOBJ - Code Inspector: Structure for Object Directory Objects
SCIR_TYPE - Code Inspector: Selection Options for the Program Type
SCIR_TYPP - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Type Groups
SCIR_VIEWN - Code Inspector: Name, Type, and Maintenance Status of a View
SCIR_WANDT - Code Inspector: Split SELECT by Table Name + WHERE Condition
SCIR_WDYN - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Web Dynpro Component
SCIR_WHERE - Code Inspector: Fields in the WHERE Condition
SCISANYOS - Code Inspector:Selection Options for Gen. Object Dir. Object
SCISCLASS - Code inspector: Selection by Class/Interface
SCISCOLL - Code Inspector: Object Set of General Object Collector
SCISDDICS - Code Inspector: Selection by Dictionary Objects
SCISEXTRCT - Code Inspector: Object Set from Extraction/Filtering
SCISFUGRS - Code Inspector: Selection by Function Group
SCISKORR - Code Inspector: Object Set from Transport Request
SCISOBJLST - Code Inspector: List of Objects
SCISPROGS - Code Inspector: Selection by Program Set
SCISREPOS - Code Inspector: Selection by Object Directory Program
SCISREST - Code Inspector: Object Set from Results of an Inspection
SCISTADIR - Code Inspector: Selection by Object Directory
SCISTYPPS - Code Inspector: Selection by Type Group
SCISWDYNS - Code Inspector: Selection by Web Dynpro Component
SCIS_ABAPID - Structure of Range SCIR_ABAPID
SCIS_CREATION_DATE_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Creation Date
SCIS_DETAIL - Code Inspector: Detail
SCIS_DETAILS - Code Inspector: Results Structure
SCIS_DETAIL_T - Detail text structure
SCIS_E070 - SCI: Work Area Parallel Runs Transport Check
SCIS_EVAL_STATISTICS - Code Inspector: Evaluation statistic
SCIS_EXEC_DATE_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Execution Date
SCIS_EXEC_DATE_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Execution Date
SCIS_INSPECTION_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Name
SCIS_INSP_INFO - Code Inspector: Data from Inspections
SCIS_MSG_KEY - Code Inspector Message Key
SCIS_NAME_SEARCH_RESULT - Code Inspection Search Help Result
SCIS_NAMING_CONVENTIONS_SETUP - Configuration of Check for Enhanced Naming Conventions
SCIS_OBJECT - Code Inspector: Object
SCIS_PROGRAM_OBJECT - Code Inspector: Program Object
SCIS_PROG_CONTOFFS - SCI: Filter Structure for Program/Control Offset
SCIS_RESULT_DETAILS - Code Inspector: Results Structure
SCIS_SLIN_STAT - SCI: Short Statistic for SLIN Results
SCIS_SOURCE_ADD - SCI: Structure for Source Check with Additional Information
SCIS_SQL_ANALYZE - SCI: Structure for Analysis of SQL Statements
SCIS_USER_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection User
SCIS_VERSION_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Version
SCITESTS - Code Inspector: List of Test and Category Classes
SCI_ACTCHK - Code Inspector: Test Entry
SCI_ACTCOL - Code Inspector: Collector Entry
SCI_ATTENT - Code Inspector: Entry in Query Attribute Table
SCI_CC_ALV - SCI: Structure for ALV Display in Cursor Cache Analysis
SCI_CHKALV - Code Inspector: List of All Tests
SCI_CHKMAN_HIGH - Code Inspector: Criteria f.Higher Prioritization in CheckMan
SCI_COLALV - Code Inspector: List of All Object Collectors
SCI_COLLVAL - Code Inspector: Line of Collector Variant
SCI_CRC64 - Code Inspector: Check Sum
SCI_DY200 - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DY270 - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DY300 - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DY400 - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DY502 - SCI: Exception with Table Entry
SCI_DY510 - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DY520 - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DY610 - Code Inspector Checks: Priorities
SCI_DYCHKV - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DYCOM - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DYINSP - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DYNP - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DYOBJS - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DYSO - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_DYSTR - SCI: Exception with Table Entry
SCI_DYXYZ - Code Inspector: Structure for Screen
SCI_EQ_ID - Code Inspector: Structure for Lock Object ID|Vers|User
SCI_EQ_NM - Code Inspector: Structure for Lock Object Name|Vers|User
SCI_EXCE_ENQ - SCI: Help Structure for Locking Exceptions
SCI_EXTRCT - Code Inspector: Work with (Filter, Extract) Sets
SCI_F4_COL - Code Inspector: Selection of an Active Object Collector
SCI_FILTER - Code Inspector: Filter Criteria
SCI_FLGL - Code Inspector: Long Structure for Selection Flag Object Set
SCI_INDB - Code Inspector: Database Tables
SCI_IOLIST - Code Inspector: List of Selections
SCI_OCSASSIGN - Code Inspector: Customizing for Message Priorities
SCI_OCSLINES - SCI: Row of an Object Classification Schema
SCI_OCSNAME - SCI: Data Object Classification Schema
SCI_OC_ATVAL - SCI: Attribute Value Pair for Object Classification
SCI_PERF_CHKLST - SCI: Compliance of Performance Check List
SCI_PERF_CHKLSTC - SCI: Assignment Test Class/Code for Eval. in Perf.Checklist
SCI_PERF_CHKLSTF - SCI: Completion of Performance Check List on Object Level
SCI_PRGADD - Code Inspector: Additional Information for Program Set
SCI_PRIO_EN - Code Inspector: Lock Changing Priorities
SCI_PROGHD - Code Inspector: Information for Program Set
SCI_PRO_ID_S - SCI: Line Structure External cPro Projekt ID
SCI_RESULT - SCI: Results Structure for External Tests
SCI_SELECT - Code Inspector: Selection Options for Program Set
SCI_SORT - Code Inspector: Sort Criteria
SCI_STAT - Code Inspector: Statistics for Execution of an Inspection
SCI_STRUC - CI: Structure for WHERE Clause
SCI_S_CREATION_DATE_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Creation Date
SCI_S_EXEC_DATE_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Execution Date
SCI_S_INSPECTION_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Name
SCI_S_NAME_SEARCH_RESULT - Code Inspection Search Help Result
SCI_S_NAMING_CONVENTIONS_SETUP - Configuration of Test for Extended Naming Conventions
SCI_S_USER_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection User
SCI_S_VERSION_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Code Inspection Version
SCI_TABDD - Code Inspector: Table Attributes
SCI_TADIR - Code Inspector: Object Directory Information
SCI_TEMPT - Code Inspector: Temporary Table for Join
SCI_TLINE - Code Inspector: Line of a Text
SCI_TRACE_ANALYZE - Code Inspector: Structure for Analyzing Traces
SCI_TRACE_PROG - Code Inspector: Programm from Trace
SCI_TRACE_ST05 - Code Inspector: ST05 Trace ID
SCI_TSTVAL - Code Inspector: Line of a Test Variant
SCI_USERS - Code Inspector: Cluster Table for User Parameters
SCI_VIEW - Code Inspector: Table in Views
SCI_XPL_VALUE - Function Module RS_EXPLAIN_PLAN....: Parameter Structure
SCRM_ARF_HEAD - CheckMan Internal: AKH Data
SCRM_ARF_RESP - CheckMan Internal: AKH Data
SCRM_ARF_UPDT - CheckMan Internal - Update of ARF Data - History
SCRM_Q_PHASE - Quality Phases
SCRM_Q_PHASE_TX - Quality Phases text table
SCRM_Q_STD - Quality Standards
SCRM_Q_STD_TX - Quality Standards text table
SCRM_S_CHECK_DOCU - Check ID and Documentation
SCRM_S_CHKMSG_INFO - Information for a Check Evaluation
SCRM_S_CHK_INFO - Description of a Check
SCRM_TADIR_OBJ - CheckMan - Key Definition for TADIR Object Collector

SAP Business Object Builder Tables BC-DWB-TOO-BOB

BMA_CONS - BOR Migration: Usage of BOR Constants in Programs
BMA_DETAIL - BOR Migration Task: Details
BMA_EXCE - BOR Migration Assistant: Non-Migrated Objects
BMA_PROT - BOR Migration: Log Table for Conversion Process
BMA_PROT_C - BOR Migration: Change Structure for Log Table BMA_PROT
BMA_TREE_L - Row in Node Table for CL_BMA_NAVIGATOR
BMA_UNODE - BOR Migration: Update Structure for Navigation Table
BMA_WLST - BOR Migration Assistant: Global Worklist
BMA_WLST_C - BOR Migration: Change Structure for Worklist BMA_WLST
BMA_WR01 - BOR Migration: Range for Author (Worklist)
BMA_WR02 - BOR Migration: Range for Package (Worklist)
SBMIGEXCEP - Object Types/OT Components Not To Be Migrated
SBMIGNAMES - Mapping: BOR Names <--> CL Names
SBMIGNEWNM - Exception: Components with New Names
SBMIGONAME - Mapping: BOR Object Type Name -> Class Name
SBMIGOPROT - Mapping: BOR Object Type Name -> Class Name
SBMIGOTIMP - BOR Object Type Implementation Components
SBMIGTTYPE - Mapping: Reference Type -> Table Type
SBMIGTXMAP - Mapping: BOR Text -> Class Text
SWCBCONT - Workflow Container: Container with Control Block
SWCEDITOR - Editor Control Structure
SWCEDSTAT - Editor Status
SWCELEMENT - Container Element
SWCELSEL - Element Selection Structure
SWCERROR - Error Structure
SWCEXCLUDE - Excluded Functions
SWCONT - Instance Structure
SWCONTDEF - Definition Structure
SWCONTEDIT - Editor Structure
SWCONTTYP - Container Types Structure
SWCRETURN - Return Structure
SWCTESTSTRU - Structure for Test Purposes
SWOT21 - Parameter Object Types 2.1
SWOTAOB - Structure Aggregated Objects
SWOTAOV - Verbs of Aggregated Objects
SWOTATTR - Structure for Attributes
SWOTBDAT - Change Data Object Type
SWOTBUS - Business objects assigned to component
SWOTCODE - Generated program code
SWOTCUST - Structure for Frontend Customizing
SWOTDBTAB - Assignment of Database Fields to Attributes
SWOTDDIC - ABAP/4 Dictionary Field Information
SWOTDFIND - Structure for Search Dialog
SWOTDI - Definition Interfaces
SWOTDO - Aggregated Objects in Object Type
SWOTDQ - Verb Parameters, Exceptions
SWOTDV - Object Type Verbs Definition
SWOTEDITOR - Editor Control Structure
SWOTEDSTAT - Editor Status Return Values
SWOTENTRY - Screen structure for BOR initial screen
SWOTENV - Environment Variables of Runtime System
SWOTERETRN - Error Return Object Type Edit Function
SWOTERROR - Error Checking an Object Type
SWOTFILTER - Object Type Tree Filter
SWOTFIND - List of Object Types as Search Result
SWOTFUEXC - Function Module Exceptions
SWOTFUPAR - Function module parameters
SWOTGEN - Parameters for interface generation (IDL, ODL, ...)
SWOTGROUPS - Object Type Groups
SWOTGTAB - Generation Table
SWOTHPATH - Hierarchy path for object type
SWOTICE - Index of Frozen DDIC Structures
SWOTIF - Structure Interfaces
SWOTIFDOCU - Read transfer structure for interface documentation
SWOTIFSEL - Selection Structure for Interfaces
SWOTIP - Index Parent Object Types
SWOTKEYFLD - Field and Value of BOR Key
SWOTLI - Object Load Interfaces
SWOTLINES - Relationships between Object Types
SWOTLQ - Runtime Table Parameters, Exceptions
SWOTLV - Runtime Table Verbs
SWOTMETHOD - Structure for methods
SWOTMTAB - Multi-Table Administration Structure
SWOTNODES - Node Structure for Relationships
SWOTOBJID - Structure for Object ID
SWOTOCOPY - Structure for Copying, Renaming
SWOTOH - Runtime structure for OLE server, object type header data
SWOTOL - Relationships
SWOTOLE - Workflow Object Types: OLE Applications
SWOTOO - Verbs of Aggregated Objects
SWOTOP - Runtime Structure Parameter OLE Server
SWOTOT - Object type information for OLE server
SWOTOTABP - Map OT methods to ABAP for OLE server
SWOTOTCLAS - Object Type Categories
SWOTOTDIC - Map OT methods to ABAP for OLE server
SWOTOTREE - Object Type Sub-tree Structure
SWOTOV - Runtime Structure Verbs OLE Server
SWOTP - Various Reference Fields
SWOTPART - contained objects
SWOTPATTRN - Model Structure for Object Program
SWOTPGTOK - Program Token Structure
SWOTPROG - Program Lines
SWOTRA - Runtime Structure Attributes
SWOTRCODE - Methods Exceptions Structure
SWOTRE - Runtime Structure Events
SWOTREF - Fields for query where-used list
SWOTRETURN - Workflow Object Types: Exception of a Method
SWOTRFCLD - Remote Load Structure
SWOTRI - Runtime Structure Interfaces
SWOTRK - Runtime Structure Key Fields
SWOTRM - Runtime Structure Methods
SWOTRP - Runtime Structure Parameters
SWOTRR - Runtime Structure Exceptions
SWOTRTIME - Runtime Control Structure Objects
SWOTSEDIT - Editor Control Structure Services
SWOTSTATUS - Assignment of System Status to Attributes
SWOTSUPER - Super Object Types
SWOTSYINFO - System Information
SWOTTNODE - Node in BOR Hierarchy for External Browsers
SWOTTO - Short Texts for Aggregated Objects
SWOTTOLE - Workflow Object Types: Texts OLE Applications
SWOTTQ - Verbs Parameters Texts
SWOTTREE - Object Tree Structure
SWOTTV - Texts for Verbs
SWOTVNAME - Verb Names
SWO_OBSTR - BOR Object Type Navigation Structure
SWO_PRNSEL - Select sections to be printed
SWO_SEMAPH - Semaphore for Asynchronous Method Call
TOJTB - Business object repository: Basic data
TOJTD - Customizing Object Types
TOJTT - Texts Basic Data

SAP Class Builder Tables BC-DWB-TOO-CLA

ENHAMETHKEYS - Table with Method Keys
ENHAMETHKEYS_ENH - Table with Method Keys
ENHA_TMDIR - Table for Managing the Enhancement Methods of a Class
ENHCLASALV - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_ATT - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_EVT - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_IMPL - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_METH - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_MOV - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_MPO - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_MPR - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_PAR - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASALV_TYPE - ALV Structures for Class Methods Enhancements
ENHCLASSATTRIB - Enhancement Method Enhancement
ENHCLASSEVENT - Enhancement Events
ENHCLASSIMPLEMENTING - Enhancement Implementing
ENHCLASSMETHDATA - Enhancements for a Class
ENHCLASSTYPE - Types as Enhancements
ENHEVENTPARAM - Enhancement Method Enhancement
ENHEVENT_DATA - New events in CLIF defines as enhancement
ENHINTFCOMPRI - Enhancement Interfaces
ENHMETH - Enhanced Methods
ENHMETHEXC - Exceptions of an Enhancement Method
ENHMETHPARAM - Enhancement Method Enhancement
ENHMETH_HEADER - Header Data of an Enhancement Method
ENHNEWMETH_DATA - New methods in the class defined as enhancement
ENHNEWMETH_INCLUDE - Assignment Method Name - Include Name
ENHNEWMETH_INCLUDE_PLUS_ENHA - Implementations of Enhancement Methods
FORCE_SAVE_SECTION - Sections to be Saved in a Class
INCLSTRUC - Long Include Names of Classes
RPYCLAT - Class libaray Repository API: Attribute
RPYCLCI - Class library Repository API: Object type (Class/interface)
RPYCLEV - Class library Repository API: Event
RPYCLEX - Class library Repository API: Exceptions
RPYCLFR - Class library Repository API: Friend relationships
RPYCLGF - Class library Repository API: General fields
RPYCLIR - Class library Repository API: Instance relationships
RPYCLME - Class library Repository API: Method
RPYCLMR - Class library Repository API: Metarelationship
RPYCLOK - Class library Repository API: Object type key
RPYCLPA - Class library Repository API: Parameters
SEOADMIN - Administration data for class
SEOALIASES - Alias definition
SEOAPPCMP - IDs of application components
SEOASGACDC - Assignment of application component - development classes
SEOATTAPX - Qualities of an attribute
SEOATTFLAT - Flat view of an attribute
SEOATTFLT - Attribute for flat view
SEOATTKEY - Key Structure of Attribute
SEOBCMTDCT - Classification Data for Methods of a Business Class
SEOCHALOG - Changed Components of a Class
SEOCHANGE - Change dates for class
SEOCLASS - Class/Interface
SEOCLASSDF - Definition of class/interface
SEOCLASSEX - Remote info classes/interfaces
SEOCLASSTX - Short description class/interface
SEOCLSAPX - Qualities of a class
SEOCLSENQ - Block key of a class
SEOCLSKEY - Key structure of a class
SEOCLSREF - Reference class
SEOCLSWDES - Class Name with Short Description
SEOCMPKEY - Key structure of a class
SEOCMPLOCK - Locked Component of an Object
SEOCMPREF - Reference Component
SEOCMPSIGN - Signature Method or Event
SEOCOMPO - Class/Interface component
SEOCOMPODF - Definition class/interface component
SEOCOMPOEX - Remote info class/interface component
SEOCOMPOSRC - Class/Interface component
SEOCOMPOTX - Short description class/interface component
SEOCPDKEY - Key structure of a component (with composite names)
SEOEUMOD - Class Builder: Settings in RSEUMOD
SEOEVEFLAT - Flat view of an event
SEOEVTAPX - Qualities of an event
SEOEVTKEY - Key Structure of Event
SEOEXCAPX - Characteristics of a parameter
SEOEXCEXT - Remote information about exception
SEOEXCFLAT - Flat view of exceptions
SEOF4 - Reference structure for F4 help
SEOFRDKEY - Key structure of a friend relationship
SEOFRIENDS - Friend relationship
SEOIMPAPX - Interface implementation addition
SEOIMPLREL - Implementation-based instance relationship
SEOINHNODE - Nodes of Inheritance Tree
SEOIRLINF - Additional information for an implementation relationship
SEOMETAREL - Meta relationship
SEOMETFLAT - Flat view of a method
SEOMTDAPX - Characteristics of a method
SEOMTDKEY - Key Structure of Method
SEOPARAPX - Characteristics of a parameter
SEOPARDIS - Parameter data for display in the parameter list
SEOPAREXT - Remote parameter information
SEOPARFLAT - Flat view of parameters
SEOPATTERN - Settings for the CALL METHOD Pattern
SEOPATTERNX - Enhancement: Settings for Template of CALL METHOD
SEOPRINT - Options for Printing Classes
SEOREDEF - Redefined methods for each inheritance relationship
SEOREFPROT - Refactoring log for changes to classes/interfaces
SEOREFTODO - Refactoring worklist for classes/interfaces
SEORELAT - Relationship type
SEORELATTX - Relationship type short description
SEORELCOMP - Relationship type component
SEORELKEY - Key structure of a meta relationship
SEORLCMPTX - Relationship type component short description
SEOSCOKEY - Key structure of a subcomponent
SEOSORTCRI - Sort Criteria in the Class Builder
SEOSPECTYP - Specialization type (inheriting, implementing, comprising)
SEOSRCINFO - Position of an attribute or type in source code
SEOSUBCO - Class/interface subcomponent
SEOSUBCODF - Definition class/interface subcomponent
SEOSUBCOEX - Class/interface subcomponent
SEOSUBCOTX - Class/interface subcomponent short description
SEOTPUKEY - Key structure of a type group application
SEOTRDIR - TRDIR fields for class pool
SEOTYPAPX - Characteristics of a type
SEOTYPE - Type of an attribute or a parameter
SEOTYPEKEY - Key Structure of Type
SEOTYPEPLS - Type group application
SEOX - Reference Structure
SEO_ANONYMOUS_ATTRIBUTE_REMOTE - Store the structure for an anonymous class attribue
SEO_ATTRIBUTE - SE24: Attibute
SEO_ATTRIBUTE_REMOTE - Remote class/interface attribute representation
SEO_CLASS_GUID_FIELD - Input Structure for Class GUID
SEO_CPAK_ENABLE - Table to maintain users to whom Package Section is Visible
SEO_CS_CACHE - Additional information for the CS-include cache
SEO_HELP_READ - WB - Class Builder - Setting for Help
SEO_METHOD_SOURCE - SE24: Method Source
SEO_NA_ALI - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_ATT - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_CLS - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_DFR - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_EVT - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_EXC - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_INT - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_MET - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_PAR - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_PRI - Type Information of Section
SEO_NA_PRO - Type Information of Section
SEO_NA_PUB - Type Information of Section
SEO_NA_RED - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_REL - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_NA_TYP - Passing Structure for Note Assistant
SEO_SOURCE_POS - Source Position
SEO_SRC_POS_IND - index table storing source positions of class includes
SEO_TYPE_SOURCE - SE24: Type Sources
SETS_SUBST - Substitution of generic types

SAP Coverage Analyzer Tables BC-DWB-TOO-COV

COVDATCOL - Last Data Collection: Control Table
COVDATVOL - Coverage Analyzer: Data Volume Monitor
COVDETVAR - Coverage Analyzer: Detail Variants
COVLOG - Coverage Analyzer Log Entry
COVMOD - Status of Coverage Analyzer
COVMODSET - Repository for Customer/SAP View Information
COVMVDAT - Table for Storing Coverage Results from Coverage Analyzer
COVMVHID - Table for Storing History Versions
COVMVHIS - Table for Storing the History from Coverage Analyzer
COVMVSET - Table for Storing Settings for Global View
COVMVTIM - Table for Storing Time Snapshots
COVREF - Coverage Reference Table: All Processing Blocks
COVREG - Coverage Analyzer: Registration of Test Key
COVRES - Table of Coverage Results
COVRES0 - Temporary Storage for Coverage Results
COVRES0_SYNC - Synchronization Records for Merging of COVRES0 to COVRES
COVRES0_SYNCH - Synchronization Records for Merging of COVRES0 to COVRES
COVRFCERR - Number of RFC Errors While Accessing Server
COVSETTING - General Settings for Coverage Analyzer
COVTKEY - Coverage Analyzer: Test Key
COVTKEYDEL - Coverage Analyzer: Recreate Locked Test Groups
COV_GENDATA - SCOV metadata created at generation time
COV_MEASUREMENTS - Coverage Measurements
COV_METADATA - Coverage-Specific Metadata of Programs
COV_RESULTS - Evaluations of Coverage Measurements
COV_SERIES - Test Series
COV_SHM_FLUSH - Shared Memory Flush: Coverage Logs by Server
CVS_ADMSET - General Settings for Coverage Analyzer
CVS_AUTABS - Absolute Author Coverage Results
CVS_AUTPRO - Results of Coverage Analyzer According to Author (Percent)
CVS_CONTR - Line Structure for Table Type CVT_CNTR
CVS_COVDAV - Display Coverage Analyzer Data Volume
CVS_COVERAGE - Coverage Values
CVS_COVERAGE_RESULT_R3TR - Coverage Result for R3TR Program Object
CVS_COVHIS - Auxiliary Structure for COVMVHIS
CVS_COVHIS_NEW - Auxiliary Structure for COVMVHIS
CVS_COVHTXT - Structure for Storing Hierarchy Texts in SCOV
CVS_COVINF - Coverage Information
CVS_COVINF_NEW - Coverage Information
CVS_COVLOG - Display Coverage Analyzer Logs
CVS_DATS2 - Structure for Quick Search by View Type and Node Level
CVS_DATSK - Structure for Quick Search in covmvdat
CVS_DATTIM - Event: Date Time
CVS_DETVAR - Coverage Analyzer: Detail Variants
CVS_DEVABS - Absolute Package Coverage Results
CVS_DEVPRO - Results for Coverage Analyzer According to Package
CVS_EVAL - Line Type for Coverage Evaluation Table
CVS_EXECUTION_COUNTERS - Execution Count per Program Processing Block
CVS_FIGSEL - Structure for Storing Settings for Displaying Curves
CVS_GLBLFT - Coverage Analyzer: Filter for Global View
CVS_GLBLVW - Coverage Analyzer: Filter for Global View
CVS_GLHIS - Structure for History Description
CVS_GLOABS - Absolute Global Coverage Results
CVS_GLSELE - List of All Select Options Used in Manager View
CVS_HISDAT - Format of Coverage Results for Storing in History
CVS_HISDAT_NEW - Format of Coverage Results for Storing in History
CVS_HISID - Structure for Storing History Versions
CVS_HISKEY - Structure for Storing History Key
CVS_HISS2 - Structure for Quick Search in covmvhis
CVS_HISSK - Structure for Quick Search in covmvhis
CVS_INFABS - Absolute Value of Counter
CVS_INFABS_NOT_NULL - Truth Values for Counters that Are Not Equal to Zero
CVS_INFPRO - Coverage Results for Count, Reset, and Rabax (Percentage)
CVS_INFRES - Counters: Absolute Values
CVS_INFSEL - Collection of Select Options for Counters
CVS_ISTAT - Statistics for Initialization
CVS_MVFT - Filter for Tree Display
CVS_MVHFT - Filter for Tree Display
CVS_MVSE - User Specific Settings of Global View
CVS_NODE - Node Table for Coverage Tree
CVS_NODEKEY - Coverage Analyzer: Mapping Between Node Name and Node Key
CVS_NODINF - Structure for Storing Node Information
CVS_NODINF_NEW - Structure for Storing Node Information
CVS_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_ELEMENT - Object Directory Key for R3TR Program Object
CVS_PBLOCK_EXECUTIONS - Execution Count per Processing Block
CVS_PBRES - Results Per Processing Block
CVS_PRGRES - Results Per Program
CVS_PRGRES_AUT - Program Results Per Author
CVS_PRGRES_PKG - Program Results Per Development Package
CVS_PROABS - Absolute Program Object Coverage Results
CVS_PROPRO - Coverage Analyzer Results According to Program Object
CVS_PROPRO_TKEY - Coverage Results for a Program and Test Group
CVS_REG - Coverage Analyzer: Change in Registration
CVS_RESKEY - Test Key, Object, Object Name
CVS_RUNPROC - Runtime Results for Processing Blocks
CVS_RUNPROG - Runtime Results for Program Objects
CVS_RUNRES - Runtime Results for All Programs for Table COVRES0
CVS_RUNST - Runtime Results for Statements
CVS_RUNTIM - Runtime Results (Lines)
CVS_SELECT - Collection of Select Options
CVS_SELKEY - Selection Key
CVS_SERVER - Server with Attributes
CVS_SESEL - Structure for Storing Key for Access to covmvse
CVS_SET - Strcuture for Storing Settings for Global View
CVS_SETK - Structure for Storing Key for Access to covmvset
CVS_SETT - Settings in the Coverage Detail Manager
CVS_SOAPPL_COMP - Selection Options for Application Components
CVS_SOAUT - Select Options for Author
CVS_SOCLA - Select Options for Watch Unit Class
CVS_SODEST - Select Options for Test Key
CVS_SODEV - Select Options for Package
CVS_SODT - Select Options for Date Range
CVS_SOHTNM - Select Options for Hierarchy Texts
CVS_SOINF - Select Options for Counters
CVS_SONAM - Select Options for Watch Unit Names
CVS_SONM - Select Options for Executive Board, Cost Center, and Manager
CVS_SOOBJ - Select Options for TADIR Object Type
CVS_SOOBN - Select Options for TADIR Object Name
CVS_SOOS - Select Options for Names of Original Systems
CVS_SOPDE - Select Options for Transport Layers
CVS_SOPRO - Select Options for Programs
CVS_SOPRZ - Select Option Structure for Percentage
CVS_SOPRZR - Select Option Structure for Percentage (RABAX)
CVS_SORES - Select Options for Counters
CVS_SOTKY - Selection Options for Test Group
CVS_SOTR - Transport Layer Name for Coverage Analyzer Filter
CVS_SOTYP - Select Options for Watch Unit Type
CVS_SOUNI - Select Options for Unicode Flag
CVS_SRC - Structure with Source per Source Name
CVS_STMNT_COV_META_DATA - Set of Metadata for Statement Coverage
CVS_STRES - Structure for Statement Counters
CVS_ST_NO_INCL - Line number of include statement relative to program unit
CVS_ST_RES - Coverage Results per Statement
CVS_ST_RESALV - Results Per Statement
CVS_ST_RES_ALV - Statement Results to Be Shown in ALV Grid
CVS_TEST_KEY_SELOP - Selection Options for Test Group
CVS_TK_ALV - Coverage Analyzer: Test Groups
CVS_UPDATE - Structure for Transfering Watch Units After Generation
CVS_USER - Coverage Analyzer: Dummy for ALV (CVT_USER)
CVS_WU - Coverage Watch Unit (Line Type)
CVS_WUADD - Additions for Evaluation of Watch Units
CVS_WUKEY - Key for Watch Units
CVS_WUKEYREF - Key for Watch Units
CVS_WUPRO - Elements to Display Per WU
CVS_WURES - Coverage Watch Unit (Line Type)
CVS_WURUN - Runtime Watch Unit Result (Line Type)
SCOVSRVERR - SCOV: Server for which init. of registration failed
SCV_CONFIGURATION - Configuration of a Results Tree
SCV_COVERAGE - Coverage Data (relational format)
SCV_CRT_NODE - Node Structure for Coverage Results Tree (UI)
SCV_KERNEL_PBLOCK - Processing block description from kernel perspective
SCV_MD_PBLOCK - Metadata of Processing Block
SCV_MD_PROGRAM - Coverage-Specific Program Metadata
SCV_MD_STATEMENT - Statement Metadata
SCV_RD_REPOSITORY_DATA - Persistent Coverage Results
SCV_RD_REPOSITRY_DATA_FAKE - Persistent Coverage Results (Main Memory Database)
SCV_RESULT_HEADER - Header Attributes of Coverage Result
SCV_RESULT_NODE - Results Node (relational format)
SCV_SELECTION - Selection Condition (relational format)
SCV_SOURCE_POSITION - Position of Statement in Source Code
SCV_TEST_EXPECTED_RESULT - Test Data (Expected Coverage Results)
SCV_TEST_MD_PROGRAM - Program Metadata
VIM_COV - Standard Reference of View Maintenance for Coverage Analyzer
VIM_COVT - Text Tab: Standard Ref. of View Maint. for Coverage Analyzer

SAP Data Modeler Tables BC-DWB-TOO-DMO

D000YY - DM Screen Fields for Many Screens, Set in YY Routines
D300F1 - DM Screen fields for fgr SDU1, screen 300
D500FM - DM Screen Fields for FGr SDUM, Screen 500
D502F8 - DM: Screen Fields for No. 502 for SAPLSDU8
DIO02 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIO04 - R/3 SDIN: Help Table for Output Statement
DIP04 - Selection Parameters for Data Elements
DM02H - EDM Help Structure for List Output
DM02I - DM Entity types interface for check FMs
DM02L - DM Entity Type
DM02S - DM Entity Type Definition Variant
DM02T - DM Entity Type Short Text
DM02VTC - DM interface to VISIO - entity types
DM03S - DM Attribute
DM25I - DM View-Entity Type Assignment + Short Text
DM25L - DM View-Entity Type Assignment
DM26C - DM Auxiliary Structure DM261 for Compare Program
DM26I - DM Table-Entity Type Assignment + Short Text
DM26L - DM Table-Entity Type Assignment
DM40H - EDM List Output Auxiliary Structure
DM40I - EDM Models with Positions
DM40L - DM Data Model
DM40T - DM Data Model Short Text
DM40VTC - DM interface to VISIO - data models (outline)
DM41S - DM Data Model Hierarchy
DM41STC - DM interface to VISIO - hierarchy
DM42I - EDM Relationships and Interface Long Name
DM42S - DM Relationship
DM42T - DM Relationship Short Text
DM43T - DM Entity Type Aliases
DM45I - EDM Internal Structure for Specialization Categories
DM45L - DM Specialization Category
DM45T - DM Short text for specialization type
DM46G - Interface for Generalizations
DM46I - EDM Interface for Specialization and Long Name
DM46S - DM Specialization
DM48L - DM Area
DM48T - DM Area Short Text
DM50S - DM ADW Position
DM50T - DM ADW Text on Entity Type
DM99L - DM User Settings
DMCTL - Information Model Control Flags
DMFCTR - DM Interface to Function Module SDU_FCTR...
DMHELPF - EDM Help Fields for Screens
DMINF - EDM Information Model Interface
DMNODE - EDM Assign Node ID to DM41S Node
DMUSR - Include Structure for FSTUSER and LSTUSER
ENTVPAR - Parameters for entity views (view maintenance)
IMCTL - Information Model-Control
IMCTR - Information Model Control Object Choice for Evaluation
IMINF - Information Model: Interface
LIST_TAB - Structure for List Output
MSU60 - Select Options for EDM Attribute Display
RPYDMAL - Data Modeler: Alias for Repository API
RPYDMAT - Data Modeler: Attribute for Repository API
RPYDMDM - Data Modeler: Data Model for Repository API
RPYDMEI - Data Modeler: Entity Type ID for Repository API
RPYDMEN - Data Modeler: Entity Type for Repository API
RPYDMFD - Data Modeler: Formatted Documentation for Repository API
RPYDMGF - Data Modeler: General Fields for Repository API
RPYDMHI - Data Modeler: Hierarchy for Repository API
RPYDMMI - Data Modeler: Data Model ID for Repository API
RPYDMRL - Data Modeler: Relationship for Repository API
RPYDMSC - Data Modeler: Specialization Type for Repository API
RPYDMSD - Data Modeler: SAPscript Documentation for Repository API
RPYDMSP - Data Modeler: Specialization for Repository API
RPYDMTV - Data Modeler: Assigned Table/View for Repository API
RPY_ENTIDS - Data Modeler: Entity type IDs for repository interfaces
RPY_MODIDS - Data Modeler: Data model IDs for repository interfaces
RSUD1 - Work Fields for EDM Transactions
RSUD2 - Work Fields for EDM Transactions
RSUD25 - EDM Attribute Fields for Entity type from View Information
RSUD3 - Internal Screen Fields (SAPMUD00, 0100)
RSUD4 - Screen fields for SAPLSDU7, screen 502
RSUD9 - Internal Screen Fields
RSUDA - EDM Interface Attribute Fields from DM03S, DD27P, DD03P
RSUDCCHECK - EDM Consistency Checks: Report RUDCC001 Selection Screen
RSUDCHECKS - DM List of Consistency Checks (new)
RSUDDMOID - DM Data Model ID (for internal tables)
RSUDENTID - DM entity type ID (for internal tables)
RSUDF - Internal Fields: EDM Print Layout Set
RSUDN - Long Name: EDM Objects
RSUDO - Lock object structure for EDM objects
RSUDOBJID - DM Data Model ID/Entity Type ID (for internal tables)
RSUDTEXT60 - DM short text for DM objects (for internal tables)
RSUDU - DM Internal Fields + Dynpro Fields for ADW Export
RUDY9 - Internal Screen Fields
RUFOR - Internal Fields: EDM Print Layout Set
TDI01 - Entity Type - View Assignment
TDM01 - Data Model Conversion Log
TDM02 - Assignment of Entities to SAP Tables
TDM03 - Entity Short/Long Name
TDM04 - Entity Type
TDM04S - Entity interface
TDM05 - Data Model Short/Long Name
TDM06 - Data Model
TDM06S - Data Model Interface
TDM07 - Assignment of Entities to Data Models
TDM08 - Relationships Between Entities
TDM09 - Entity Attributes
TDM10 - Assignment Synonyms-Entity
TDM11 - Assignment Entity - Alias Name
TDM12 - Attribute Short/Long Name
TDM13 - Attributes of entity types, assignment of data elements
TDM14 - Customizing attributes of entity types
TDM19 - Specialization category
TDM20 - Specialization
TDM21 - Entity Specialization Category
TDM22 - Entity Specialization Category Text
TDM23 - Assign Specialization Category to Target Entity
TDM25 - Assign Entities to Data Element
TDM26 - Specialization Category: Short/Long Name
TDM27 - EDM Cluster: Short/Long Name
TDM28 - EDM Clusters
TDM29 - EDM Cluster Assignment: Data Model-Entity Type
TDM30 - User Directory
TDM31 - Check Table for Owner
TDM99 - User Authorization for EDM Tool
TDMFC - ADW Data with Incorrect Code
TDMV1 - EDM varchart positions
XDM02V - Version Management: Delta for DM02V
XDM03S - Version Management: Delta for DM03S
XDM25L - Version Management: Delta for DM25L
XDM26L - Version Management: Delta for DM26L
XDM40V - Version Management: Delta for DM40V
XDM41S - Version Management: Delta for DM41S
XDM42S - Version Management: Delta for DM42S
XDM42V - Version Management: Delta for DM42V
XDM43T - Version Management: Delta for DM43T
XDM45V - Version Management: Delta for DM45V
XDM46S - Version Management: Delta for DM46S
XDM48V - Version Management: Delta for DM48V
XDM50S - Version Management: Delta for DM50S

SAP Enhancement Tools Tables BC-DWB-TOO-ENH

ENHCLASSIMPLEMENTING_CWB - Enhancement: Implementing CWB View
ENHCLASSTYPE_CWB - Types as Enhancements CWB View
ENHCROSS_VERS - Cross Reference for ENH Object
ENHEVENTPARAM_CWB - Enhancement Method Enhancement CWB View
ENHEVENT_CWB_DATA - New events in CLIF defined as enhancement CWB View
ENHHOOKMIGRTEMP - Table for Migration Support for Change of Hook ID
ENHPROGSTRU - Structure for Programs
ENHSPOT_REF_STRU - Reference Structure
ENHSUBENHNAME - Assignment Enhancement to Sub-Enhancement
ENHTEXT_VERS - Enhancement Text Data Header Record
ENHTEXT_VERSDATA - Text Data for Enhancement Objects
ENHTEXT_VERSINCL - Text Data for Enhancement Objects
ENHTOOLS_UVL - Registry for Enhancement - Tools
ENHUNIT - Modularization Unit in Enhancement Object
ENH_CONTAINER_HOOK_DEF - Enhancement Container Hook Definitions
ENH_CONTAINER_HOOK_IMPL - Structure for Hook Container
ENH_CONTAINER_HOOK_IMPL_SOURCE - Structure for Hook Container
ENH_CONTRACT_HOOK_IMPL - Enhancement Implementations
ENH_CONTR_BADI - Contract Data for BAdIs
ENH_CWBENHINCINX - Enhancement: Table on Program Enhancements
ENH_CWB_BADI_DEF_DATA - Enhancement View for CWB of BAdI Data
ENH_CWB_BADI_FILTER - Enhancement View for CWB of BAdI Filter
ENH_CWB_BADI_FLT_IMPL - Enhancement View for CWB of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_CWB_BADI_FLT_ROOT - Enhancement View for CWB of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_CWB_BADI_FLT_TREE - Enhancement View for CWB of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_CWB_BADI_FLT_VALUE - Enhancement View for CWB of BAdI Filter Data
ENH_CWB_BADI_GUI - Enhancement View for CWB of BAdI: FCodes for BAdI
ENH_CWB_BADI_IMPL_DATA - Spot View for CWB of BAdI Implementation Data
ENH_CWB_BADI_IMPL_FCODE - Details for CWB for BAdI Menu Enhancement
ENH_CWB_BADI_IMPL_SCREEN - BAdI Implementation Screen Enhancement Display for CWB
ENH_CWB_BADI_SAMPLE_IMPL - View of BAdI: Example Implementations
ENH_CWB_BADI_SCREEN_DEF - Enhancement View of BAdI: Screen Enhancements in BAdI Def.
ENH_CWB_CLASSATTRIB - Enhancement Method Enhancement
ENH_CWB_CLAS_EIMP_SOURCE - CWB: Souource Code for Exit Methods
ENH_CWB_DELTA_ENHO_CLASS - Delta Table for SNOTE for Class Enhancements
ENH_CWB_DELTA_ENHO_SOURCE - Delta Table for SNOTE for ENHS Objects of Type SOURCE Code
ENH_CWB_FUGRPARAMDOCU - Texts for Function Group Enhancement
ENH_CWB_INTF - Enhancement CWB Interface Structure
ENH_CWB_INTF_BADI_MENU - INTF CWB Structure for BAdI Menu Entries
ENH_CWB_INTF_BADI_SAMP - BAdI Samples for CWB Objects of Type SPOT
ENH_CWB_INTF_BADI_SCREEN - INTF CWB Structure for BAdI Screen Definitions in SPOT
ENH_CWB_INTF_BADI_SPOT_DATA - Enh. CWB interface for class-enhancements methods
ENH_CWB_INTF_BADI_SPOT_FLTS - Enh. CWB interface for class-enhancements methods
ENH_CWB_INTF_CLAS_METH - Enh. CWB interface for class-enhancements methods
ENH_CWB_INTF_CLAS_NEWM_E - Enhancement CWB CLAS New Methods Exceptions INTF
ENH_CWB_INTF_CLAS_NEWM_P - Enhancement CWB CLAS New Methods Parameters INTF
ENH_CWB_INTF_CLAS_SOURCE - Enhancement CWB Class: New Sources Table
ENH_CWB_INTF_FUGR_FUNC - Parameter Function Text
ENH_CWB_INTF_HOOK_SOURCE - Enhancement CWB HOOK: Source Table
ENH_CWB_INTF_HOOK_TAB_SPOT - Enh. CWB interface for class-enhancements methods
ENH_CWB_INTF_HOOK_VERW - Enh. CWB interface for class-enhancements methods
ENH_CWB_INTF_HOOK_VERW_SPOT - Enh. CWB interface for class-enhancements methods
ENH_CWB_INTF_SPOT - Enhancement CWB Interface Structure
ENH_CWB_MAIN - Overall Structure for ENH-CWB Objects
ENH_CWB_MAIN_SPOT - Overall Structure for ENH-CWB Objects
ENH_CWB_METHKEYS - Table with Method Keys
ENH_CWB_NEWMETH_INCLUDE - Assignment Method Name - Include Name
ENH_CWB_STEXT - Include Structure for SOTR Short Texts
ENH_CWB_TEXT - Text Structure for SCWB Sort Texts
ENH_CWB_WDYC - CWB: Web Dynpro: Extensibility Controller Structure
ENH_CWB_WDYC_COMPO_SRC - CWB: Source Codes for Components
ENH_CWB_WDYC_STEXT - CWB: Texts for Web Dynpro Controller
ENH_CWB_WDYV - CWB: Web Dynpro: Extensibility View Structure
ENH_CWB_WDYV_STEXT - CWB: Texts for View Data
ENH_CWB_WDYV_UI_PROP_TXT - CWB: Texts for UI Property Elements
ENH_CWB_WDY_CTLR_EXC - CWB: Web Dynpro: Custom Exceptions for Controller Methods
ENH_CWB_WDY_ENH_NEW_CODE - CWB: Web Dynpro: Extensibility Structure for New Coding Area
ENH_CWB_WDY_ENH_OBJ_STATE - CWB: Web Dynpro: Extensibility Deleted UI Elements
ENH_CWB_WDY_SOTR_USE - CWB: Where-Used List for Texts in OTR
ENH_CWB_WDY_VERW - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Structure of Entire Object for CWB
ENH_HOOK_ADMIN - Hook Main Data in Enhancement
ENH_HOOK_DATA - Data for a Hook Statement
ENH_HOOK_DEF - Hook Definition
ENH_HOOK_DEF_EXT - Hook Definition Structure for Communication with Tool
ENH_HOOK_DEF_EXT_ALV - Hook Definition Structure for Communication with Tool
ENH_HOOK_DEF_SPOT - Hook Definition
ENH_HOOK_IMPL - Return Structure Enhancement Implementations
ENH_HOOK_IMPL_WA - Internal Work Area
ENH_HOOK_SOURCE - Source Code of an Enhancement
ENH_HOOK_SOURCE_ALV - Source Code of an Enhancement
ENH_OPTION_DATA - Information on Enhancement Implementation Option
ENH_REF_STRU - Reference Structure
ENH_SCPCONT_BROWSER_LINE - Line Format Container Viewer
ENH_SPOTS - List of Spots
ENH_SPOTS_POPUP - Table of SPOTs from Enhancement Statement
ENH_SPOT_HOOK_ADMIN - Hook Main Data in Enhancement Spot
RANGE - Semi-open range to the right
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_ATTR - Attributes of a Class
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_ATTR_VISUAL - Attributes of a Class (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_EVENT - Events of a Class
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_EVENT_VISUAL - Events of a Class (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_EXC - Exceptions of a Class
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_IMPLEM - Interfaces for a Class
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_IMPLEM_VISUAL - Events of a Class (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_METH - Attributes of a Class
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_METH_VISUAL - Attributes of a Class (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_PARAM - Parameters of a Class
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_PARAM_VISUAL - Attributes of a Class (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_TYPE - Types of a Class
SEEF_ADJ_CLASS_TYPE_VISUAL - Types of a Class (for Display)
SEEF_ADJ_CONFL_CLASS - Conflict Data for Class Enhancements
SEEF_ADJ_CONFL_FUGR - Enhancement Conflict for Function Group Enhancements
SEEF_ADJ_CONFL_HOOK_IMPL - Enhancement Conflicts for HOOK Implementations
SEEF_ADJ_CONTRACT - Contract Information for Enhancement Compare
SEEF_ADJ_FUPARA_VISUAL - Parameter Structure of a FM Visualization (Enh.Adjustment)
SEEF_MIG_INCLUDE_SOURCE - Structure: Source Code of an Include
SEEF_MIG_METHOD_SOURCE - Structure: Source Code of a Method
SEEF_MIG_PACKAGE_SWITCH - Structure for Switch Assignment of a Package
SEEF_MIG_STATE - Enhancement Migration Status
SEEF_MIG_UNIT - Enhancement Migration Unit
TEEF_MIG_STATE - Migration Status Table

SAP Function Builder Tables BC-DWB-TOO-FUB

DDFIELDIN - Input Structure for DDIF_FIELDINFO_SET_GET (internal)
DDFIELDTAB - Return Information of DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET (set-call)
ENHFUGRALV - FUGR Output Data for ALV Display
ENHFUGRDATA - Enhancement Data Function Group Enhancement
ENHFUGRFUNCDATA - Enhancement Function Module Enhancement
ENHFUGRPARAMDOCU - Texts for Function Group Enhancement
ENLFDIR - Additional Attributes for Function Modules
EUDATADIR - Internal Structure of Test Environment Data
EUFUNC - Development Environment Objects
FBINFO - Function Module Information
FBINFO1 - Function Module Information
FBINFOR - Function Module Information
FBPATTERN - Settings for CALL FUNCTION Template
FBSTATE - State on Saving and TAB Status
FBTRDIR - Relevant Fields for Function Modules From Program Directory
FUGR_ANALYSIS_VIEWER_LINE - Line type for function group analysis
FUGR_CRITICAL_ENHS_GRID_LINE - Line in grid for critical enhancements
FUGR_UINCLUDE_GRID_LINE - Line in the grid with U-Includes
FUNCT - Function Module Short Texts
FUNCTDIR - Key structure for accessing test data directory
FUNCTIONS - Function Modules
FUPARAREF - Parameters of function modules
FUPARAREF_ENHA - Parameters of function modules
FUSEQDIR - Test sequences
HEADER_FB - Header Data From Function Builder
LIST_TREEITEM_STRUC - List_tree Structure
RFC_FIELDS - RFC: Fields of a table
RFC_FINT_P - RFC: Characteristics of function parameters - portable
RFC_FUNINT - RFC: Attributes of function parameters
RFC_FUNINT_MULT - RFC: Attributes of function parameters
RFC_GROUP - TADIR Info for Function Groups
RODIR - Released Objects Directory
RS38L - Screen fields of the Transaction UNIT
RS38LSTYPE - Structure with interface types
RS38LV - Dictionary Information System: Find Function Modules
RS38L_DDIN - Dictionary Information System: Find Function Module Struct.
RS38L_FUNC - Function Modules
RS38L_INCL - Function Module Name - Include
RS38L_PARA - Screen field parameters
RSCHA - Function Builder: In/Out Parameters
RSEXC - Function module: Exceptions
RSEXP - Function Builder: Export Parameters
RSFBCURSOR - Cursor Position
RSFBINTF - Interface of a Function Module
RSFBINTFV - Interface of a Function Module
RSFBMODI - Modifications
RSFBPARA - Parameter Structure Function Module Visualization
RSFBTYPEIN - Possible Type Specifications
RSFB_DOCU - Parameter Documentation
RSFB_DOCUE - Parameter Documentation
RSFB_LDOC - Long Texts
RSFDO - Function Builder: Documentation Interface
RSIMP - Function Builder: Import Parameters
RSINFDIR - Inactive table for TFDIR and ENLFDIR
RSTBL - Function Builder: Table Parameters
SFUNCUNITREL - AUNIT Relevant Test Data Records
SFUPARAREF - Structure for version management for FM interface
SMODIRS38L - Modification concept in the Function Builder
TEST_FUNC - WB Test Environment
TEST_FUNC_ALV - WB Test Environment
TEST_FUNC_TESTDATA - Test Data for Function Module
TFTIT - Function Module Short Text
TLIBG - Person responsible for function class
TLIBT - Function Group Short Texts
TLIB_STRU - Structure for Function Group Administration

SAP Logical Database Builder Tables BC-DWB-TOO-LDB

IXDIT - Index Directory Texts
IXTYP - Index Types
IXTYT - Index Type Texts
LDBNOD - Log. Databases: Node name f. F4
LDBQUAN - Currency and quantity fields in logical database
LDB_STRUC - Structure of log. databases for RS_SLDB_structure_infos
LDB_TREE - Description to LDB structure for tree control
RS38D - ABAP/4: Transfer structure for Transaction ALDB
RSDSQCAT - Catalog of selection views
RSDSQFN - Functional Group Fields
RSDSQGN - Functional group IDs
RSDSQGT - Functional Group Texts in Selection Views
RSDSQGX - Function Group IDs with Texts
RSDSQOBJ - Selection views
RSDSQTN - Tables of a Dataset of Dynamic Selections
RSLDB - Structure for Transaction SLDB (Logical Databases)
RSLDB_ADM - Administration Information of a Logical Database
RSLDB_LD20 - Structure for function group LDBI
RSLDB_LDB - Logical database name
RSLDB_LDBS - Selection criterion for tables (in logical databases)
RSLDB_NOD - Logical nodes of the logical database
RSLDB_TABS - Selection criterion for logical databases
RSLDB_WUL - Transfer structure for RS_SLDB_WHERE_USED

SAP Menu Painter Tables BC-DWB-TOO-MEN

D301T - Texts for Program Functions and Menu Bars
D341S - Run-time object for Menu Painter - menu bars
D341SC - Run-time object for Menu Painter - menu bars
D342S - Run-time object for Menu Painter - pull-down menus
D342SC - Runtime Object for Menu Painter - Pull-Down Menu
D343S - Run-time object for Menu Painter - function keys
D343SC - Run-time object for Menu Painter - function keys
D344L - Header for language load of master language
D344T - Run-time object for Menu Painter - Texts
D344TC - Run-time object for Menu Painter - Texts
D345S - GUI load: Language-specific texts
D346F - GUI load: Dynamic texts
D346I - GUI load for icons
EUDB - Development Environment Objects
EUGUITEXT - GUI Object Texts
GUI_FKEY - GUI: Frontend-dependent function key settings
GUI_FKEYT - GUI: Frontend-dependent function key settings
GUI_REF - Menu Painter: Object tree line reference table
NAV_TREE - Navigation structure for hierarchy display
RLSEU0_DOK - SAP Graphical User Interface: Short Texts
RSEU0_DMEN - Menu texts
RSEU0_FUN - Function list and menu list
RSEU0_FUND - Dynamic menu and function texts
RSEU0_HITS - Hits table: Use of field in GUI
RSEU0_MOD - Functions intended for customer modification
RSEU0_SAPM - Area menu list
RSEU0_TEXT - Transfer Structure for GUI Texts
RSEU1 - Menu Painter screen fields
RSEU1_ACT - Structure of table for description of menu bars
RSEU1_BUT - Structure of tables for description of pushbuttons
RSEU1_CTX - Menu Painter: Status texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_DOM - Menu Painter: Search area for global search
RSEU1_ETM - Menu Painter: Technical texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_FDYN - Menu Painter: Dynamic function texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_FUN - Menu Painter: Function text structure up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_GEN - Menu Painter: Status list up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_HAT - Attributes for Function Key Settings (Menu Bars)
RSEU1_IBAR - Sequence of icons in the standard toolbar
RSEU1_ICON - Menu Painter: Functions with icons up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_INC - Menu Painter: Include menus up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_KEY - SAP Graphical User Interface key
RSEU1_LST - Menu Painter: Administration info. up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_MDYN - Menu Painter: Dynamic menu texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_MEN - Menu Painter: Menus up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_NLP - Function key settings in reports
RSEU1_PFK - Menu Painter: Function key assignment up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_SET - Menu Painter: Active functions up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_SYMB - Menu Painter: Standard toolbar up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_TXM - Structure of table for menu texts
RSEU3 - SAP Graphical User Interface: Initial transaction
RSEUL_CMP - Comparison of GUIs
RSEUL_FUN - Status functions
RSEUL_GSTA - Generate Status
RSEUL_KEYS - Function Key and Pushbutton Settings
RSEUL_STAT - SAP-GUI: Status list
RSEUL_TREE - SAP-GUI: Tree structure of status menu bar
RSEUMENU - Hit list of SAPMENU texts
RSMPCHECK - GUI test classifications
RSMPCHECKT - GUI test classifications
RSMPE - Menu Painter: Input/Output fields (4.0)
RSMPE_ACT - Menu Painter: Menu bars (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_ACTV - Menu Painter: Menu bars for comparing versions
RSMPE_ADM - Menu Painter: Internal administration data
RSMPE_ATR - Menu Painter: Attributes (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_ATRT - Menu Painter: Attributes with Texts (4.0 Onwards)
RSMPE_BUT - Menu Painter: Pushbuttons (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_BUTS - Menu Painter: Fixed Functions on Application Toolbars
RSMPE_BUTV - Menu Painter: Version comparison for pushbuttons
RSMPE_CTMEN - Menu Painter: Menu Structure for CL_CTMENU_LOAD
RSMPE_CTX - Context menu status
RSMPE_DATR - Menu Painter: Menu bars and function key attributes (4.0)
RSMPE_DFUN - Menu Painter: Language-independent function table (4.0 -->)
RSMPE_DMEN - Menu Painter: Menu structure (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_DPFK - Menu Painter: Function key assignments (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_FUN - Menu Painter: Function Texts Language-Independent (from 7.0)
RSMPE_FUNL - Status functions
RSMPE_FUNT - Menu Painter: Language-specific function texts (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_KATR - Menu Painter: Menu bars and function key attributes (4.0)
RSMPE_KBUT - Menu Painter: Pushbuttons (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_KEYS - Function Key and Pushbutton Settings
RSMPE_KFUN - Menu Painter test
RSMPE_KOBJ - Menu Painter: Key for menus
RSMPE_KPFK - Menu Painter: Function key assignments (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_LIST - Menu Painter: List system field condition
RSMPE_MEN - Menu Painter: Menu structure (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_MENV - Menu Painter: Menu structure for comparing versions
RSMPE_MNL - Menu Painter: Language-Independent Menu Table (7.0 onwards)
RSMPE_MNLT - Menu Painter: Language-specific menu texts (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_MODH - Menu Painter: Internal modification log header
RSMPE_OBJ - Menu Painter: Object code
RSMPE_PFK - Menu Painter: Function key assignments (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_PFKV - Menu Painter: Function key settings for comparing versions
RSMPE_POS - Menu Painter: List positions for Menus
RSMPE_PRNT - Menu Painter: Print selection
RSMPE_REF - Menu Painter: Reference line where-used list
RSMPE_SFW - Menu Painter: Switch Framework
RSMPE_SRCH - Menu Painter: Search result
RSMPE_STA - Menu Painter: Status (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_STAF - Menu Painter: Status functions (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_STAT - Menu Painter: Text-dependent status (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_TIT - Menu Painter: Title codes (4.0)
RSMPE_TITT - Menu Painter: Title codes with texts (4.0)
RSMPE_TPOS - Menu Painter: Tree positions
RSMPE_TREE - SAP-GUI: Tree structure of status menu bar
RSMPE_TSTA - Menu Painter: Tree status
RSMPE_TXT - Menu Painter: User interface texts
RSMPE_VRSA - Menu Painter: Compare versions - attributes
RSMPE_VRSH - Menu Painter: Compare versions - hierarchical seq. lst hdr
RSMPTEXTS - Menu Painter: Texts
RSMPTEXTSI - Menu Painter: Texts
RSMPTRNSL - Menu Painter: Assignment table for 3.1 --> 4.0 conversion
RSMP_CHECK - Menu Painter: Standards check statistics
RSMP_DTXT - Transfer Structure for Menu Painter Texts
RSMP_NAVI - Menu Painter: Transfer Structure - Navigation
RSMP_NORM - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Screen fields
RSMP_SOTR - Menu Painter: Text Migration to OTR
RSMP_S_ACT - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Menu bar
RSMP_S_BUT - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Pushbutton proposal
RSMP_S_EXP - Menu Painter: Standards maint.: Functions only for F keys
RSMP_S_FCD - Menu Painter: Standards: Frontend Code
RSMP_S_FCT - Menu Painter: Standards: Frontend Texts
RSMP_S_FIN - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Function texts (F keys)
RSMP_S_FUN - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Function texts (menu)
RSMP_S_MEN - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Menu structure
RSMP_S_MTX - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Menu texts
RSMP_S_NAV - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Navig. transfer struct.
RSMP_S_PFK - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Function keys
RSMP_S_SYI - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Illegal texts
RSMP_S_SYN - Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Illegal texts
RSMP_S_SYS - Setting of certain internal F keys
RSMP_S_SYT - Texts of certain F keys
RSMP_TKEY - Menu Painter: Text Table Key
RSNORMDB - Standards
RSNORMTXT - Texts for Menu Painter norm suggestions
SMODIMPCMP - Customer enhancements: I/O fields for merging interfaces
SMODIMPCNF - Customer enhancements: Conflict list for GUI
SMP_DYNTXT - Menu Painter: Program interface for dynamic texts

SAP Package Tools Tables BC-DWB-TOO-PAK

ACLPERMIS - Access Control List for Package Use Access
AKB_ACTION - Actions to be executed for object release
AKB_CHECK_PROFT - BCB Check Profile Index
AKB_CHKCONF - Configuration for Checkman Check AKB_CHK
AKB_CI_TABCHECK - Control Table for Table Check with the Code Inspection
AKB_CI_TABLE - Table for a Code Inspector Check
AKB_CLIENT_OBJECT - Dummy Structure for Lock Management
AKB_COMPONENT_HIERARCHY_ENTRY - Entry in Component Hierarchy
AKB_CONTROL - Elements for BCB Screens
AKB_CONTROL2 - Elements for BCB Screens
AKB_DLVUNIT - Software Component with Release
AKB_ENV - Object in BCB Context for Display in ALV Grid
AKB_ENV2 - Object in Environment for Display in ALV Grid
AKB_EXCEPT - Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXCEPT2 - Shadow Table for AKB_EXCEPT
AKB_EXCEPTIONS - Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXCEPTIONS2 - Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXCEPT_TEST - Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXPT_TO_SEND - Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_FETCHMODE - Setting for Transmission of Exceptions
AKB_FREEZE - Frozen Basis Objects for Backwards-Compatible Basis (AKB)
AKB_FREEZE_EXT - Frozen Basis Objects for Backwards-Compatible Basis (AKB)
AKB_FREEZE_SRC - Frozen Basis Objects for Backwards-Compatible Basis (AKB)
AKB_INCOMP_INH - Exceptions During Inheritance of Incompatibilities
AKB_INDX - Temporary AKB Data Storage
AKB_INDX_KEY - Temporary Storage of Backwards-Compatible Data - Key
AKB_LOGBOOK - Backwards-Compatibility Basis (BCB) Logbook
AKB_LOGBOOK_CONTEXT - Formatted Logbook Entry
AKB_LOGBOOK_ENTRY - Formatted Logbook Entry
AKB_OBJECT - Object in AKB Context
AKB_OBJECT_DIR - Index of Object Types
AKB_PACKAGE_HIERARCHY_ENTRY - Entry in the Hierarchy - Package View
AKB_PRODCOMP - Product Components: SW Components of an SW Product
AKB_PRODUCT - Product with Release Specification
AKB_PRODUCTS - Product Catalog
AKB_PRODUCTS_COMPCHECK - Mapping: Server, Client -> Check Project
AKB_PRODUCT_CHK - Assignment Check Projects to Products
AKB_PRODUCT_COMP - Product Composition
AKB_PRODUCT_INTF - Product Catalog
AKB_PROJECTS - BCB Project Index
AKB_REFSYS - Comparison System
AKB_RELOBJS - List of Frozen or Released Objects
AKB_RUNLIST - Information for Decoupling Administration
AKB_SCRIPT_DETAIL - Type for ALV Display
AKB_SCRIPT_LINE - Line in Script Display
AKB_SCRIPT_SELECT - Script Selection
AKB_SCRIPT_STATE - Status of a Script
AKB_SCR_DIR - Script Index
AKB_SCR_JOBS - BCB Scripting - Active Jobs
AKB_SCR_OP - Operations for BCB Scripting
AKB_STATISTICS_DIR - Statistics Index
AKB_SYSLIST - BCB System List for Replication
AKB_TRANS_CHECK - Compatibility Control
AKB_TRANS_CHECK_KEY - Key for Compatibility Control
AKB_TRANS_HEAD - List of Checked Transports
AKB_USAGE - Node in Environment Graph
AKB_USAGE_EXT - Node in Environment Graph
AKB_USAGE_INFO - Temporary AKB Data Storage
AKB_USAGE_INFO2 - Temporary AKB Data Storage
AKB_USAGE_KEY2 - Temporary AKB Data Storage
AKB_USAGE_OBJ_COUNT_EXT - Object in environment graph with use count
AKB_USAGE_OBJ_EXT - Object in Environment Graph
AKB_USAGE_STATE - Status of Interface Analysis
AKB_USG - Index of Basis Objects for Backwards-Compatible Basis
AKB_USG_EDGE - Index of Basis Objects for Backwards-Compatible Basis
AKB_USG_EXT - Frozen Basis Objects for Backwards-Compatible Basis (AKB)
AKB_USG_INFO - Additional Information for Client Objects
AKB_USG_INFO2 - Additional information
AKB_USG_OBJ - Object in AKB Context
AKB_VERSSUBOBJ - Index of Subobjects for an Object
AKB_VERS_OBJ - Mapping: Versioning Tables <-> Database Tables
APAUSED - Basis Objects Used in Other Packages
APAUSED_TEST - Basis Objects Used in Other Packages
CLS_ASSIGNMENTSTATE_GRID_LINE - Line in the grid for the states of assignments
CLS_ASSIGNMENT_DETAIL_FIELDS - Screen fields of the assignment detail popup
CLS_ASSIGNMENT_GRID_LINE - Line in the assignment grid
CLS_ATTR_GROUP - Characteristic groups
CLS_ATTR_GROUPT - Text table for attribute groups
CLS_BADI_METHOD_GRID_LINE - Line in Badi Method Grid
CLS_BROWSER_LINE - Line in the grid of attribtue value
CLS_COMPONENT_HIERARCHY_ENTRY - Entry in Component Hierarchy
CLS_CONDITION_TREE_LINE - Line in the condition editor
CLS_FAVORITES - Favorite list for characteristics
CLS_LINK_GRID_LINE - Line in the link grid
CLS_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FIELDS - Dynpro fields: Attributes of object
CLS_OBJECT_GRID_LINE - Line in the object grid
CLS_OBJECT_TYPE_GROUP_ATTRBTS - Dynpro fields: Attributes of object type groups
CLS_PACKAGE_REQUEST_GRID_LINE - Packages and requests of assignments
CLS_PROTOCOL_ENTRY - Protocol entry
CLS_REPORT_DEF_FIELDS - Dynpro fields: Report definition
CLS_REPORT_RUNS_DATA_LINE - Line structure of the run data
CLS_REPORT_RUNS_DATA_LINE_CC - status of report run
CLS_RUN_STATS_COMPONENT_RLINE - range of component
CLS_RUN_STATS_COUNTERS - Result of condition checks, display
CLS_RUN_STATS_DISTR - Number of classifications that have a specific value
CLS_RUN_STATS_DISTR_SCREEN - Number of classifications that have a specific value
CLS_RUN_STATS_DLVUNIT_RLINE - range of dlvunit
CLS_RUN_STATS_FILTER - Screen elements of statistics of report runs
CLS_RUN_STATS_FILTER_TYPES - Display of Report Run, Filter, Types
CLS_RUN_STATS_OBJ_NAME_RLINE - range of object names
CLS_RUN_STATS_PACKAGES_RLINE - Range for packages, line type
CLS_RUN_STATS_PROJECT_ID_RLINE - range of project id
CLS_RUN_STATS_SRCSYSTEM_RLINE - Range of source systems
CLS_RUN_STATS_TRLAYER_RLINE - Range for packages, line type
CLS_RUN_STATS_USER_RLINE - range of author
CLS_SERVICE_ATTR_FIELDS - Fields for service routines
CLS_SERVICE_FIELDS - Fields for service routines
CLS_SETTINGS - Packages and requests and other settings
CLS_TADIR_PROPS - Line in the object grid
CLS_TYPE_GRID_LINE - Line in the grid of types of a group
CLS_VALUE_GRID_LINE - Line in the grid of attribtue value
DEVELEM - Structure for Development Element
DEVKYRGLN - Range Line for Development Element Key
DEVTYRGLN - Range Line for Development Element Type
ELEMDIR - Development Element Catalog (Exc. TADIR Object/Func. Module)
EXT_SWITCH - Switch for Enterprise Extension
FRODIR - Index of Frozen Objects
IFOBJLONG - Development Element for Package Interface (obsolete)
IFOBJSHORT - Package Interface: Exposed Development Objects
INTF - Package Interfaces
INTFRGLINE - Range Type for Package Interface
INTFTEXT - Short Description for Package Interfaces
MARKVINTF - Package Interface Data with Selection Column
OBJNAMRANG - Range Structure for Object Names
OBJNAMRGLN - Structure for Table of Object Type/Object Name Ranges
OBJTYPRANG - Range Structure for Object Type
PACKCHECK_EXCEPT - Exceptions for Package Check
PACKRGLINE - Range Line for Package
PAKCHEKLIN - Client/Server Relationship for Package Check
PAKCHEKLN2 - Server Object and Check Result for Package Check
PAKCHEKLN3 - Client/Server Object and Check Result for Package Check
PAKCHEKTB3 - Structure for Multi-Table Package Check
PAKCHEKTYP - User-Specific Setting for Package Check (obsolete)
PAKCHKSTRU - Line Structure for Messages from the Package Check
PAKDATBUF - Bufferung for Package Attributes (EXPORT TO SHARED BUFFER)
PAKDOMAVAL - Structure for Fixed Values for Domains
PAKEFFSEVR - Effective Error Severity for Package Check
PAKELKYLIN - Structure for TADIR Key Without Program ID/Object Type
PAKHIERARC - Structure for Package Hierarchy
PAKKEYINFO - Development Element Key
PAKNAMSTRU - Structure for Package and Main Package ID for Package
PAKOBJDAT - Properties of Package-Specific Development Element
PAKOBJID - Development Element ID
PAKPARAM - Package Parameters Table
PAKPARAM_LOG - Package Parameters Table
PAKPERMCRE - Package User Permission Data for Screen
PAKPIFNMLN - Structure for Package Interface Name
PAKSAVSIGN - Indicator Structure for Saving Package Generically
PAK_EXPLAIN_VIEWER_LINE - Line for the explain Viewer
PAK_PACKAGE_ACH_COMPONENT - Package Attribute Query: ACH Component and Description
PAK_PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTES_INPUT - Input Options for Package Attribute Query
PAK_PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTES_ITEM - Package Attribute Query Output Structure
PAK_PACKAGE_CPROJECT_INFO - Package Attribute Query: cProject-ID and Description
PAK_PACKAGE_SW_COMPONENT_INFO - Package Attribute Query: Software Component and Description
PAK_PACKAGE_TADIR_INFO - Package Attribute Query: Package-Relevant TADIR Attributes
PAK_PROJECTS - F4 Values for cPro Projects
PAK_TOOL_SETTINGS - Package builder settings
PBCURSOR - Package Builder: Cursor Position
PBELEMNODE - Package Builder: Node Structure for Visible Elements
PBELEMTYPS - Package Builder: Element Typs for Visible Elements
PBELEMTYPT - Package Builder: Text Visible Elements in Tree
PBELSTTXT - Package Builder: Texts for Element Stability
PBENSCREEN - Package Builder: Screen Fields for Initial Screen
PBETITEM - Package Builder: Display Fields for Visible Elements (Tree)
PBINSCAL - Package Interfaces: Table Control Fields for ACL
PBINSCEL - Package Builder Interfaces: Screen Fields for Elements
PBINSCREEN - Package Builder: Interface Screen Fields
PBPACKDATA - Copy of SCOMPKDTLN for Displaying Package Data
PBPASCCP - PB Package Tool: Screen fields for Packages Included
PBPASCIF - PB: Screen Fields for Package Maintenance - Interfaces
PBPASCUP - PB: Screen Fields for Package Maintenance - Use Access
PBSRVSCR - Package Builder: Screen Fields for Service Functions
PBTOOLFLAG - Indicators used in Package Builder Tools
PBTRELLI - Package Builder: Line Type for Node Element Table
PBTRNODELI - Package Builder: Line Type for Node Element Table
PCHKPFHEAD - Header Data for Package Check Profiles
PCHKPROF - Parameter Setting for Package Check (Package Range)
PCHKPROFT - Text Table for Profiles for Setting Params for Package Check
PERMISSION - Use Access for Package Concept
PIFDESCLIN - Package Interface Structure with Short Text
PIFSAVSIGN - Indicator for Package Interface Generic Save
PKGPERMDAT - Use Access Data for Package (without User/Provider Package)
RODIR_620 - Released Objects Directory
SCOMACLSTR - Structure for Package Interface Access Control
SCOMELDTLN - Line Type for Package Interface Element Data
SCOMELID - Package Interface Element Key
SCOMELSIGN - Indicator Structure for Interface Element Data
SCOMKEYLN - Selection Table Line for Development Element Key
SCOMPCDTLN - Structure for Package Interface Access Control List
SCOMPCLID - Key for Access Control List for Package Use Access
SCOMPIDTLN - Row Type for Table with Package Interface Data
SCOMPIENQ - Enqueue Structure for Package Interfaces
SCOMPIFID - Package Interface Key
SCOMPISIGN - Indicator Structure for Package Interface Data
SCOMPKDTLN - Line Type for Table with Package Data
SCOMPKENQ - Enqueue Structure for Packages
SCOMPKID - Package Key
SCOMPKSIGN - Indicator Structure for Package Data
SCOMPPDTLN - Line Type for Use Access Data
SCOMPPID - ID Type for Use Access
SCOMPPSIGN - Indicator Structure for Use Access Data
SCOMSELTYP - Selection Table Line for Packages
SPAK_ERROR_ANALYSIS_INPUT_S - Input Fields 'Detailed Package Error Analysis' Report
SPAK_ERROR_ANALYSIS_RESULT_2_S - Package Error Analysis: Standard Output Structure
SPAK_ERROR_ANALYSIS_RESULT_S - Package Error Analysis: Output Structure (Extended)
SPAK_PACKAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE_S - Message Information for a Package Error
SPAK_REPLACEMENT_OBJECT_KEY_S - Package Interface: Replacement Object Key
SPAK_T100_MSGV_VALUES - Stores values of SY-MSGV1..4 fields
SPAK_WHERE_USED_IN_PINF_S - Package Interface Info for Where-Used List

SAP Runtime Analysis Tables BC-DWB-TOO-RTA

ATRA_STR_FILE_DIR - File directory
ATRA_STR_FILE_SERVER - File/Server as Pair
ATRA_STR_FILTER - Filter for Trace Analysis
ATRA_STR_SERVER_SEL - Server selection
ATRA_STR_TRACE_PARAMS_GENERAL - General Trace Parameters
ATRA_STR_TRACE_STATEMENT - Line of Statement Trace
HIT_CMP_AUS - Output Structure for Hit List Compare
RS38T - Run-time analysis: Screen fields and work fields
RS38T_1 - Runtime Analysis: Call Graphic (Parameter)
RS38T_LIM - Runtime Analysis: Measurement Restriction
RS38T_LIM1 - Runtime Analysis: Specified Units, ...
RS38T_LIM2 - Runtime Analysis: Measurement Restriction Statements
RS38T_LIM3 - Runtime Analysis: Measurement Restriction Duration and Kind
RS38T_VAR - Runtime Analysis: Variants for Measurement Restriction
SATRDYNP - SAT: Screen Fields
SATRDYNPFIELDS - Run-time analysis: Screen fields and work fields
SATR_AGG - SATR: Structure of Aggregated TRACE Data (see also SATRE)
SATR_AGG_OUT - SATR: Structure of Aggregated TRACE Data (see also SATRE)
SATR_ASSIGN_CLAS - SATR: Classes that Can Assign an Object
SATR_ASSIGN_LONG - SATR Object Assignment Long Info
SATR_ASSIGN_MAP - SATR: Assignment of an Object to a Sort Category
SATR_ASSIGN_SHORT - SATR Object Assignment Short Info
SATR_AUSTAB - SATR : Common Output Structure (TRACE/TRACEDUMP)
SATR_AUSTAB_HIT - SATR : Output Structure of Formatted Hit Lists
SATR_AUSTAB_N - SATR : Common Output Structure (TRACE/TRACEDUMP)
SATR_AUSTAB_ZEIT - SATR : Structure for Times in Time Measurement
SATR_AUS_CS - SATR: Call Stack for Trace Comparison
SATR_COLOR - Transfer structure for color key
SATR_CRC64 - SATR: Check Sum
SATR_DIRECTORY - Directory of SAT Trace Containers
SATR_EVENT_STRU - SATR Event Structure
SATR_FCODES_FORM - SATR: Assignment of FCODES to Form Routines
SATR_FIELD_DESCRIBE - SATR : Field Description
SATR_HC_AUS - Modified austab se30
SATR_HC_CONTENTS - SATR: Header for Hierarchy Comparison
SATR_HC_CS - SAT Hierarchy Comparison Call Stack Structure
SATR_HC_DELTA - SAT Hierarchy Comparison: Delta Structure Pseudo-Prg. Compa.
SATR_HC_OUT - SATR: Intermediate Structure for Hierarchy Comparison
SATR_HEADER - SATR : HEADER Structure (Matches TYPE-POOL SATRH satrh_hea)
SATR_HEAD_MIDL - SATR: Header Subheadings (Subgroups for HEAD_M
SATR_HEAD_MIDL_T - SATR: Subheaders (Subgroups for HEAD_M
SATR_HIER_RANGES_AREA - Ranges for Generating Hit Lists
SATR_HIER_RANGES_CLASS - Ranges for Generating Hit Lists
SATR_HIER_RANGES_ID - Ranges for Generating Hit Lists
SATR_HIER_RANGES_INDEX - Ranges for Generating Hit Lists
SATR_HIER_RANGES_PROGRAMM - Ranges for Generating Hit Lists
SATR_HIT1 - SATR: Hit List 1
SATR_HIT1_CO - SATR: Hit List 1
SATR_HIT2 - SATR: Hit Table 2
SATR_HIT_HIER - Event Hierarchy for SE30 and Hit List Compare
SATR_HIT_RANGES - Ranges for Generating Hit Lists
SATR_HIT_RANGES_PAKET - Ranges for Generating Hit Lists
SATR_HIT_TYPEN - SATR: Structure for Hit Types
SATR_ID_SUBID - SATR: Table of ID/SUBID Combinations
SATR_ID_SUBID_SD - RT Analysis: ID/SubID Text Assignment for Sequence Diagram
SATR_ID_TEXT - Runtime Analysis: ID/SubID <-> Text
SATR_INFO - SATR: INFO Struct. (Corresp. to TYPE-POOL SATRI satri_info)
SATR_INFO_SIMPLE - SATR: INFO Struct. (Corresp. to TYPE-POOL SATRI satri_info)
SATR_LAYER_SETTING - SAT: Layer settings
SATR_LIST_OF_CONTENTS - SATR: Layout: Table of Contents of TRACE Container File
SATR_LIST_OF_CONTENTS_ERR - SATR: Layout: Table of Contents of TRACE Container File
SATR_LIST_OF_CONTENTS_OUT - SATR: Layout: Table of Contents of Trace Container Output
SATR_PRFL - SAT: Profile
SATR_PRFLRECS - SAT: Records in the Flexible Profile
SATR_PRFLRECST - SAT: Language Table for Profile Records
SATR_PRFLT - SAT: Long Text of Profile
SATR_RETURN - SATR: Return Structure
SATR_R_OBJECT_NAME - SAT: range for SLAD objects
SATR_STACK - SATR: STACK Layout (Internal Use)
SATR_TAB_KEY - Structure of Key Component for SATR_TAB
SATR_TRACE - Structure of Internal Table TRACE
SATR_TRACEPAKET - Package Table (for SAT)
SATR_TRACESTAT - SATR: Layout of a Statistics Record
SATR_TRACETEXT - SATR: Layout of the TRACE Text Record
SATR_TRACE_KLEIN - Structure of Internal Table TRACE
SATR_TRACMETH - SATR: Structure for Methods
SATR_TRANS_STRU - SATR: Transfer Structure
SATR_ZEITEN - SATR : Structure for Times in Time Measurement
SATR_ZUO - SATR : Assignment Table ID/SUBID for Main/Middle Groups
SAT_TRACE_CONTAINER_KEY - Key for Trace Container (for Lock Object)
SE30ALVCL - Runtime Analysis: Class Hit List
SE30ALVDAG - Runtime Analysis: Dump
SE30ALVDIR - Runtime Analysis: Directory of all Performance Files
SE30ALVDUM - Runtime Analysis: Dump
SE30ALVEQC - SE30: Same Calls
SE30ALVHI1 - Runtime Analysis: Structure for the Hit List
SE30ALVHIE - Runtime Analysis: Hierarchy
SE30ALVHIT - Runtime Analysis: Structure for the Hit List
SE30ALVINS - Runtime Analysis: Instance Hit List
SE30ALVITA - Runtime Analysis: Structure for Overview of Internal Tables
SE30ALVMEA - Runtime Analysis: Statistics for Aggregation
SE30ALVMEM - Runtime Analysis: Statistics
SE30ALVMET - Runtime Analysis: Methods
SE30ALVVAR - Runtime Analysis: ALV For Variants of Meas. Restriction
SE30DYNP - SE30: Screen Fields
SE30LIM0WA - Runtime Analysis: Program Parts of Meas. Restriction Variant
SE30LIM1WA - Runtime Analysis: Program Parts of Meas. Restriction Variant
SE30REQUEST - Runtime Analysis: Schedule for User/Service
SE30SESSION - Runtime Analysis: Status of a Work Process
SE30SOFN_S - Runtime Analysis: Select Options for File Name
SE30UREQ - Runtime Analysis: Schedule for User/Service
SE30WPINFO - Runtime Analysis: Overview of Work Processes
SQLMD - SQL Monitor: Data
SQLMDEVCLASSESRANGELINE - SQL Monitor: Range Line for Package
SQLMI - SQL Monitor: Source Info
SQLMKEY - SQL Monitor: Key (Source)
SQLMM - SQL Monitor: Table Names
SQLMOBJNAMESRANGELINE - SQL Monitor: Range Line for Object Names
SQLMOBJTYPESRANGELINE - SQL Monitor: Range Line for Object Types
SQLMPAYLOAD - SQL Monitor: Payload
SQLMRECORD - SQL Monitor: Data Record
SQLMRECORDCNT - SQL Monitor: Data Record with Count
SQLMROLLAREA - SQL Monitor: Rollarea
SQLMRUNTIME - SQL Monitor: Runtime
SQLMS - SQL Monitor: Subkeys
SQLMSOURCEINFO - SQL Monitor: Source Info
SQLMSUBKEY - SQL Monitor: Subkey
SQLMSUBKEYINT - SQL Monitor: Subkey (Internal)
SQLMT - SQL Monitor: Tables Names
SQLM_ADMIN - Admin Table
SQLM_HISTORY - SQL Monitor: History
SQLM_MD_TABLE - Meta Data DB Tables
SQLM_OBJECT_KEY_S - Structure for the Object Key
SQLM_STR_DISPLAY_RECORD - Ausgabestruktur f�r SQLM Daten
SQLM_STR_DYNP - SQL Monitor: Dynpro Transfer Structure
TATRAPI_FILES2 - Trace Files
TSAT_FILTER - Filter Settings of User

SAP Screen Painter Tables BC-DWB-TOO-SCR

ACC_INPH3_DPR - Acc. relation table between pairs and found locations
ACC_INPH3_DYNPRO - Register of screens for field pairs from ACC_INPH3_PAIRS
ACC_INPH3_PAIRS - List of related field pairs for acc. enabling
D020T - Screen Short Description
D021S - Screen fields
D021SE - Screen field list for version management
D021SEXT - Extension of D021S by fields for version management
D021S_CORE - Screen Fields (Core Part without Reserve Areas)
D021S_REL3 - Screen source - structure up to and including Release 3
D021S_RES1 - Screen Fields, Reserved Area 1 with Length 255
D021S_RES2 - Screen fields, reserved area 2 with length 255
D021T - Screen Key Word Texts
D021T_R400 - Screen field texts - structure from Release 4 onwards
D022S - Screen Flow Logic
D023S - Screen parameters
D023S_C - Screen parameters: Parameter information for type CLASS
D023S_M - Screen Parameters: Context Menu on Screen
D023S_P - Screen Parameter: Property Bag
D023S_PH - Property Bag: Header Attribute
D023S_PROP - Screen: Property Bag as Seen by Class CL_WB_PROPERTY_BAG
D023S_S - Screen Parameters: Parameter Information For Type SHLP
D023S_X - Screen Parameter: Control Composites
D023S_XH - Control Composite: Header Attribute
DYN_FIELD - Screen: Elements in Element List
DYN_ID_CHR - Screen: Identification (Screen Number as CHAR)
DYN_ID_NUM - Screen: Identification (Screen Number as NUMC)
FELD - Screen Painter fields (internal)
FELD_SFW - Screen Painter Internal: SFW
GFC_CLSFLD - Graphical layout editor: Attributes of a class
GFC_CONP46 - Graphical Fullscreen: Connection Parameters (Rel. > 4.5)
GFC_CONPAR - Graphical fullscreen: Params for connection with Scrn Pntr
GFC_CTRATT - Graphical fullscreen: Control attributes
GFC_CTRLS - Graphical fullscreen: List of controls
GFC_DICFLD - Graphical fullscreen: Field from dictionary
GFC_DOCU - Graphical fullscreen: Data element documentation
GFC_ICONS - Graphical fullscreen: Icons
GFC_KTEXTS - Graphical fullscreen: Function key texts
GFC_MSGS - Graphical fullscreen: Messages
GFC_PRGFLD - Graphical fullscreen: Field from program
GFC_PROP - Graphic SCRP: Assignment Element Type <-> Property
GFC_STATUS - Graphical fullscreen: Screen Painter status
GFC_TEXTS - Graphical fullscreen: Texts
ICO_P - Icons for pushbuttons in screens
PROPT_ATTR - Property "Hyperlink"
PROPT_HREF - Property "Hyperlink"
PROPT_LINE - Property: Management Information
PROP_ATTR - Properties: List Attribute Name <-> Value
PROP_ELTYP - Property Bag: Value Table of the Element Types
PROP_LINE - Property: Structure Definition
RPY_DCPARA - Screen: Parameters (Ext. Display) - Differences
RPY_DYFATC - Screen: Single field of a container (external depiction)
RPY_DYFLOW - Screen: Flow logic (external depiction)
RPY_DYPARA - Screen: Parameter Information for Screen (Unused) - Obsolete
RS37A - Screen Painter screen editing (internal)
SCRPDYNP - Result Structure for Screen Field Length Checks
SCRP_ENQ - Lock table for screens Rel 4.0
SCRP_UTIL_TODT - Existing Checks for Screens
SCR_CHANGE - Screen Painter: Change info for Workbench Organiser (index)
SCR_CHFLD - Screen: Screen field as CHAR structure
SCR_CHHEAD - Screen: Header as CHAR structure
SCR_DFIELD - Screen Painter: RFC Table for DDIC Fields
SCR_FATT1 - Screen: Screen field attributes (general part 1)
SCR_FATT2 - Screen: Screen field attributes (general part 2)
SCR_MFIELD - Screen Painter: RFC Table for Text Fields
SCR_NAVINF - Screen Painter: Information of Navigation Stack (Obsolete)
SCR_OBJECT - Screen Painter: Object for refreshing Workbench (index)
SCR_PFIELD - Screen Painter: RFC Table for Program Fields
SCR_RFC - Screen Painter: RFC Parameters for Graphical Fullscreen
TABFIELD - Table name and field (extract from DD03L/DFIES)
TFAWT - Screens: Screen Groups for Programs
TNACHBAR - Field Lists: Label Right or Label Left
TTREF - Screen Painter ergonomy check hit list

SAP Switch Framework Tools Tables BC-DWB-TOO-SFW

SFW5_DISPLAYLINE - ALV Output Structure for Transaction SFW5
SFW5_HISTORY - History of Transaction SFW5
SFW5_OUTTABLINE - ALV Output Structure for Transaction SFW5
SFW5_OUTTABLINE_V2 - ALV Output Structure for Transaction SFW5
SFWPARAM - Switch Framework Parameter
SFWUSTAT - Software Component with Switch Framework Status, for Upgrade
SFW_ACTIVE_B1 - Active Business Function Set
SFW_ACTIVE_B2 - Active Business Functions
SFW_ACTIVE_BFUNC - Active Business Functions
SFW_ACTIVE_BSET - Active Business Function Set
SFW_AUTHORITY_BFSET - WB - SFW - Business Function Set Authorization
SFW_AUTHORITY_BFUNC - WB - SFW - Business Function Authorization
SFW_BADI_MSG - Tabellentyp zu Hintergrundverarbeitung von SFW BAdIs
SFW_BCSET - Switch BC sets that are to be activated or deactivated
SFW_BC_LANGU - Languages to Be Installed
SFW_BF - Business Function
SFW_BFBS_OUTTAB_LINE - Display-structure for ALV
SFW_BFC_CTC - Link Business Function - Customer Test Catalog
SFW_BFC_CUSTTC - Customer's Test Catalog of Business Functions
SFW_BFC_KW - BFUNCTION SFKnowledge Warehouse of Business Function Content
SFW_BFC_RN - Release Note of Business Function Content
SFW_BFC_TC - Test Catalog of Business Function Content
SFW_BFENH_LINE - Structure for Enhancements of Business Functions
SFW_BFLINE - Business Function
SFW_BFSDEP - Dependent Software Components of a Business Function Set
SFW_BFSEXT - Exit Modules of Industries - for Upgrade
SFW_BFSMAP - Mapping AVERS to SFW_BSET - for Upgrade
SFW_BFSSMM - Mapping onto New Business Function Set (Solution Management)
SFW_BFSUPG - Switched On Business Function Set - for Upgrade
SFW_BFS_ENH - Structure for Business Function Set Enhancements
SFW_BFT - Text Table for Business Functions
SFW_BFUPG - Switched Off Business Functions - For Upgrade
SFW_BF_BF - Assignment Business Function <-> Business Function
SFW_BF_BS - Assignment Business Function / Business Set
SFW_BF_CHANGE - Switch Framework: Status Changes of Business Functions
SFW_BF_COMPONENT - Table assigns business function to a component
SFW_BF_DEPEND - Dependencies of Business Functions
SFW_BF_DISPLAY_LINE - Display Structure for Business Functions in ALV (with text)
SFW_BF_OUTTAB_LINE - Structure for Display of Business Functions in ALV
SFW_BF_SW - Assignment Switch / Business Function
SFW_BF_SW_OUTTAB_LINE - Switch / Business Function, ALV Structure
SFW_BF_TMP - Deactivate Temporary Table for BF (Irreversible)
SFW_BI_ACT_BF - BI Business Functions with Text and Status
SFW_BS - Business Set
SFW_BSBS_OUTTAB_LINE - Display-structure for ALV
SFW_BSENH_OUTTAB_LINE - SFW3 Structure for ALV with Enhancements
SFW_BST - Business Set Text Table
SFW_BS_BF - BF / BFS Parent Relationship
SFW_BS_BS - Assignment Business Set <-> Business Set
SFW_BS_BS_PARENT - Nested Business Function Sets
SFW_BS_CHANGE - Business Function Set, Allowed Change
SFW_BS_DISPLAY_LINE - Display-Structure for Business Functions in ALV (with text)
SFW_BS_OUTTAB_LINE - Structure for Display of Business Functions in ALV
SFW_BS_PARENTBS - BFS / BFS as Parent Relationship
SFW_COMPARE_BF_RELATIONSHIP - Version Comparison Business Functions
SFW_COMPARE_BS_RELATIONSHIP - Version Comparison Business Sets
SFW_COMPARE_PK_RELATIONSHIP - Version Comparison: Package Assignment
SFW_COMPARE_SW_RELATIONSHIP - Version Comparison Switch Assignment
SFW_COMPONENT - Mapping Software Component <-> Business Function Set
SFW_COMPSTATE - Switch setting for an object
SFW_CONFL_OUTTAB_LINE - Display-Structure for Switch in ALV (with text)
SFW_CONFL_SWITCH_RESULT - Structure Event for Conflict Switch Evaluation
SFW_COPIEDOBJ_NAME - Structure for Copied Object Original Name & New Name
SFW_DDIC_WRKLIST - DDIC objects to be activated
SFW_DEACTIVE_BF - Table for Deactivated BF (Irreversible)
SFW_DEPEND - Dependencies
SFW_DEPEND_OUTTAB_LINE - Display-structure for ALV
SFW_DEVCL_OUTTAB_LINE - Structure for Display of Switches in ALV
SFW_EAFMAP - Mapping AVERS to SFW_BF - for Upgrade
SFW_EAFUPG - Switched On Bus. Function of Add-Ons - for Upgrade
SFW_ENH - Call after import method for enhancements from the SFW
SFW_ENHIMPL - Call after import method for enhancements from the SFW
SFW_ENH_CROSS - OBSOLETE (no longer updated ! )
SFW_ENH_CROSS1 - Where-Used Packages in Enhancements
SFW_ENH_CROSS2 - Where-Used Switches in Enhancements
SFW_ENH_LINE - Switch Framework Enhancements
SFW_EXCL_BF - Business functions that do not run in parallel
SFW_EXCL_OUTTAB_LINE - Display-Structure for ALV
SFW_GEN_FRAME_PROG - Framework Programs for an Include
SFW_GEN_PROG - Transfer Table for Programs to Be Generated
SFW_HIER_OUTTAB_LINE - Switch Assignment Data
SFW_HIER_TREEG - Structure for Test Catalog's Object ID
SFW_IA_BF_IV - Changed Portal iView of a Business Function
SFW_IA_BF_PR - Changed Portal Roles of a Business Function
SFW_IA_BF_RP - Changed ABAP Report of a Business Function
SFW_IA_BF_TX - Changed Transactions of a Portal Role
SFW_IA_BF_WDA - Changed Web Dynpro Applicaqtion of a Business Function
SFW_IA_SW - Impact Analyser: Inital view
SFW_IA_SW_IV - Changed Portal iView of a Switch
SFW_IA_SW_PR - Changed Portal Roles of a Switch
SFW_IA_SW_RP - Changed ABAP Report of a Switch
SFW_IA_SW_TX - Changed Transactions of a Switch
SFW_IA_SW_WDA - Changed Web Dynpro Application of a Switch
SFW_INST_XPRA - Industry Installations XPRAs
SFW_INST_XPRA_EX - Industry Installation XPRAs Activation Time
SFW_LEGEND - Switch Framework: Structure for Icon Legend
SFW_LOGFILE - Log Files for BC Set Activation
SFW_MOVES - Mappping Addon <-> SFW-Addon
SFW_OBJECT - Object fro E071
SFW_PACKAGE - Assignment Switch / Package
SFW_SAVE_SF01 - Switch Framework: Storage Log File (Client-Specific)
SFW_SAVE_SF02 - Switch Framework: Storage Log File (Cross-Client)
SFW_SCP1_ACTSTATUS - Activation Status of BC Sets
SFW_SNAPSHOT - Snapshot of switch states for switch framework activation
SFW_SOLMAN1 - Activated Business Functions and Text
SFW_STATECHANGE - Switch whose status was changed upon activation
SFW_STATELINE - Switch + Status
SFW_STATE_DETAILS - Status details on dialog box in SFW1
SFW_SWBF_OUTTAB_LINE - Display-Structure for ALV
SFW_SWENH_LINE - Enhancements for Switch
SFW_SWITCH - Switches / Switch Framework
SFW_SWITCHPOSITION - Switch Setting for an Object
SFW_SWITCHPOSITION_ALL - Switch Setting for an Object, Client-Dependent
SFW_SWITCHPOSITION_BW - Switch Setting for an Object
SFW_SWITCHT - Text Table for the Switches
SFW_SWITCH_DISPLAY_LINE - Display-Structure for Switch in ALV (with text)
SFW_SWITCH_OUTTAB_LINE - Structure for Display of Switches in ALV
SFW_SW_BF - Assignment Switch / Business Function
SFW_SW_CHANGE - Switch Framework: Status Changes of Switches
SFW_SW_COMPARE_BF_RELATIONSHIP - Version Comparison Business Functions -> Switch Assignment
SFW_SW_PK_REMOVE - request of a switch, where the act. package has been remove
SFW_SYSTEM - System Settings for the Switch Framework
SFW_S_BF2_LINE - BF Structure with BFUNCTION2 as Field (Move Corresp.)
SFW_S_BFUNCTION_STATE - Switch Framework: Status of a Business Function
SFW_S_BF_IMPACT_CACHE - Switch Frameowrk, Impact Analyzer, UI Impact Cache
SFW_S_BF_IMPACT_MAP - Switch Framework, Impact Analyzer, BF Impact Assignment
SFW_S_PACKAGE - basis for sfw_t_package
SFW_S_ROLE_USER - Switch Framework, Impact Analyzer, Role-User Structure
SFW_S_RP_TX - Switch Framework, Impact Analyzer, Report Transaction
SFW_S_TC_SCR - Screen Structure for Test Catalog Copy
SFW_S_TRKORR - structure for sfw_T_trkorr
SFW_S_UI_IMPACT - Switch Framework, UI Impact
SFW_S_UI_IMPACT_EX - Impact Analyzer Structure for UI
SFW_S_WDA_ROLE - Switch Framework, Impact Analyzer, WebDynpro Role
SFW_TADIR_TYPE - TADIR Type w/o Object Name
SFW_TC_CASENAME - Test Case New Name & Original Name
SFW_TC_REQUEST - Test Case Transporting Package & Request Structure
SFW_USER - Business Function for a User (only for test purposes)
SFW_VCL_OUTTAB_LINE - Display-Structure for ALV
SFW_VIEWFIELD - Assignment Switch / View Field
SFW_VIEWFIELD_OUTTAB_LINE - Zuordnung Schalter / Viewfeld Struktur
SFW_XPRA - Non-Executed XPRAs


SAUNIT_CM_BUFFER - ABAP Unit: Result Buffer for CheckMan
SAUNIT_CM_IMPORT - Import Log Table
SAUNIT_FAV_BASE - Master Data: Header of Favorites
SAUNIT_FAV_CLAS - Master Data: (local) Test Class that is Element of Favorite
SAUNIT_FAV_PROG - Master Data: Program that is Element of Favorite
SAUNIT_NO_LEGACY - ABAP Unit tests that are unsuitable for ext. test framework
SAUNIT_PROG_INFO - INTERNAL: Meta data on test classes (serialized)
SAUNIT_S_ALERT - ABAP Unit: Message/Alert Data
SAUNIT_S_CHANGE_DATA - ABAP Unit: Trace Info for Last Change of Data Records
SAUNIT_S_CLIENT_SETUP - ABAP Unit: client dependend customizing
SAUNIT_S_CNT_ALERT - Counter for Occurred Messages
SAUNIT_S_CNT_ALERT_KIND - Counter for the Different Types of Messages
SAUNIT_S_CNT_ALERT_LEVEL - Counter for the Different Severity Levels of Messages
SAUNIT_S_DURATION_SETTING - Concrete Values for Categories of Execution Duration
SAUNIT_S_FAVORITE_OPTIONS - Settings Of Favorite - Flattened for Screen / Dynpro
SAUNIT_S_HOST_SETUP - ABAP Unit Configuration Setup for onehhost
SAUNIT_S_INTERNAL_PROG_ANALYSI - Metric Data for Test Coverage in Programs
SAUNIT_S_INTERNAL_PROG_METRIC - Metric Data for Test Coverage in Programs
SAUNIT_S_INTERNAL_TADIR_INFO - Information About a Framework Program
SAUNIT_S_LEGACY_CI_CONV_SETUP - Settings for Checking Conventions in ABAP Unit
SAUNIT_S_LEGACY_ENQUEUE - Structure for Enqueue Lock
SAUNIT_S_LEGACY_REMOTE_MESSAGE - ABAP Unit: Messages from Remote System (SAP Only)
SAUNIT_S_LEGACY_REMOTE_TASK - ABAP Unit: Format for Remote Execution (Internal Only)
SAUNIT_S_LEGACY_TASK_RESULT - Result of Execution for Connected Internal Tools
SAUNIT_S_METHOD_KEY - Unique Name of a Method
SAUNIT_S_PROG_INFO - ABAP Unit: Program Information
SAUNIT_S_SERIALIZED_DATA - Serialized Data and Labeling of Format Version
SAUNIT_S_SETUP - Customizing Data
SAUNIT_S_TADIR_KEY - Key for Transport Objects with ID "R3TR"
SAUNIT_S_TASK_ALERT - Modeling of an ABAP Unit Message on the Database
SAUNIT_S_TASK_CLASS - Information About a Class Within a Test Task
SAUNIT_S_TASK_CLAS_INFO - Information About a Class Within a Test Task
SAUNIT_S_TASK_DATA - Data for a Test Task
SAUNIT_S_TASK_INFO - Information on Test Task
SAUNIT_S_TASK_METHOD - Information About a Method Within a Test Task
SAUNIT_S_TASK_METH_INFO - Information About a Class Within a Test Task
SAUNIT_S_TASK_PROGRAM - Information About a Framework Program Within a Test Task
SAUNIT_S_TASK_PROG_INFO - Information About a Program
SAUNIT_S_TREE_ITEM_MESSAGE - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM and Data for Message Tree
TAUNIT - INTERNAL: Test message content (language dependent)
TAUNIT_CLT_SETUP - INTERNAL: Customizing of client
TAUNIT_DESCR - INTERNAL: Description of an ABAP Unit Text
TAUNIT_KEY - INTERNAL: Text message definition
TAUNIT_META_DATA - ABAP Unit: Testclass Meta Data
TAUNIT_PROG_INFO - INTERNAL: Cache on test class meta data per program
TAUNIT_SRV_SETUP - INTERNAL: Customizing of machine

SAP Web Application Builder Tables BC-DWB-TOO-WAB

BSP_MESS_REC - Error Messages in Generation API for BSPs
ISW3_ADM - Include Structure for WebApp Management
ISW3_ATTR - Include Structure for WebApp Attributes
ISW3_ATTRC - Customizing Data for WebApps
O2APPL - O2: BSP Applications
O2APPLATTR - 02: BSP Application Attributes
O2APPLGRAP - O2: Transfer Fields in Navigation Modeler of BSP Application
O2APPLNODE - O2: Transfer Fields for BSP Application Nodes
O2APPLT - O2: BSP Application Texts
O2APSUBOBJ - O2: Selection Indicator for BSP Application Subobjects
O2BROWSERS - Supported Browser Types
O2BRPOINTS - O2: Breakpoints
O2CHANGE - Change Data for O2 Objects
O2CTLSTATE - WCF: Flags for Maintenance Status
O2CURSOR - O2: Cursor Position
O2DYNPFIEL - O2: Screen Fields for Oxygen Tools
O2EUMOD - O2: User Settings in RSEUMOD
O2FLAGS - O2: Flags for Maintenance Status
O2HTMLATTR - Attributes of HTML Tags
O2HTMLDOC - Documentation for HTML Tags
O2LANGTYPE - HTML Language Dialects
O2MIME - O2: Content Line
O2MIMEATTR - O2: MIME Object Attributes
O2OPTIONS - BSP Options at Runtime
O2PAGATTR - O2: Page Attributes
O2PAGCON - INDX File for Oxygen Pages
O2PAGDIR - Oxygen: Page Directory
O2PAGDIRI - Oxygen: Page Directory (Inactive)
O2PAGDIRT - Short Text for Oxygen Pages
O2PAGELINE - O2: Oxygen Page Line
O2PAGENAME - O2: Complete Name of Page (with External Name)
O2PAGEPARD - O2: Screen Field for Page Parameter
O2PAGEVH - OXYGEN: Event Handler
O2PAGEVHS - O2: Event Handler with Source
O2PAGINC - Where-Used Table for Page Includes
O2PAGKEY - Key Structure for Name of Oxygen Page
O2PAGOPTS - Options for O2PAGDIR
O2PAGPAR - Oxygen: Parameter (for Page/Prolog)
O2PAGPARS - O2: Page Parameters with Text
O2PAGPART - Oxygen: Parameter (for Page/Prolog)
O2PAGRT - Oxygen: INDX File for Static HTML Pool (Runtime)
O2PAGTLIB - Use Tables for Tag Libraries in BSP Pages
O2PAGTYPES - O2: Local Types of a Page
O2PARAVALU - O2: Parameter Value Combination
O2PCONKEY - Key Structure for Oxygen Page (Content)
O2SOURPOS - O2: Position in Source
O2SRCPOS - O2: Position in Source
O2TAGKEY - Key Structure for Tag Browser, Controls
O2TAGOPTS - Tag Library: User Settings
O2TAGREG - Registry for Language Type Subtrees
O2THEMATTR - O2: Theme Attributes
O2THEMECUS - O2: Customizing Theme <-> BSP Application
O2THEMEREL - O2: Table for Relationship Between LOIOs and Theme LOIOs
O2THEMES - O2: Themes for BSP Applications
O2THEMEST - O2: Text for Themes
O2THEME_ST - O2: Theme Customizing - Administrative Structure
O2THEMRELA - O2: Relationship Between LOIOs and Theme LOIOs
O2TLIBKEY - Key Structure for Tag Browser, Controls
O2VRSHEAD - Header Line for Comparing Versions of Temporar. Saved Pages
O2XMLATTR - XML Attributes (Changed by....)
O2XMLDESC - XML Description
SW3M_ADAT - Additional Attributes
SW3M_ADMIN - Administration Table for MiniApp Catalog
SW3M_ADMT - Short Texts for MiniApp Catalog
SW3M_ATTR - MiniApp Attributes
SW3M_ATTRC - Customizing Data for WebApps
SW3M_DATA - MiniApp Administration, Data
SW3M_PARAM - MiniApp Parameters
SW3M_PARAT - Parameter Description for a MiniApp
SW3M_PARS - MiniApp Parameters
W3BHTMCON - WAB: Contexts for BHTML Functions
W3BHTMCONT - WAB: Texts for Use Contexts (BHTML Functions)
W3BHTMFUNC - WAB: Business HTML Functions
W3BHTMFUNT - Business HTML Function Texts
W3BHTMLPURESEQUENCE - BHTML Sequence W/O Comments and Line Breaks
W3BHTMLTAGINFORMATION - BHTML: Position of Tags (BHTL, Comments - Start, End)
W3BHTMPARA - WAB: Business HTML Parameters
W3BHTMPART - WAB: Business HTML Parameter Texts
W3BHTMPATT - WAB: Screen Fields for BHTML Templates
W3BHTMVALT - WAB: Texts for Business HTML Parameter Values
W3BHTMVALU - WAB: Values for Business HTML Parameters
W3BHTMWIZT - WAB: Texts for Business HTML Wizards
W3BHTMWIZZ - WAB: Business HTML Wizards
W3BVALLIST - WAB: Business HTML Values (Parameter + Value)
W3CONTYPES - WAB: Flow Editor Converter
W3CONVERT - ITS Flow Logic - Converter
W3CONVKEY - ITS: Key for Converting Entry Name from Short -> Long
W3CREATPAT - ITS: Table of Templates for Creating Templates
W3CROSS - WAB: Use in ITS Objects
W3CURSOR - ITS: Cursor position
W3DEFAULT - ITS: Flow Logic - Default
W3DEVAPP - Relationship Between Application and Device Type
W3DEVAPPS - Relationships Between Application and Device Type
W3DEVAPPWP - Device Dependency of Transactions: Transfer Structure
W3DEVTYPE - Device types
W3DEVTYPT - Device Types Short Text
W3DYNPFIEL - ITS: Screen Fields for Copy and Rename
W3ERROBJECTS - ITS: List of Objects with Data Errors (Not Readable)
W3EUMOD - ITS: Settings in RSEUMOD
W3EVENT - ITS: Flow Logic - Event
W3EXCEPTON - ITS Flow Logic - Exception
W3FILEMAP - ITS: Flow Logic - Filemapping
W3FINDDYNP - WAB: Find HTML Templates Generated for One Screen
W3FINDINSERVICE - WAB: Search in Service, Query
W3FINDMIME - WAB: Search for MIMEs (Result Structure)
W3FINDMODU - WAB: Search by Module (Results List)
W3FINDREPA - WAB: Search by Resource Parameters (Results List)
W3FINDSEPA - WAB: Search by Service Parameters (Results List)
W3FINDSINP - WAB: Search by Interface Parameters (Results List)
W3FINDTEMP - WAB: Search by Templates (Results Structure)
W3FLAGS - ITS: Flags for Maintenance State
W3FLOWATTR - ITS: Flow Logic Properties
W3FLOWKEY - ITS: Flow Name
W3FLTAGATT - WAB: Attribute and Value of Flow Logic Tag
W3HEXCONV - ITS: Conversion Table for Data Storage
W3HTMLTAGS - Table of Basic HTML Tags
W3ISTDEVS - Cross Transport Problem
W3JSCRATTR - ITS: Attributes for JavaScript Files
W3MAPPING - ITS: Flow Logic - Parametermapping
W3MARK - WAB: Structure for Selecting Rows of a Table
W3MATTR - Attribute structure for Workplace for Web Applications
W3MIMLATTR - ITS: Attributes for Language-Specific MIME Objects
W3MODTYPES - WAB: Module Types
W3MODTYPET - WAB: Module Type Texts
W3MODULE - WAB: Flow - Module Element
W3OBJLOINF - WAB: Local Information for ITS Objects
W3PARAM_O - Old Structure for the Old PlugIn
W3PUBDIR - WAB: Publish Directory for Objects
W3RESOATTR - ITS: Attributes for Resource Files
W3RESOKEY - ITS: Language Resource Key
W3RESOPARA - ITS: Parameters for Resource File
W3RESULT - ITS: Flow Logic - Result
W3SERINTP - WAB: Interface Parameters for Services
W3SERINTPS - WAB: Interface Parameters for a Service (Screen Fields)
W3SERINTPT - WAB: Texts for Interface Parameters for Services
W3SERVATTR - ITS: Service Attributes
W3SERVICET - Short Text for Internet Services
W3SERVPAFL - WAB: Indicators for Generating Service Parameters
W3SERVPARA - ITS: Service Parameters
W3SESUBOBJ - ITS: Selection Flags for Components of a Service
W3SOURPOS - ITS: Position in Source
W3SPAR - WAB: Possible Service Parameters
W3SPART - WAB: Service Parameter Texts
W3TEMLATTR - ITS: Attributes for Language-Specific Templates
W3TEMPATTR - ITS: Attributes for Templates
W3XMLPROPERTYINFO - Info for XML Screen Property for Screen
W3XML_EDITOR_CHANGED_ELEMENT - XML Templates, Editor, Changed Elements
W3XML_EDITOR_ELEMENT_PROPS - XML Templates: Structure for ALV of Element Properties
W3XML_EDITOR_ELEMENT_TREE_ITEM - Web Application Builder: Element Tree in XML Editor
WBXMLCUST - Obsolete: Settings for XML Workbench Connection

SAP Workbench Utilities Tables BC-DWB-UTL

ACTFLI - ABAP/4 book: Flights
APADEF - Definition of application packets
APADEFT - Short text for application packet
APADEVC - Assigning Packages to Application Packages
APAEXCLUDE - Objects for which no external check is executed
APAFOREIGN - Permitted external use of objects
APARELA - Define Relationships Between Application Packages
APA_CHECK - Membership of an object to application packet with check fld
APPLPACK - Membership of an object to application packet
APPL_TRKEY - Transfer structure: Text log, application tables
ATEXTTRANL - Transfer structure for text loggiung of application tab.
BIBS_RPST - Table for maintaining action code and the repository object
BIBS_SCR - Table for maintaining the screens, the action code and desc
BL00_VALUE - Tree structure - data transfer
BL01_BAUM - Tree structure
BL01_COLOR - Color values
BL01_FIELD - Structure for field tables
BL01_INDX - Store variants
BL01_LISTE - Field structure list variant
BL01_SELEC - Filter values
BL01_SORT - Structure for field tables
BL01_SPATX - Column heading
BL01_TITEL - Variant title
BL01_VALUE - List display data description structure
BL01_WERTE - List field contents
BOOKINGS - ABAP book: Flight bookings
BUMF_DECO - Only SAP Internal: SUMF: DECO Where-Used List
CARRIERS - ABAP/4 book: Airlines
COMPONENT_INFO - Installed Component
CUSTOMERS - ABAP Book: Customers
DATABROWSE - Internal administration structure for Data Browser
DBDATA - Data Browser Procedure Data
DEMOTREE - Demonstration Hierarchy
DEMOTREET - Demonstration Hierarchy: Texts
DEMO_CPROP - Table control column attributes
DEMO_ITEM - Hierarchy item
DEMO_NODE - Hierarchy Node
DEMO_RB - Radio buttons for demo assignment
DEMO_TPROP - TC attributes
FLAPP - Internal flight applications
FLEMP - Employees
FLIGHTB - Flight booking
FLIGHTM - Flight master data
FLIGHTP - Flight plan data
FLJET - Jets
FLLOG - Flight data
FLPAS - Passenger list
GEOCITY - ABAP/4 book: Geographical position of a city
GUIDIR - Table of contents for models
GUIDIRT - Text table for model directory
GUINODE - Nodes of a model
GUINODT - Short texts for node table
IBR_BROWSER_LINE - Line in the include browser
ICON_CL - Icon classes
ICON_GR - Icon groups
METREE - Structure for tree control item
MIMELOIO_HEAD - LOIO Administration Data for Version Management
MIMELOIO_VERS - Version Display: LOIO Properties
MIMEPHCNTASC - Text Document Content from PHIOs
MIMEPHCNTBIN - Binary Document Content from PHIOs
MIMEPHFILACI - Info about Contents of PHIOs
MIMEPHIO_VERS - Version Display: PHIO Properties
MTREEITM - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field of Length 72
MTREESNODE - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_NODE + TEXT Field of Length 30
MTREESUNOD - Tree Control:Structure TREEV_UNOD + Fields: U_TEXT, TEXT(30)
MTREEUITM - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_UITE + TEXT field, length = 72
NF2STRINFO - Structure information for complex data structures
NODE_STR - Example structure for simple tree OCX
PLANFLI - ABAP/4 book: Connection offers for flights
REPOSITORY - Types of Repository objects
RLB_DB_FV - Reuse Library: Table for Storing Favorites
RLB_DB_HL - Reuse Library: Where-Used List/Hit List
RLB_DB_LB - Reuse Library: Sublibrary: Data
RLB_DB_LBT - Reuse Library: Sublibrary: Name
RLB_DB_PR - Reuse Library: Product: Data
RLB_DB_PRT - Reuse Library: Product: Name
RLB_DB_SC - Reuse Library: Statistics
RLB_DB_TR - Reuse Library: Structure Repository: Nodes
RLB_DB_TRR - Reuse Library: Structure Repository: References
RLB_DB_TRT - Reuse Library: Structure Repository: Descriptions
RLB_DB_VST - Reuse Library: Found Location for TR Documents
RLB_S_CHOP - Reuse Library: Options for Library/Product Check
RLB_S_DEVC - Reuse Library: Range for Package
RLB_S_EXID - Reuse Library: EXTID Range
RLB_S_HL - Reuse Library: Where-Used Hit List
RLB_S_ILOG - Reuse Library:Context for message when creating search index
RLB_S_INDO - Reuse Library: Input for Object Documentation
RLB_S_INLB - Reuse Library: Input Data for Node in a Library
RLB_S_INPR - Reuse Library: Input Work Area for Product Nodes
RLB_S_IPRD - Reuse Library: Input for Definition of Node in a Product
RLB_S_KEN - Reuse Library: Create KW Doc. ID for a Product
RLB_S_LBID - Reuse Library: Range for Library ID
RLB_S_LBPR - Reuse Library: Library Characteristics
RLB_S_LIB - Reuse Library: Transfer Structure for Libraries
RLB_S_LIBL - Reuse Library: List of Libraries
RLB_S_LOG - Reuse Library: Context Information for a Log
RLB_S_LPOS - Reuse Library: Position within a Reuse Library
RLB_S_LSEL - Reuse Library: Selection Criteria for a Library
RLB_S_MLOG - Reuse Library: Message Context
RLB_S_NAME - Reuse Library: Product Name Range
RLB_S_OBID - Reuse Library: Program Object Identification
RLB_S_ONR - Reuse Library: Object Name Range Structure
RLB_S_PRDL - Reuse Library: List of Libraries
RLB_S_PRID - REuse Library: Entry in Table with Product IDs
RLB_S_PRNA - Reuse Library: Product with Description
RLB_S_PSEL - Reuse Library: Selection Criteria for a Product
RLB_S_PUSH - Reuse Library: Data for Pushbuttons
RLB_S_SAP - Resuse Library: Create SAPScript ID for Product
RLB_S_STXT - Reuse Library: Short Text for Reference to DE Object
RLB_S_TIMS - Reuse Library: Range for Timestamp
RLB_S_TITM - Reuse Library: Product Data in Browser
RLB_S_TL - Reuse Library: Hit List
RLB_S_TRDK - Reuse Library: Text Retrieval Doc. ID
RLB_S_USER - Reuse Library: Range for User
RLIB_COMPS - Nodes and node references for Reuse Library
RLIB_CONT - Cluster with contents of the Reuse Library
RLIB_DOCU - Reuse Library documentation
RLIB_NAVI - Reuse Library: Navigation interface
RLIB_OBJS - Reuse Library: Objects
RLIB_SCRFD - Reuse Library: Screen fields
RLIB_STAT - Usage statistics for Reuse Library
RLIB_TEXTS - Keywords for Reuse library
RLIB_TREES - Reuse Library trees
RSCH_NAVI - Navigation: Call hierarchy and screen sequence
RSCH_SCRFD - Call hierarchy: Screen fields
RSDYNMOD - Structure for modeling and prototyping
RSETX - Input/output fields: Translation and original language
RSEUICEVAL - Reference structure for icon valuation
RSEUSORT - Reference structure for node sorting
RSEUT - Reference fields for hierarchy modules
RSEUTYPE - Reference structure for node type tables
RSTCD - Local Fields for Function Group SPFT
SACC_STANDARDS - Characteristic groups
SACC_STANDARDST - Text table for attribute groups
SACC_STATES - Characteristic groups
SACC_STATEST - Text table for attribute groups
SACC_STD_DEFAULT - Default settings for standards
SDYN_SDW4 - Structure for enjoy examples
SEUCBWTEXT - Structure for Text Field (Checkbox with Text)
SEUCOLOR - Transfer structure for color key
SEUCOMM - General Hierarchy Display: Operation on Nodes
SEUDEPEND - Object dependencies
SEUDEPENTX - Text for object dependencies
SEUDEPKEY - Key for object dependency
SEUDEPTOBJ - Permitted object types for dependency
SEUDEPTTX - Texts for dependency types
SEUDEPTYPE - Types of object dependency
SEUICQINF - Structure for NODETAB Text Fields (Icon Symbol + Quick Info)
SEUICQINFO - Structure for text field (icon and quick info)
SEUTEXPAND - General Hierarchy Display: Layout
SLINE - Node line structure
SMET01 - Metrics: Shared buffer table
SMET02 - Metrics: Number of function calls
SMET03 - Metrics: Information about shared buffer table
SMET04 - Metrics: Text with 80 characters
SNODE - Workbench: Object List Node Description
SNODEITEM - Text field for tree control
SNODETEXT - Additional Information for Hierarchy Nodes
SNODE_OLD - Workbench: Object List Node Description
SPAR_ASS - Parameter Storage: Assignment of Object to Parameter
SPAR_ASS_S - Parameter Storage: Assignment Parameter->Type Reference
SPAR_DATA - Parameter Storage: Persistent Data Container
SPAR_DCS - Parameter Storage: Generic Data for Object
SPAR_DEF_S - Parameter Storage: Initial screen UUID/Handle
SPAR_DTABS - Parameter Storage: Persistent Data Container for Object
SPAR_GKDB - Parameter Storage: GUIDs and Keys
SPAR_KEY_D - Parameter Storage: Interface Definition
SPAR_KEY_G - Parameter Storage: Key / UUID
SPAR_METH - Parameter Storage: Assignment Parameter->Method
SPAR_NCOMP - Parameter Storage: Comparison of Nametabs
SPAR_NTAB - Parameter Storage: Nametab
SPAR_NTABS - Parameter Storage: Nametab Container for Object
SPAR_NTDB - Parameter Storage: Persistent Nametab Container
SPAR_NT_G - Parameter Storages: UUIDS and Nametab
SPAR_N_A - Parameter Storage: Target Structure for Read Join
SPAR_SDAT - Parameter Storage: Short data
SPAR_ST_NT - Parameter Storage: Internal Stack Administration
SPAR_TYP_L - Parameter Storage: Texts For Permitted Types
SPAR_TYP_S - Parameter Storage: Types and Their Interface Structures
SPAR_UUID - Parameter Storage: GUIDs
SQF_MESSAGE_NODE - Structure Node
SQF_OBJECT_GRID_LINE - Line in the object grid
SQF_QUERY_NODE - Structure Node
SQF_SE16_SELECT_OPTION - Select Option Grid Line
SQF_SFW_ACTIVE_B2 - Active Business Functions
SQF_TOOL_GROUP - Tool Hierarchy
SQF_TOOL_GROUPT - Text table for attribute groups
SQF_TOOL_NODE - Structure Node
SRC_ENTITY_LOCATION - Entity of source code analysis
STREEATTR - General Hierarchy Display: Additional Attributes
STREECNTL - Node Attributes for Tree Control
STREENODE - Description of a Hierarchy Node
TBPROGREF - Reference table - program
TBSELLIST - Structure for table indicator
TBTOOLLIST - Tool List for Table Maintenance (SE16)
TBTOOLS - Maintenance Tools for Table Display
TBVIEWER - Table for locking with table indicator
TEXTLOG - Log of text changes in DW
TEXTSTRU - Structure of text table for a DW object
TEXTTRANSL - Structure of text key for translation tool
TEXTTRL - Assignment table: Developer --> translator
TQSTQ1 - Table of Questions for Online Questionnaires
TQSTQS - Table of Data for Online Questionnaires
TREEMBCOL - Common fields of column structure of tree model and view
TREEMBITEM - Tree Control: Internal
TREEMBNODE - Tree Control: Internal
TREEMCCOL - Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Column
TREEMCHCL - Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Hierarchy Column
TREEMCINF - Tree Model: Internal
TREEMCITEF - Column Tree Model: Update Item with Node Key
TREEMCITEM - Column Tree Model: Item
TREEMCITEN - Column Tree Model: Item with Node Key
TREEMCNODT - Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMCTIT - Tree Model: TREEV_ITEM Structure + TEXT Field
TREEMCUITE - Column Tree Model: Structure for Updating an Item
TREEMCUNO - Column Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node
TREEMHHDR - Tree Model: Attributes of the Hierarchy Heading
TREEMIITEM - Item Tree Model: Item
TREEMIKEY - Tree Model: Structure Item Key Table
TREEMINODT - Item Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMLHDR - List Tree Model: Attributes of the List Header
TREEMLITEF - List Tree Model: Update Item with Node Key
TREEMLITEM - List Tree Model: Item
TREEMLITEN - List Tree Model: Item with Node Key
TREEMLNODT - List Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMLUITE - List Tree Model: Structure for Updating an Item
TREEMLUNO - List Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node
TREEMPRINF - Tree Model - internal
TREEMRITEM - Tree Model: Basic Item
TREEMSNOD - Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMSNODE - Tree Model: TREEV_NODE Structure + TEXT Field
TREEMSNODT - Simple Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMSUNO - Simple Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node
TREEMSUNOD - Tree Model: TREEV_UNOD Structure + U_TEXT and TEXT Fields
TREEMUCTIT - Tree Model: TREEV_UITE Structure + TEXT Field
TREEMUITEM - Tree Control: Internal
TREEMUNODE - Tree Control: Internal
TREEMUNOFL - Tree Model: Internal
TREEVBITEM - Tree Control: Internal
TREEVBNODE - Tree Control: Internal
TREEVUITEM - Tree Control: Internal
TREEVUNODE - Tree Control: Internal
TREEV_CINF - Tree Control: Internal in Class
TREEV_COL - Attributes of a column in the tree control (FuGr CNT4)
TREEV_COWI - Tree Control: Width Information for a Column
TREEV_HDR - Header in the tree control (function group CNT4)
TREEV_HHDR - Tree Control: Attributes of the Hierarchy Header
TREEV_IKEY - Tree Control (CNT4): Structure Item Key Table
TREEV_ITEM - Tree Control: Attributes of an Item
TREEV_LHDR - Tree Control: Attributes of the List Header
TREEV_NKEY - Tree control (CNT4): Structure of node key table
TREEV_NODE - Tree Control: Attributes of a Node
TREEV_UITE - Structure for Updating an Item in a Tree Control
TREEV_UNOD - Structure for Updating an Node in a Tree Control
TSEDGE - Function Group TSTEST: Link Table
TSEDGEID - Graphical Layout Toolkit: Link ID
TSLABEL - Graphical Layout Toolkit: Field Label
TSNODE - Graphical Editor Toolkit: Node Table
TSTESTNODE - Graphical Editor Toolkit: Node Table
VERSION_INFO - Version Info
WBTABLE - Create Flight: Sample Table for Workbench Tutorial

SAP Class Browser Tables BC-DWB-UTL-BRC

RPYLBAI - ID of an ABAP class or interface
RPYLBAM - Miscellaneous filter for ABAP class library
RPYLBAO - Filter for ABPA classes and interfaces
RPYLBAR - Filter for relationships between ABAP object types
RPYLBAT - Nodes of a subtree in the ABAP class library
RPYLBBI - ID of a BOR object type
RPYLBBM - Filter for other BOR
RPYLBBO - Filter for BOR object types
RPYLBBR - Filter for relationships between BOR object types
RPYLBBT - Nodes of a sub-tree in the BOR
SEM2OBJINF - Struct. for field OBJEKTINF of struct. NAVTAB (FuGr SEM2)
SEM3OBJINF - Struct. for field OBJEKTINF of struct. NAVTAB (FuGr SEM3)
SEM4OBJINF - Struct. for field OBJEKTINF of struct. NAVTAB (FuGr SEM4)
SEM5EUMOD - Class Browser (FuGr SEM5): Include for RSEUMOD
SEM5EUMODX - Class Browser (Function group SEM5): Doc. for SEM5EUMOD
SEM5OBJINF - Struct. for field OBJEKTINF of struct. NAVTAB (FuGr SEM5)
SEMLINE - Directed edge (minimum info.; for function module call)
SEMLOBJINF - Struct. for field OBJEKTINF of struct. NAVTAB (Fugr SEML)
SEMNODE - Node (minimum info.; for function module call)

SAP Repository Browser Tables BC-DWB-UTL-BRR

ACT_WORK_ITEM - Object in Worklist (Inactive Workbench Objects)
APTREE - Application Hierarchy
APTREET - Application Hierarchy: Texts
CAPTREE - Application Hierarchy
CAPTREET - Application Hierarchy: Texts
CROSS - Index of Modules Used Externally
DDCOMPARE - Return from generic comparison tool: RS_VERS_COMPARE_TAB
DDOBJTEXT - Dictionary Objects: Texts
DEVCL_INFO - Information about development class
DIRTREE - Tree administration
DWINACTIV - Inactive objects
DWTREE - ABAP Workbench Tree Objects
DWWASYNC - Synchronization index for work area
EUIMPORT - Transport characteristics of imported objects
EUOBJ - Workbench: Development Objects
EUOBJEDIT - Workbench: Assignment Development Object Type -> Editor
EUOBJT - Workbench: Development Objects
FREEZEWARN - Systems in which RS_FREEZE_WARNING should be "successful"
INCLTABLE - INCLUDE table for delete/copy/rename programs
MERKTAB - Navigation note table
NAVTAB - Navigation table
O2WAPASENQ - Locking Strcuture for Business Server Pages Applications
OBJTYPEGROUPS - Semantic Group Affiliation of Object Types
OBJTYPEGROUPS_T - Language-Specific Descriptions of Object Types
OBJTYPEGROUP_RT - Runtime Semantic Group Affiliation of Object Types
RCASGCHID2 - Full Key for Characteristic -> Dev. Element Type Assignment
RCVALUEID2 - Ful Key of a Characteristic Value for Classification
REPITEM - Item Structure for Repository Browser
REPTREEITM - Tree Control Item For Report SAPTREV*
RSDEVTRAN - Device Dependency of Transactions: Transfer Structure
RSERRLST - Structure for SCAN error
RSEU0 - I/O fields for SAPMSEU0
RSEUB - Fields for call hierarchy SAPMSEUB
RSEUINC - Main program for inactive includes, D010INC addition
RSEUML - Settings for UML Diagrams
RSEUMOD - Settings for ABAP Workbench
RSEUR - Screen fields SAPLSEUR (global search/replace)
RSEUTAB - Use of table in inactive includes addition D010TAB
RSEUX - Selection fields
RSFINDLST - Structure of Hit List (Find, Where-used List)
RSFINDSTRS - Table of Search Strings for Workbench Cross-reference
RSMJS01 - mjs test
RSNEWLENG - Structure of the new lengths
RSOLDLENG - Structure of the old lengths
RSPRINT - Screen fields for SAPLSEUW
RSSOURCEL - ABAP Source (Format 72)
SABAP_INACTIVE - Inactive Objects in ABAP, Transport, and Workbench Format
SADT_NODEPATH_STRUCTURE - Return structure for nodepath service
SADT_OBJECT_AUTHOR_INFO - ADT Information about the author
SADT_OBJECT_LINK_REFERENCE - Repository object reference with editor category
SCOMPO - Program index structure
SEUCUSTOM - Workbench Customizing
SEUNODETAB - Hierarchy Table
SEU_ADT_CHECK_RUN_OBJECT - Checkrun workbench object entry
SEU_ADT_DIRTY_CHECK_OBJECT - Dirty check object
SEU_ADT_OBJECT_CATEGORY_INFO - Category for the ADT project explorer tree
SEU_ADT_OBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR - Type descriptor for ADT project explorer type list
SEU_ADT_OBJECT_TYPE_INFO - Object type info for the ADT project explorer
SEU_ADT_REPOSITORY_TREE - ADT repository tree for project explorer
SEU_ADT_REPOSITORY_TREE_NODE - Node within the workbench tree
SEU_ADT_S_MESSAGE - Meldungsinformationsstruktur
SEU_ADT_S_MESSAGE - Meldungsinformationsstruktur
SEU_ADT_S_OBJECT - Object to activate and check
SEU_ADT_S_OBJECT_LIST_DATA - Data structure for the list of objects to activate and check
SEU_OBJTXT - Development objects with short texts
SEWB_QUICKSEARCH_VALUE_HELP - Structure for Search Help with Description
SEWB_SETTINGS - WB Browser Settings
SEXIT - Application functions for tree operations
SNODE_CHGD - Data for Identification of Edited Component Tree
SNODE_TEXT - Additional Info. for Hierarchy Nodes (Enhanced SNODETEXT)
SPATH - Path to node
TEUDB - Comments for Table EUDB
TMEMO - User-specific memory
TRDIRE - Program attributes (from PROGRAM statement)
TREELOG - Change log for table TREE (tree administration)
TREESTATE - Tree status
TRKEY - Complete Key of a Transport Object
WBACCESS_TOOL - Object Type and Access Tool
WBACTIONS - Operations on Repository object types
WBACTIONST - Texts for operations on Repository objects
WBACTIVATION_MASTERTYPE - WB Activation: Object Types and Their "Master" Object Types
WBBKMITEM - Item Structure for Favorites
WBBMTYPE - Valid Types for Bookmarks
WBCONTTYP - Type Information for the Element of a Data Object Container
WBCTXFCODE - Structure of Function Code in Context Menu
WBCUSTSET - Workbench Setting
WBERROR - Error Structure for Workbench Manager
WBEXTTYPES - Workbench: External code for object types
WBNAVSET - Object Navigator Settings
WBOBJECTTYPES - Registry Table for Object Types
WBOBJECTTYPES_T - Language-Dependent Object Type Data
WBOBJECTTYPE_RT - Runtime Registry Table for Object Types
WBOBJID - ID of a Repository Object
WBOBJTPS_ACTIONS - Possible Actions on WB Object Types
WBOBJTYPE - Global WB Type, Consisting of R3TR Type and WB Specificat.
WBOBJTYPEGROUP_DATA - Data of Object Type Group for WB Tool
WBOBJTYPES - Workbench: Types of development objects
WBOBJTYPES_SCOPE - Functional Usage Areas for WB Object Types
WBOBJTYPES_SCOPE_RT - Runtime Functional Usage Areas for WB Object Types
WBOBJTYPES_USERS - User Registrations for WB Object Types
WBOBJTYPETOOL_DATA - Management Data of Object Type Editor
WBOBJTYPE_DATA - Workbench Object Types and Their Parameters
WBOBJTYPE_RIS - RIS Data for Each WB Object Type
WBOBJTYPE_SCOPE_RT - Runtime Functional Usage Areas for WB Object Types
WBOBJTYPT - Workbench: Text for development object types
WBREGISTRY - Registry ABAP Workbench
WBREQDATA - Request Data
WBREQSTATE - Request: Object State
WBREQUEST - Structure for Workbench Request
WBSUBTYPE_DATA - Workbench Object Types and Their Parameters
WBSUBTYPE_DATA_ALV - Workbench Object Types: Display in ALV
WBSUBTYPE_SCOPE - Functional Usage Area of a Workbench Object Type
WBSUBTYPE_SCOPES - Workbench Object Types and Their Usage Areas
WBTOOLTYPE - Visualization types for tools
WVCLASS_DATA - Data of a (Service) Class
WVOBJECTTYPES - Registry Table for Object Types
WVOBJECTTYPES_T - Language-Dependent Object Type Data
WVOBJECTTYPE_RT - Runtime Registry Table for Object Types
WVOBJTYPE - Object Type in ABAP Workbench, ADT, Version Mgmt, and so on
WVOBJTYPEALV_SCOPE - Object Types: Structure for Obj. Type Usage Areas in ALV
WVOBJTYPES_SCOPE - Functional Usage Areas for Object Types
WVOBJTYPE_ACTION - Action (Operation) for Object Type
WVOBJTYPE_DATA - All Header Data of External Object Type
WVOBJTYPE_LANGUDATA - Language-Dependent Header Data of an Object Type
WVOBJTYPE_SCOPE - Functional Usage Area of an Object Type
WVOBJTYPE_SCOPE_RT - Runtime Functional Usage Areas for Object Types
WVOBJTYPE_SCREEN - Other Display Fields for Object Type
WVOBJTYPE_SCREENDATA - Other Display Fields for Object Type

SAP Classification Toolset Tables BC-DWB-UTL-CLS

CLS_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of an attribute value to an object
CLS_ATTRIBUTET - Text table for attributes
CLS_ATTR_VALUE - Values of attributes
CLS_ATTR_VALUET - Values of attributes
CLS_ENQUEUE_STRU - Structure for classification enqueues
CLS_EXTENDED_OBJECT_DATA - Additional information
CLS_LINKED_OBJ - Assignment of an attribute value to a linked object
CLS_LINKED_OBJECT - Linked object
CLS_LINKED_OBJECT_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of a linked object
CLS_REPORT_DEF - definition of calssificationsreport
CLS_REPORT_DEFT - Text of the classificationsreport
CLS_RE_ATTRIBUTE - Attribute list of classificationsreport
CLS_RE_CONDITION - Condition of classificationsreport
CLS_RUN - Run directory
CLS_RUN_ASSGNMNT - Classifications of objects in a result list
CLS_RUN_COUNTERS - Result of condition checks
CLS_RUN_DISTR - Number of classifications that have a specific value
CLS_RUN_OBJECTS - Objects that passed the condition check
CLS_RUN_PARAMS - Run directory
CLS_RUN_VERSION - Version of a report run
CLS_SOURCE_TYPE - Source types
CLS_SOURCE_TYPET - Template descriptions
CLS_TRANSL_DEPTH - Translation depth
CLS_TRANSL_DEPTT - Translation Depth Texts
CLS_TRANSL_GRAPH - Translation Graph Mapping
CLS_TYGR_ELEMENT - Elements of object type groups
CLS_TYPE_GROUP - Object type groups
CLS_TYPE_GROUPT - Text table for object type groups
CLS_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT - Assigned value as string
TRANSL_GRAPH - Translation Graph Header Data

SAP Repository Infosystem Tables BC-DWB-UTL-INR

D030S - Transport structure for table (to R/2)
D100L - Transport structure for domain in R/2
D101T - Transport structure for domain texts (to R/2)
D101V - Transport structure for domain values in R/2
D102T - Dictionary: Keyword text (domain structure R/2)
D110L - Transport structure for table fields in R/2
D113T - Dictionary: Heading text (domain structure R/2)
DY20S - Screen Conversion R/2: Screen Header
DY21S - Screen Conversion R/2: Screen Field List
DY23S - Screen Transport Structure R/2: Matchcode Subkeys
METH_INFO - Structure of Methods Table
PROG_LINE - Line of Program Table
R2PRO - Transport structure for TRDIR (to R/2)
RGLIF - DW interface parameter
RIS_DATA_MODEL - Repository Information System: Data Model Registration
RIS_DM_COMPAT - Repository Information System: Compatibility Layer
RIS_DM_LISTS - Repository Information System: Structures for Object Types
RIS_DM_TYPES - Repository Information System: Registered Data Model Types
RIS_PROG_TADIR - RIS: Mapping Table Programs --> TADIR Objects
RIS_SEARCH_QUERY - Trace query of Ctrl-Shift-A
RIS_S_ACTION_PARAMETER - Repository Information: Action Parameters
RIS_S_ADT_CODE_SOURCE_LINE - Repository Information System: Source Code Line
RIS_S_ADT_CODE_SOURCE_RESULT - Repository Information System: Source Code
RIS_S_ADT_DATA_REQUEST - Repository Information System: ADT Data Request
RIS_S_ADT_GENERIC_RESULT - RIS: Generic Result Structure for ABAP in Eclipse
RIS_S_ADT_MD_TYPES_COMPLETE - RIS: Data Types incl. Description especially for ADT
RIS_S_ADT_REQUEST - Repository Information System: ADT Request
RIS_S_ADT_REQUEST_PAYLOAD - Repository Information System: ADT-Request - Payload
RIS_S_ADT_SEARCH_REQUEST - Repository Information System: Search Query from ADT
RIS_S_ADT_WHERE_USED_RESULT - Repository Information System: Where-Used Result
RIS_S_CODE_LINE_NUMBER - Repository Information System: Code Line and Column
RIS_S_CODE_SOURCE_LINE - Repository Information System: Source Code Line
RIS_S_CODE_SOURCE_RESULT - Repository Information System: Source Texts
RIS_S_DM_CL_EUOBJEDIT - RIS - Classic Data Model: EUOBJEDIT Information
RIS_S_DM_CL_OBJECT_CODE_RESULT - RIS/Classic Data Model: Code Lines for an Object
RIS_S_HANA_SEARCH_RESULT - HANA Code Search Result Structure for V_PROG_TADIR
RIS_S_MAIN_COMPONENT - Repository Information System: Main Component
RIS_S_MD_DATA_MODELS - Repository Information System: Data Models
RIS_S_MD_DDFIELD_INFO - Repository Information System: DDIC Field Information
RIS_S_MD_FIELD_TEXT - Repository Information System: Field Texts
RIS_S_MD_ID_TEXT - Repository Information System: Identification Texts
RIS_S_MD_MODEL_IMPLEMENTATION - Repository Information System: Data Model Implementation
RIS_S_MD_RELATIONSHIP - Repository Information System: Object Relationship
RIS_S_MD_SCREEN_ELEMENTS - Repository Information System: Screen Elements
RIS_S_MD_SCREEN_GROUPS - Repository Information System: Screen Element Groups
RIS_S_METADATA - Repository Information System: Metadata
RIS_S_OBJECT_TYPE_ID - Repository Information System: ID for an Object Type
RIS_S_PARAMETER - Parameters in Repository Information System
RIS_S_PARAMETER_ENVIRONMENT - RIS: Parameters for Environment Analysis
RIS_S_PARAMETER_SEARCH - Search Parameters in Repository Info System
RIS_S_PARAMETER_UI - Repository Information System: UI Parameters
RIS_S_PARAMETER_WHERE_USED - RIS: Parameters for Where-Used List
RIS_S_PARAMETER_WHERE_USED_S - RIS: Parameters for Where-Used List
RIS_S_RESULT_TABLE - Repository Information System: Results Table
RIS_S_SELECT_OPTION - Repository Information System: Selection Options
RIS_UI_MODEL - Repository Information System: User Interface Models
RPYBOAT - Properties attributes object type
RPYBOBS - Basic data object type
RPYBOEP - Properties event parameters object type
RPYBOEV - Properties event object type
RPYBOEX - Properties method exceptions object type
RPYBOFD - Formatted Documentation for API Repository
RPYBOGF - General fields BOR
RPYBOIF - Properties interfaces object type
RPYBOKE - Key fields for object type
RPYBOME - Properties methods object type
RPYBOMP - Properties method parameters object type
RPYBOOJ - Object type ID
RPYBOPA - Properties parameters object type
RPYBORL - Relationship between business object types
RPYBOSD - SAPscript documentation for Repository API
RPYBOVB - Properties verbs object type
RPYGSCO - Transfer structure for mass checkout
RPYGSER - Error structure of repository interface
RPYGSFD - Formatted documentation for Repository API
RPYGSGF - General fields for repository API (gen. services)
RPYGSSD - SAPscript documentation for Repository API
RPY_ALIAS - Data Modeler: Aliases for RPY Interfaces
RPY_AREA - Structure for an area ( earlier cluster )
RPY_ATTRIB - Data Modeler: Attributes for RPY Interfaces
RPY_DCCATT - Screen: Container attributes (ext. display) - differences
RPY_DCFATC - Screen: Single container field (ext. display) - differences
RPY_DCFLOW - Screen: Flow logic (ext. display) - differences
RPY_DCHEAD - Screen: Header attributes (ext. display) - differences
RPY_DDINFO - Conversion R/2: Include for Dictionary Tables
RPY_DDKEY - Conversion R/2: Include for Dict. Table Header Records
RPY_DDKEYP - Conversion R/2: Include for Dictionary Tables
RPY_DMODEL - Data model name with text
RPY_DOMA - Structure for domains
RPY_DTEL - Structure for data elements
RPY_DVAL - Structure for domain values
RPY_DYCATT - Screen: Container Attributes (External Representation)
RPY_DYFATT - Screen: Attributes of an indiv. field (external represent.)
RPY_DYHEAD - Dynpro: Header attributes (external representation)
RPY_ENTITY - Data Modeler: Entity Type for RPY Interfaces
RPY_ESTRUC - EDM assignment of entities to data models
RPY_ET_KEY - Structure of key information for entity documentation
RPY_EXP - Function Library: Export Parameters for R/2
RPY_FATTR - Special information about field of a table/structure/ ...
RPY_FDO - Function Library: Documentation Interface for R/2
RPY_FIEL - Structure for field of table/view/structure: Attributes
RPY_FIEL_U - Structure for field of table/view/structure: Attributes
RPY_FREF - Structure for fields: Domains/data element attributes
RPY_FRHD - Structure for foreign keys: Attributes
RPY_FRKF - Structure for foreign keys: Field assignment
RPY_FRSC - Structure for views: Lines of a selection condition
RPY_IMP - Import Parameters in R/2
RPY_MAIN - General information about a field of a table/viw/ ...
RPY_OBJTAB - DW interface structure for grouped objects
RPY_PROG - Structure for programs
RPY_RELAT - Data Modeler: Relationships for RPY Interfaces
RPY_REPO - INCLUDEs/reports with title
RPY_REST - Structure for fields: Remaining attributes
RPY_SPECI - Data Modeler: Specializations for RPY Interfaces
RPY_SPTYP - Data Modeler: Specialization Types for RPY Interfaces
RPY_TABL - Structure for SAP tables/structures
RPY_TBL - Function Library: Table Parameters for R/2
RPY_TBTECH - Structure for technical settings of a table
RPY_VARINT - EDM entity definition variants
RPY_VIEWAL - Data Modeler: Assigned Table View for RPY Interfaces
RPY_VIFD - Structure of view: Fields
RPY_VIFD_U - Structure of view: Fields
RPY_VIFR - Read only information about fields of a view
RPY_VIHD - Structure of a view: Attributes
RPY_VISC - Lines of a selection condition
RPY_VITB - Structure of a view: Basis tabs/foreign key relationships
RTEX - Transport Structure R/2 for Structure TEXTPOOL
SEL_WBTYPE - Selection of WB Objects
SEUERROR - Programs in the index compilation contain errors
TCL_INFO - Structure of Test Class Table
TESTCLASS_INFO - Info for Test Classes
TGLIF - Internal/external assignment for fields in global interface
WBACTINDEX - Update Programs for Navigation Index
WBBGRFCTMP - Log for Where Used Index Update in Backgound Tasks
WBCROSSGI - Help Structure for Inactive/Active Management Index Usage
WBCROSSGI2 - Help Structure for Inactive/Active Management Index Usage
WBCROSSGT - Index for Global Types - Where-Used List Workbench
WBCROSSGTI - Index Global Types for Inactive Objects Where-Used List
WBCROSSI - Index for Includes - Where-Used List Workbench
WBCROSSLOCK - Where-Used List Update Index: Structure for Locking
WBTESTCROSS - Cross Reference to Test Classes

SAP Web Screen Tools - ABAP Tables BC-DWB-WD-ABA

ENHWDYC - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Controller Structure
ENHWDYD - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Component Structure
ENHWDYN - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Structure of Overall Object
ENHWDYV - Web Dynpro: Extensibility View Structure
SEEF_ADJ_CONFL_WDY - Conflict Data for Web Dynpro Enhancements
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_COMPO - Conflicts of Controller Components (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_CONTRACT - Broken Contract (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_CTXT - Conflicts in Context (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_EXITPARA - Parameter Changes of Method Exits (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_LAYOUT - Conflicts in the Layout (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_METHEXIT - Conflicts of Method Exits (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_NAV - Conflicts in Navigation (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_PLUG - Conflicts of Plugs (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_SUBOBJ - Conflicts at Controller/View Level (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_USAGE - Conflicts at Component Level (for Visualization)
SEEF_ADJ_WDY_USAGE - Conflicts at Component Level (for Visualization)
WDYADT_VE_DEFS - Web Dynpro UI element data
WDYEUMOD - Web Dynpro Design Tools: User Settings in RSEUMOD
WDY_APPLATTR - Web Dynpro: Attributes for a Component
WDY_APPLICATION - Web Dynpro: Application
WDY_APPLICATIONT - Web Dynpro : Short Text of an Application
WDY_APPLMOD_NODE - Web Dynpro Application Modeler: Node Structure
WDY_APP_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro: Application Properties
WDY_APP_PROP_DFS - Web Dynpro: Application Property Definition
WDY_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_PROP - WD: Inpot/Output Formatting
WDY_COMP - Name of Web Dynpro Component and Reference
WDY_COMPONENT - Web Dynpro: Component
WDY_COMPONENTT - Web Dynpro : Short Text of a Component
WDY_COMPONENT_METADATA - Web Dynpro: Component Metadata
WDY_COMPO_USAGE - Web Dynpro : Component Usages
WDY_COMP_STATE - State of Web Dynpro Component in Editor
WDY_CONFIG_PROPS - Configuraton Properties of Component
WDY_CONTROLLER - Web Dynpro: Controller
WDY_CONTROLLERT - Web Dynpro : Short Text of a Controller
WDY_CONTROLLER_ENQUEUE - Web Dynpro Workbench Lock Object
WDY_CONTROLLER_EXTENDED_KEY - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller
WDY_CONTROLLER_KEY - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller
WDY_CTLR_COMPO - Web Dynpro: Methods/Events of a Controller
WDY_CTLR_COMPOT - Web Dynpro : Short Description Methods/Events
WDY_CTLR_COMPO_KEY - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller Component
WDY_CTLR_COMPO_SOURCE_VRS - Web Dynpro : Source Structure for Version Management
WDY_CTLR_COMPO_VRS - Web Dynpro: Controller Component for Version Management
WDY_CTLR_EXC - Web Dynpro: Custom Exceptions for Controller Methods
WDY_CTLR_EXCT - Web Dynpro: Texts for Custom Exceptions
WDY_CTLR_EXC_ENH - Web Dynpro: Enhancement, Controller Custom Exceptions
WDY_CTLR_PARAM - Web Dynpro: Parameter of a Controller
WDY_CTLR_PARAMT - Web Dynpro : Short Texts of Parameters
WDY_CTLR_PARAM_ENH - Web Dynpro: Enhancement, Controller Parameter
WDY_CTLR_PARAM_KEY - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Parameter
WDY_CTLR_TEXT - Web Dynpro : Text Repository for Controller
WDY_CTLR_USAGE - Web Dynpro : Controller Usages
WDY_CTX_ATTRIB - Web Dynpro: Context Attributes of Controllers
WDY_CTX_ATTR_ENH - Web Dynpro: Enhancement, Context Attributes
WDY_CTX_ATT_USE - Web Dynpro: Use of Context Attributes
WDY_CTX_CHANGED - Web Dynpro: Table to Make Context Changes Persistent
WDY_CTX_MAPPING - Web Dynpro: Context Mapping of Controllers
WDY_CTX_NODE - Web Dynpro: Context Nodes of Controllers
WDY_CTX_NODE - Web Dynpro: Context Nodes of Controllers
WDY_ENHWDYC - Web Dynpro: Enhancements of a Controller
WDY_ENHWDYD - Web Dynpro: Enhancement of a Component
WDY_ENHWDYV - WebDynpro: Enhancements of a View
WDY_ENH_DEFINITION - Web Dynpro: Enhancement Definition
WDY_ENH_LIST - Web Dynpro: Extensibility, Enhancement Status
WDY_ENH_NEW_CODE - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Structure for New Coding Areas
WDY_ENH_OBJ - Wen Dynpro: Enhancement Object
WDY_ENH_OBJECT_STATE - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Deleted UI Elements
WDY_ENH_SWITCH_STATE - Web Dynpro: Assignment Enhancement <-> Switch Status
WDY_ENH_UI_ELEMENT_STATE - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Deleted UI Elements
WDY_EXT_CTLR_USE - Web Dynpro: Controller Usages for External Context Mapping
WDY_EXT_CTX_MAP - Web Dynpro: External Context Mapping of Component Usage
WDY_FIELDGROUP - Web Dynpro: Field Groups of Controllers
WDY_IFD_REF - Web Dynpro: Name and Referenc of Component Interface Def.
WDY_INTF_IMPLEM - Web Dynpro : Component Interface Implementation
WDY_IOBOUND_PLGT - Web Dynpro : Short Description of Inbound/Outbound Plugs
WDY_IOBOUND_PLUG - Web Dynpro: Inbound/Outbound Plugs of Views
WDY_LIBRARY_USE - Web Dynpro : UI Library Usages
WDY_MD_ADT_VIEW_META_DATA - Web Dynpro: Meta Data of a View for ADT
WDY_MD_CHANGE_INFORMATION - Web Dynpro: Change Data of a Web Dynpro Object
WDY_MD_COMPONENT_KEY - Web Dynpro : Component Key Structure
WDY_MD_COMPONENT_META_DATA - Web Dynpro: Meta Data of a Component
WDY_MD_CONTROLLER_KEY - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller
WDY_MD_CONTROLLER_META_DATA - Web Dynpro: Meta Data of a View
WDY_MD_DYNPRO_REFERENCE - Web Dynpro : Reference of a Screen
WDY_MD_GENERATION_TIMESTAMP - Web Dynpro : Generation Time Stamp
WDY_MD_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION - Web Dynpro: Management Structure for Short Texts
WDY_MD_OBJECT_KEY - Web Dynpro : Object Key
WDY_MD_OTR_REFERENCE - Web Dynpro: Objekt Name, OTR GUID
WDY_MD_PARAMETER - Web Dynpro : Parameter
WDY_MD_REPOSITORY_TEXT - Web Dynpro : Entry in Text Repository
WDY_MD_VIEW_KEY - Web Dynpro : View Key
WDY_MD_VIEW_META_DATA - Web Dynpro: Meta Data of a View
WDY_MD_VIEW_META_DATA_VRS - Web Dynpro: Meta Data of a View
WDY_METHOD_ENHANCEMENT - Wb Dynpro: Extensibility, Enhancement of a Method
WDY_MODEL - Web Dynpro: Model
WDY_MODEL_CLASS - Web Dynpro: Model Class
WDY_MODEL_REL - Web Dynpro: Relations of a Model
WDY_MODEL_RELROL - Web Dynpro: Role of a Model Relation
WDY_NAV_LINK - Web Dynpro: Navigation Link
WDY_NAV_TARGREF - Web Dynpro: Navigation Targets
WDY_NAV_TARGREF - Web Dynpro: Navigation Targets
WDY_OBJECT - Web Dynpro Object: Name, Description, and Reference
WDY_OK_CODE_UI_LIB - Web Dynpro: OK Codes for Display of Hidden UI Libraries
WDY_PARAM_F4_INFO - Parameter for WD ABAP Application
WDY_PLUGS_STRUCT - Plug Structure in View for Graphical Window Editor
WDY_PLUG_PARAM - Web Dynpro : Plug Parameter
WDY_PLUG_PARAMT - Web Dynpro : Short Texts of the Plug Parameters
WDY_PLUG_PARAM_KEY - Web Dynpro : Key Structure of a Plug Parameter
WDY_PLUG_PARAM_KEY - Web Dynpro : Key Structure of a Plug Parameter
WDY_SUBSCRIBED_EVENT - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller Component
WDY_SUBSCRIBED_INBOUND_PLUG - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller Component
WDY_SUBSCRIBED_INBOUND_PLUG - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller Component
WDY_SUBSCRIBED_INBOUND_PLUG - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller Component
WDY_SUBSCRIBED_INBOUND_PLUG - Web Dynpro: Key Structure of a Controller Component
WDY_UI_CTX_BIND - Web Dynpro: Context Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_DDIC_BIND - Web Dynpro : Dictionary Binding of View Elements
WDY_UI_ELEMENT - Web Dynpro: UI Element
WDY_UI_ELEMENT_AND_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro: UI Element Name, Definition, Property
WDY_UI_ELEMENT_SIMPLE - Web Dynpro: Contains Element Name and Type of UI Element
WDY_UI_ELEMENT_SIMPLE - Web Dynpro: Contains Element Name and Type of UI Element
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF - Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF - Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF - Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF - Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF - Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF - Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND - Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro: UI Element
WDY_UI_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro: UI Element
WDY_UI_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro: UI Element
WDY_UI_PROP_TYPE - Contains an Assignment Property - Data Type of Property
WDY_UI_TEXT - Web Dynpro: UI Texts for Version Management
WDY_VAREA_DEF - Web Dynpro : View Area Definition
WDY_VC_CO_NODE - Web Dynpro: Context Editor: Maintenance Node/Attributes
WDY_VC_CO_PROPERTIES - Web Dynpro: Properties of Context Element
WDY_VC_CO_STATE - WebDynpro Context Editor: Status for Re-Entry
WDY_VC_CO_USED_CTXT_STATE - Web Dynpro: Context Editor, Used Context Status
WDY_VD_ADD_FUNCTIONS_LINE - Function Code and Text of Element Function to Be Displayed
WDY_VD_COLUMN - Web Dynpro View Designer: Create Table Column
WDY_VD_CONTEXT - Table of Context Entries in the Painting Area
WDY_VD_CTX_MENU_LINE - Function Code, Displayed Text from Context Menu
WDY_VD_CTX_NEW - Table of Context Entries in the Painting Area
WDY_VD_DESDEFT - Web Dynpro Tools: View Designer Control Tab.: Texts
WDY_VD_DESIGNDEF - WebDynpro ViewDesigner: Description of View Elements
WDY_VD_GUIDDELTA - Table for Delta HTML Pages
WDY_VD_HTML - Web Dynpro: Buffer for HTML Preview
WDY_VD_UI_ELEM - Dynpro Structure for View Designer
WDY_VIEW - Web Dynpro: View
WDY_VIEWSET_DEFINITION - Web Dynpro : View Set Definition
WDY_VIEWT - Web Dynpro : Short Description of a View
WDY_VIEW_CNTR - Web Dynpro: View Container
WDY_VIEW_CNTRT - Web Dynpro : Short Descriptions of View Containers
WDY_VIEW_ELEM_DEF - Library, Definition, Object Ref. of View Element Definition
WDY_VIEW_HELP_LINK_VRS - Web Dynpro: View Help Links for Version Management
WDY_VIEW_TEXT - Web Dynpro : Text Repository for Views
WDY_VIEW_VRS - Web Dynpro: View for Version Management
WDY_VSET_DEF - Web Dynpro : View Set Definition
WDY_VSH_NODE - Web Dynpro: Node in the View Set Hierarchy
WDY_VSH_PHOLDER - Web Dynpro: Placeholder in the View Set Hierarchy
WDY_VS_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro : View Set Property
WDY_VS_PROP_DEF - Web Dynpro : View Set Definition
WDY_WB_APPL_ATTR_DEF - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure for Attributes
WDY_WB_APPL_PROPERTIES - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure: Application Attributes
WDY_WB_BRPOINTS - Web Dynpro: Breakpoints
WDY_WB_COMP_SNODETEXT - Extension of Structure SNODETEXT for Web Dynpro Component
WDY_WB_CONTROLLER_REF - Web Dynpro: Reference to Controller
WDY_WB_CONTR_USAGE_PROPERTIES - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Struc. Properties of a View/Controller
WDY_WB_CTX_ATTRIB_FP_PARAM - Structure to Specify FP Parameters from Ctx Attributes
WDY_WB_CT_ELEMENT - WD: Structure to Display Tabular Context View
WDY_WB_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE - Web Dynpro: Custom Template Structure
WDY_WB_C_TEMPL - Web Dynpro: Table of All Custom Templates
WDY_WB_DEL_VECTOR - Web Dynpro: Select Dependent Component Objects for Deletion
WDY_WB_ENH_EVENT - Web Dynpro Extensibility: Structure for Events
WDY_WB_ENH_NAV - Web Dynpro: Extensibility Navigation Links
WDY_WB_ERROR - Error Message for Syntax/Consistency Check
WDY_WB_FREE_ENUM - Web Dynpro Property Box: Free Enumeration
WDY_WB_GENINFO - WebDynpro: Generation Information
WDY_WB_GENINF_VS - WebDynpro: Generation Information for Viewsets
WDY_WB_MSG - Web Dynpro: Structure for System Messages
WDY_WB_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro Tools Property Box: Property Description
WDY_WB_PROPERTY_BUTTON - Web Dynpro Property Box: Property Button
WDY_WB_PROPERTY_BUTTON_DESCR - Web Dynpro Property Box: Description Button. -Column
WDY_WB_SELECT_EVENT - Selection of UI Event for Parameter Transfer of Actions
WDY_WB_SOURCEMAP - WebDynpro: Mapping WebDynpro Source <-> Gen. ABAP Code
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_CTX_ATTRIBUTES - Web Dynpro : Context Attributes
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_CTX_BINDINGS - Web Dynpro : Custom Template Bindings
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_CTX_NODE - Web Dynpro : Context Node
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_DDIC_BINDINGS - Web Dynpro : Custom Template DDIC Bindings
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_EVENT_BINDINGS - Web Dynpro : Custom Template Event Bindings
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_INFO - Web Dynpro: Standard Custom Template Information
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_METHODS - Web Dynpro : Custom Template Methods
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_METH_PARAMS - Web Dynpro : Method Parameters of Custom Template
WDY_WB_TEMPLATE_UI_EL_PROPERTY - Web Dynpro : UI Element Properties
WDY_WB_VC_ACTION_MAP - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure for Assignment Action<->Method
WDY_WB_VC_ATTR_DEF - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure for Attributes
WDY_WB_VC_CONTROLLER_DEF - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure Controller
WDY_WB_VC_EVENT_DEF - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure for Event
WDY_WB_VC_EXCP - Web Dynpro: Method Exceptions
WDY_WB_VC_INPLUG_MAP - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Struc. for Assgmt Inbound Plug<->Method
WDY_WB_VC_METHOD - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure for Methods
WDY_WB_VC_METHOD_ID - Web Dynpro: Method Identification
WDY_WB_VC_METHOD_ID_ENH - Web Dynpro: Method Identification (also Pre/Post)
WDY_WB_VC_OUTPLUG_DEF - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure for Outbound Plug
WDY_WB_VC_PARAM - Web Dynpro: Method Parameter
WDY_WB_VC_PROC - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Structure for Copying Procedures
WDY_WB_VC_PROPERTIES - Web Dynpro: Dynpro Struc. Properties of a View/Controller
WDY_WB_VC_TABLE_CURSOR - Web Dynpro: Cursor Position for Table in VC Editor
WDY_WB_VD_ACCCHK - Web Dynpro: Tab for UI Element-Based Accessibility Checks
WDY_WB_VD_ADD_F - Contains Special Functions for UI Elements
WDY_WB_VD_CD - Web Dynpro: Chart Designer Customizing
WDY_WB_VD_CELL_ED_PROPS - Web Dynpro View Designer: Cell Editors and their Properties
WDY_WB_VD_CHECK - Contains UI Element Info and Error Info for View Checker
WDY_WB_VD_CHECK_STATE - Web Dynpro View Designer: Error Message of Consistency Check
WDY_WB_VD_CTX - Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function Code
WDY_WB_VD_CTXPRO - Web Dynpro Viewdesigner: Mapping UI Property -> Ctx Property
WDY_WB_VD_CTX_PROP_BIND - Context Property Binding
WDY_WB_VD_FAV - Contains User-Specific Favorites for VD Toolbar
WDY_WB_VD_IDE - Defines Relation Between UI Element Def. and IDE Class
WDY_WB_VD_IMPLIC - Web Dynpro Tools View Designer: Implications During Creation
WDY_WB_VD_TABLE_CTX_BIND - Web Dynpro View Designer: Context Binding to Table
WDY_WB_VD_TABLE_CTX_BIND_ALV - Web Dynpro View Designer: ALV Structure for Table Binding
WDY_WB_VD_TXT - Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function Code
WDY_WB_VD_UI_DEF - Dynpro Structure for View Designer
WDY_WB_VIEWSET - Dynpro Structure for View Set in Workbench
WDY_WB_VIEW_USAGE - Web Dynpro: Data of View Usage Within a Window
WDY_WB_VM_ACTION - Web Dynpro: Action for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_ATTRIBUTE - Web Dyhnpro: Controller Attribute in Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_COMPONENT - Web Dynhpro: Component Structure for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_CONTROLLER - Web Dyhnpro: View/Controller Structure for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_CTLR_USAGE - Web Dynpro: Controller Usage for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_CTX - Web Dynpro: Context for Version Compare
WDY_WB_VM_CTX_MAP - Web Dynpro: Context Mapping for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_EVENT - Web Dynpro: Events for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_EXT_CTX_MAP - Web Dynhpro: Ext. Context Mapping for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_NAV - Web Dynpro: Navigation Linds for Version Management
WDY_WB_VM_PLUG - Web Dynpro: Plugs for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_UI_ELEM - Web Dynpro: UI Elements for Version Display
WDY_WB_VM_VSH - Web Dynpro: Viewset Hierarchy for Version Compare
WDY_WB_WINDOW_PROPERTIES - Web Dynpro: Screen Structure Attributes of a View/Controller
WDY_WB_WINDOW_STATE - Web Dynpro Window Editor: State for Reentry
WDY_WB_WIZARD_CTXT_DESCR - Web Dynpro Wizard: Structure for Context
WDY_WB_WZ_MODEL - Model for Web Dynpro Controller Wizard
WDY_WINDOW - Web Dynpro: Window of a Component
WDY_WINDOWT - Web Dynpro : Short Description of a Window
WDY_WINDOW_KEY - Web Dynpro : Key Structure of a Window

SAP Web Service Tools - ABAP Tables BC-DWB-WS-ABA

ERCLASS_CODE_DESC_STR - Str to hold classification value(code) and desc
ERCLASS_LOCAL - UDDI local system Classifications, client dependent
ERCLASS_NONSAP - UDDI Classifications SAP, transportable, client independent
ERCLASS_SAP - UDDI Classifications SAP, transportable, client independent
ERCLASS_TIMES - UDDI Classification Times, not transported, client dependent
ERLIST_DESCRIPTION - Descriptive Structure for Service Definition Query Service
ERQUERY_CLASSIFICATIONS_GROUP - Structure for Query Service - Classification Groups Table
ERQUERY_CLASSIFICATIONS_S - Structure for Query Service
ERQUERY_TECHNICALSEARCH_ATTRS - Structure for Technical Search Attributes for Query Service
ERREGISTRY_DATA - UDDI Registry Data, not transported, client dependent
ERSERVICEDEFINITIONINFO - List of Service Definitions returned by Query Service
ERSERVICEDEFINITIONLIST - List of Service Definitions
ERS_LOCK - Structure for tracking lock/unlock of objects
ERS_RANGE_OPTION - Range Table for Service Definition Query
ERS_TIMESTAMPS - Table holding SD and Conf ublication Timestamps per Registry
ERTRANSREQ_FOR_SD - TransportRequest used by ServiceDefinitions
ESB_NAMESPACE_OBJECT_OUT - Names of Corresponding Objects in Namespace
ESB_NAMESPACE_OUT - Namespace and Software Component Version Names
ESB_SWCV_OUT - Software Component Version Name
ESB_S_NAMESPACE - Namespace SAP Structure
ESB_S_SWCV - SWCV Structure
ESDB_NSPACE_FILTER - Namespace Filter Structure for ESD Browser
ESDB_PACKAGES_FILTER - Packages Filter Structure for ESD Browser
ESDB_SCWV_FILTER - SCWV Filter Structure for ESD Browser
ESD_ADD_DATA_REG - obsolete, - not used any more but already delivered
ESD_ALLOWED_PROP_VALS - Avaliable Values per Property
ESD_ALV_RESTORE_INFO - Restore information for ALV-Grids
ESD_ANSWER_S - ESD: Structure for Answer object (user interaction)
ESD_AVAILABLE_DATA_S - ESD: Available Data for ESD Objects Editor
ESD_BO - ESD: Business Objekt Daten
ESD_CLASSIFICATION_DATA_S - Structure for additional classification data (e.g. Registry)
ESD_CONFIG_DATA - Complete Configuration
ESD_CONFIG_PROFILE_DATA - Internal Data Structure for complete config profile data
ESD_CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUES - Available Values for properties
ESD_CONFIG_PROP_VALS_UI - Config-Properties, their values and the curr. selected value
ESD_CONSUMER_GROUPS_DATA_S - Structure for additional classification data (e.g. Registry)
ESD_CONSUMER_GROUPS_S - Structure for consumer groups detail data
ESD_CONTEXT_MENU_S - ESD: Context Menu data
ESD_DT_ENH - Datentyp Erweiterungen
ESD_DYN_FIELD_ATTR_S - Holds dynpro attribute information and dynpro field names
ESD_ENDPOINT - ESD: Endpunkt eines WebService
ESD_ESR - ESD: ESI Rep Infos
ESD_EXTVIEW_DATA - ESD: Structure for External View Data
ESD_FEATURE_DATA - Data for Features
ESD_FEATURE_PROPS - ESD: Properties of a Feature
ESD_FEAT_PROPS_NAMES - ESD: Properties of a Feature
ESD_FEAT_PROP_DATA - Data of a Property of a Feature
ESD_GENERAL_DATA - ESD: Standard informations for object
ESD_ID - ID Struktur f�r ESD Objekte
ESD_IMPL_CLASS - ESD: Implementing Class
ESD_INTVIEW_DATA - ESD Structure for External View Data
ESD_LISTBOX_OBJECT_S - ESD: Structure for listbox object
ESD_LISTBOX_VALUE_S - ESD: Value for Listbox
ESD_MESSAGE_S - ESD: Structure for messages
ESD_NAME_VALUE_S - ESD: Generic name/value structure
ESD_NODEKEY_PATH - node key and path
ESD_OBJECT_DATA - Data Structure for Web Service Objects with Simple Structure
ESD_OBJ_LIST_S - ESD: Object List
ESD_PROBLEM_S - ESD: Problem for Object
ESD_PROPERTIES_DATA - ESD: Structure for Properties Data
ESD_PROP_ALLOWED_VALS - Allowed Values of Properties of Features for ESD
ESD_PROP_VALS - Allowed Values of a Property
ESD_PROP_VALS_PROFILES - Allowed Profile Values
ESD_PRX_S_NAMESPACE_PACKAGE - Proxy generation : Package/Prefix for namespaces
ESD_QUESTION_S - ESD: Structure for question object (user interaction)
ESD_R3STATE - ESD: R3State of an object with screen text
ESD_SI - ESD: Structure for Service Interface Data
ESD_SR_QUERY_S - Structure for results from SR Query
ESD_STRUC_DATA - ESD: Structural Data for ESD Objects
ESD_TREE_CELL_S - ESD: Cell of a tree node
ESD_TREE_COLUMN_HEADER_S - ESD: Information of a single tree header
ESD_TREE_NODE_S - ESD: Tree Node Infos
ESD_TYPES_DATA - ESD: Structure for Types Data
ESD_TYPES_WHERE_USED_S - ESD: Where Used List for Types
ESD_UI_CLASSIF_S - UI Structure for classifications
ESD_UI_CLASS_S - UI Structure for classifications
ESD_UI_HEADER_S - ESD: Header data for Unified Editor screen
ESD_VALUE_S - ESD: Generic value structure
ESD_VALUE_STRUC - Generic Value Structure for ESD Data
ESD_VARIANT_DATA - ESD: Structure for variant data
ESD_VARIANT_DETAILS - Detail Data for ESD Variants (Configs, SOAPAppl, Features)
ESD_VARIANT_FEATURES - Features of an ESD Variant
ESD_VARIANT_ID - Structure for ESD Variant Identification
ESD_VARIANT_PATTERN - Variant Pattern Structure
ESD_VARIANT_PROFILE - ESD: Profiles of a Variant
ESD_VARIANT_PROFILES_ALL_S - Structure to hold all Selected Profiles of Variant
ESD_VARIANT_PROP_S - Property of a Feature for ESD
ESD_WARNING_S - ESD: Warning for Object
ESD_WHERE_USED_S - ESD: Where Used List for Objects
ESD_WSDL_DATA_S - Structure for WSDL data
FEATURES_PROFILE_URI - Features and Profile URI structure
LIST_3I - Repository Info System: List Structure f.Virtual Interfaces
LIST_3S - Repository Info System: List Structure for Web Services
SCGCLASSIFICATON - OLD: Consumer group classifications
SCGDETAIL - Consumer Groups - Detail
SCGHEADER - ServiceGroups - Header
SCGR_CLASS - Consumer group classifications
SCG_CODE_TEMPL - Method Source Templates for Service Group Class Generation
SDSTATUS_KEYS - Structure holding Service Def Names and Status Info
SEL_SRV_DEF_BY_EXT_NAME - Selection of Service Definitions Acc. to External Name
SEL_SRV_DEF_BY_INT_NAME - Selection of Service Definitions Acc. to Internal Name
SERVICE_OBJECT - Service Object of a package
SESD_CR_CLASSIFICATION - Classifiation with Name/Namespace/Description
SESD_CR_CLASSIFICATION_KEY - Classifiation technical keys
SESD_CR_CODE - Classifiction Code
SESD_CR_SUB_OBJECT - Classification Subobject
SESD_CR_TMODEL - Classification TModel
SESI_WIZARD - Datatypes for Wizard
SEWS_REF_STRUCT - Reference Case
SEWS_REF_TYPES - Reference Case
SEWS_S_MERGE_FIELDREF - Merge fieldreferences
SEWS_S_MERGE_FIELDREF_BUFFER - Merge fieldreference: Buffer
SEWS_S_PARAMS_TO_CHECK - Merge: Parameters that have to be checked
SEWS_S_TYPES_IN_PARAM - Types used by Parameter/Function
SLOGICALDEST - Logical destinations
SMIFHDR - Matching Interfaces: Header
SMIFS - Matching Interfaces: Entries
SMIFS_LOOKUP - Matching Interfaces: Entries longer than 255 char
SMIF_R_HASHKEY - Range for hash key
SMIF_S_ALV_COORD - Matching Interfaces: Error Coordinates
SMIF_S_ALV_ERROR - Matching Interfaces: Error Description
SMIF_S_ALV_UI - Matching Interfaces: SMIFs
SMIF_S_ALV_UI_CELL - Matching Interfaces: SMIFs
SMIF_S_CG - Matching Interfaces: CGs
SMIF_S_CORR_INSERT - Matching Interfaces: Delegate Data to RS_CORR_INSERT
SMIF_S_F4 - Matching Interfaces: Header
SMIF_S_HDR - Matching Interfaces: Header
SMIF_S_HDR_API - Matching Interfaces: Header API
SMIF_S_HDR_UI - Matching Interfaces: Header
SMIF_S_MESSAGE - Matching Interfaces: Message
SMIF_S_QNAME_INBOUND - Matching Interfaces: Qname Inbound
SMIF_S_QNAME_INBOUND_255 - Matching Interfaces: Qname Outbound
SMIF_S_QNAME_INBOUND_EXT - Matching Interfaces: Qname Inbound - extended
SMIF_S_QNAME_OUTBOUND - Matching Interfaces: Qname Outbound
SMIF_S_QNAME_OUTBOUND_255 - Matching Interfaces: Qname Outbound
SMIF_S_QNAME_OUTBOUND_EXT - Matching Interfaces: Qname Outbound - extended
SMIF_S_SMIFS - Matching Interfaces: SMIFs
SMIF_S_SMIFS_API - Matching Interfaces: SMIFs API
SMIF_S_SMIFS_LOOKUP - Matching Interfaces: SMIFs Lookup
SMIF_S_SMIFS_UI - Matching Interfaces: SMIFs
SMIF_S_VERS_R - Matching Interfaces: SMIF, Version and Reference
SPROXCLASS - UDDI Classifications SAP, transportable, client independent
SRG_NAME - SOAP Generator: Names (ABAP & XML Combination)
SRG_STRUCT_ELEMENT - SOAP Generator: Structure Elements
SRG_TYPE_DEF - SOAP Generator: Type Description
SRVDEF_PROFILES - Profile Handover Structure
SRVINTF_SRVDEFS_VARIANTS - Service Interface and relation to Service Defs and Variants
SRV_DEF_AND_VARIANTS - Service Definition and Related Variants
SRV_DEF_NAME_INT_EXT - External and Internal Name of a Service Definition
SRV_DEF_WITH_CLASS - Structure for Service Definitions with their classifications
SSTR_CG_CLASSIFICATION_OBJ - Consumer group classifications
SSTR_CG_DETAIL_OBJ - Consumer group -detail
SSTR_CG_HEADER - Consumer information : Header information
SSTR_CG_HEADER_OBJ - ServiceGroups : Header information
SSTR_CG_METHOD_NAME - ServiceGroup: Method names for Consumer Proxies
SSTR_CG_RANGE_OPTION - Range Table for Service Definition Query
SSTR_CG_REGISTRY_DATA - Consumer Groups Registry Data
SSTR_CG_TARGET - Structure used for storing target info of ServiceGroup
SSTR_CG_UI_PROPERTIES - ESD: Structure for Proxy Properties Data
SSTR_COPRX_CLASSIFICATIONS - Consumer Proxy classifications of Consumer Group
SSTR_COPRX_INFO - Structure for general Proxy Information
SSTR_ENH_OBJ_INFO - Structure for Enhancement Proxy Information
SSTR_ESD_CG_OBJECT - Full object of consumer group
SSTR_GEN_OBJ_INFO - Structure for general Proxy Information
SSTR_LD_MAINTAIN - Maintain logical destination
STR_CG_RANGE_OPTION - Range Table for Service Definition Query
STR_CLASSIFICATION_VALUES - Classification name and its value's
STR_ERCLASS_NONSAP - UDDI Classifications SAP/Transportable/Client independent
STR_ERCLASS_SAP - Str for UDDI classifications SAP/Tportable/Client independen
STR_SR_ALV - ALV fields holding Service Registry values in the wizard
STR_UDDI_SR_ALV - UDDI/Service REgistry ALV table
TAJ_DT_STRUC - Proxy Structure (generated)
VEPADMINFLAG - Table for Administrative Services
VEPATTR - Attribute of a Virtual Interface
VEPCROSSREF - Table for where-used list
VEPELEMTYPE - Virtual Interface: Elementary Data Type
VEPELETYPSOAP - Virtual Interface: Elementary Type of SOAP Extension
VEPENDPOINT - Virtual Interface Endpoint
VEPERRMSG - Collecting Messages in the SAP System
VEPFAULT - Virtual Interface: Exception of Function
VEPFIELDREF - WS Virtual Interface: Field References, Default Values
VEPFUNCSOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated Functions of SOAP Extension
VEPFUNCST - Simple Transformation of VI _function
VEPFUNCTION - Virtual Interface: Associated Functions
VEPFUNINTF - Virtual End Point: Function Description of an Interface
VEPGENCLASS - Virtual Interface: Generated Class
VEPHEADER - Virtual End Point Definition: Administrative Data
VEPNAME_INT_EXT - Virtual Interface Name, Internally and Externally
VEPPARAMETER - WS Virtual Interface: Parameter(s) of a Function
VEPPARAMETERDEFAULTS - Values for Transformation Parameter
VEPPARAMIDDEFS - WS Virtual Interface: Fixed Values
VEPPARAMIDS - Parameter ID of VI (Generated)
VEPPARAMIDSTRUC - Structure for Parameter ID
VEPPARASOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated Parameter SOAP Extension
VEPPLUGINOBJS - Virtual Interface Plug-In Objects
VEPPLUGINOBJST - Virtual Interface Plug-In Texts
VEPSTRUTYPE - Virtual Interface: Structure Type
VEPTABLETYPE - Virtual Interface: Table Type
VEPTABTYPSOAP - Virtual Interface: Table Type SOAP Extension
VEPTYPE - Virtual Interface: Associated Type
VEPTYPESOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated Type of SOAP Extension
VEPTYPEST - Simple Transformation of VI Type
VEPTYPE_F4 - Structure for F4 Help for Types
VEPVISOAPEXT - Virtual Interface: Associated VI SOAP Extension
VEP_FEAT_PROP_S - Structure for complete Feature / Property info
VEP_PRO_SOAP_PROP - Structure for Profile / Soap Appl / Feature / Properties
VEP_TEXTS_S - Structure for ServiceDefinition Texts
VEP_UDDI_CLASSIFICATION - Create/change/read Taxonomies of a Service Interface
VIDYNPFIELDS - Screen Fields for Virtual Interface
VIFBAPIDATA - Data for Virtual Interface for BAPIs
VIFCROSSREFSTRUC - Structure for Internal Table for Where-Used List
VIFF4HELP - Structure for F4 Help for Virtual Interfaces
VIFFAULTUI - VI: Exceptions of Function with Texts Helper Table
VIFFIELDRT - Field of Structure for Generating WSDL /WS Runtime
VIFFIELDVALUESHELPSTRUC - Help Structure for Retaining Default Values
VIFFUNCTIONSUI - Virtual Interface: Functions of VI Help Table for UI
VIFFUNCUTILSTRUC - Structure of Function Table of Function Set
VIFIELD - Field of Structure for Generating WSDL /WS Runtime
VIFPARAMDYNP - Virtual Interface Screen Structure Parameter Tree
VIFPARAMETERUI - VIF Parameter UI Auxiliary Structure
VIFPARAMSSORTED - Sorted Table of Parameters
VIFPARAMUI - Virtual Interface: Parameter of Function
VIFPARAMUITREE - Virtual Interface Structure Parameter Tree in UI
VIFTYPESUITREE - Virtual Interface Structure Type Tree in UI
VIFTYPEUI - VIF Type Auxiliary Structure
VIF_CV_ELEMTYPE - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Elementary Type
VIF_CV_FAULT - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Default Type
VIF_CV_FIELDREF - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Field Ref. Type
VIF_CV_FIELDREF1 - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Field Ref. Type
VIF_CV_FIELDREF2 - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Field Ref. Type
VIF_CV_FUNCTION - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Function Type
VIF_CV_HEADER - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Header Type
VIF_CV_PARAMETER - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Parameter Type
VIF_CV_STRUCTYPE - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Structure Type
VIF_CV_TABLETYPE - Version Comparison for Virtual Interface, Elementary Type
VIF_RUNTIME_ADAPTER_STRUCTURE - Structure for Adapters at Runtime
VIF_S_TYPES_NAMES - Type References and Type Names
VIF_TYPE_SUBSCREEN_FILLING - Filling Subscreens of Type Tab
VIMETH - Methods of BAPI
VIMETHLINE - Row for Methods
VITYPEFIELD - Structure for Internal Table
WSAKH - Component Hierarchy
WSALVUDDI - Structure for ALV Grid UDDI Registry
WSATTR - Attributes of a Web Service
WSCHANGE - Change Data for Web Service Objects
WSCHANGE_EXT - Enhanced Change Data for Web Service Objects
WSCONFIGURATIONID - Web Service Configuration ID
WSCURSOR - Web Services Tools: Cursor Position
WSDL_DATA - Web Service / Proxy Object: Source of WSDL Source
WSDL_SOURCE_DATA - Web Service/XI Proxy: Data for Source of WSDL Description
WSDNAME_INT - Internal Name of a Web Service Definition
WSDNAME_INT_EXT - Web Service Definition Name, Internally and Externally
WSDSHORTTEXT - Short Text Structure
WSDT_FEATURE_PROPERTY - A feature with its corresponding properties and values
WSDYNPFIEL - Screen Fields of Web Service
WSD_S_CONFIG - Structure: Configurations
WSFEATURE - Feature of SOAP Application for UI
WSFLAGS - State of Tool for Web Services
WSHEADER - Web Services Definition Administrative Data
WSHEADER_DARK - Dark table of WSHEADER (only for transport reasons)
WSPROPERTY - Properties for Feature in SOAP Application
WSPROPERTYVALUE - Web Service: Values for Property
WSRFCFUNC - Remote function module short text
WSR_CV_HEADER - Version Comparison for Web Service, Header Type
WSR_CV_SOAPFEAT - Version Comparison for Web Service, SOAP Feature Type
WSR_CV_VIFREF - Version Comparison for Web Service, WSVIFREF Type
WSSOAPFEATURE - Feature of SOAP Application for ALV List on UI
WSSOAPPROP - Web Services: Soap Application Properties for Features
WSSOAPPROP_DARK - Transport Table as Replacement fo WSSOAPPROP (Only Transp.)
WSS_S_SOAP_FUNC - Operation-Specific Properties: UI
WSTAXONOMY_OBJECT - Object Type and Name of a Service Object
WSTAXONOMY_SEARCH - Search structure for taxonomies
WSTREENODES - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_NODE + TEXT Field of Length 30
WSUDDI_KEY - UDDI Registry and Publication Key
WSUI_TREE_S - Tree Structure: Consistent Deletion, Renaming, ...
WSURLREF - Cross References: Web Services
WSVIFERRSTRU - Web Service / VIF Error Structure
WSVIFREFUI - Web Services: Reference to VI with Soap Application
WSVIFTYPECHECK - Auxiliary Structure for Type Check